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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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from Breandan. Both mergedinto crushing waves of energy strong enough to obliterate anythingin its path.

My head snapped forward and Icollapsed into Breandan arms, which trembled. I could not focus onanything but him. Not on what was happening, nor the terrifyingmagics exploding around us. My fingers dug into him, I was notletting go. Breandan ignored the chaos and tugged me closer. Mybody jolted, pushed against his hands needing more. I gasped intohis mouth as the light continued to flow from us in a devastatingburgeon of heat.

My heart vibrated in my chest, thesensation rumbling across my ribs and lower back. Frenzied, bloodrushed in my veins, and the love pouring from him to me wasrapturous. I strained to be closer, exhilarated by the need to fuseto him, wanting to mount him. It was odd, and creepy, but gods, Ijust wanted to crawl into his skin.

His hands swept over my back, claspingmy waist, and pulling me closer so our hips locked. He made me feeltiny, fragile, and precious. His fingers splayed across my skintracing patterns. He traced my scars. Shame and self-loathing was apowerful thing. So powerful, it managed to separate me from thething I wanted most.

I jerked away and stumbled back, tearsstinging my eyes.

The light dimmed though the ground didnot stop trembling.

Furious at myself, at my ugly scars, Iglared at him and narrowed my eyes to slits. Breandan stood andstumbled with me, his hands still running down my sides. How couldhe still want me when I looked like this? The building at the edgeof the courtyard halted my escape, and I covered my face with myhands, pressed my eyes closed to try and block out hislight.

“Don’t touch me,” Imumbled. My voice shook and tears threatened to fall, “Don’t lookat me.”

“Rae-love, you arebeautiful.” His voice was raspy as he struggled tofocus.

My hands fell from my face in shock.How was it possible for him to lie without falling downdead?

His confusion at the look of horror onmy face was clear. His glassy eyes dimmed as he fought for control,his dilated pupils contracted. All this evidence of his completeloss of control only served to enrage me more. He was lost insensation, and I was too self-conscious to stay in that place withhim.

I punched his chest. “No, I’m not.” Ipunched him again, the contact somehow soothing and irritating atthe same time. He grunted. “I was before, I was beautiful before,but now I’m … I’m–”

I slapped him across theface. Four claw marks from cheek to chin had him hissing sharply.He stood still, not flinching under my blow, but his eyes blazedlike shards of glinting crystal as the slashes healed leavingsmooth skin. My eyes filled with tears. I was not vain, nor did Icare before what I looked like, but I had never beenugly. Now my skin wascovered in scars I could not bear knowing he loved what I once andnever would be again.

“How could you let them dothis to me?”

He flinched this time.

His head moved slowly back and forthas if he was saying no to a question I had not asked. “You willaccept this. Accept us.”

I stumbled over debris at my feet,lost my balance on the unsteady ground, and smacked the back of myhead against something. The urge to hold Breandan was so fierce Ihad to fight to stay focused on moving my mouth to speak. “Goaway.”

“I belong to you.”Breandan’s jaw clenched as he too fought the urge to touch me.“Where you go I follow. I will always follow you.”

“Don’t,” I spat. “I wantyou to le–” I choked on my words.

“You want me.” Back againstthe wall, I had nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. His handsslammed into the brick on either side of me. He ducked his headdown, expression torn. His fingers dug into the dull red brick andgouged out deep grooves. “Accept us, Rae. Oh, enough of this. Justaccept me.”

“Do you not see me?” Iwhispered.

His eyes looked me over carefully. Histhumb brushed over a mottled slash that ran from the middle of mycheek right down to my collarbone. He took me in all of me and Ifelt disgusting. I hung my head and failed to muffle asob.

His nature beat upon my own like adrum, loud, bold, and relentless.

“You truly wish to knowwhat I see,” he paused and I waited for the words that would crushme. “I see nothing … but the one I would die for. The one I woulddestroy the world for,” he murmured. “I see nothing but myRae.”

He wanted me, unconditionally, andwithout the slightest of hesitations.

My heart beat against my ribcage inbold and singular blows that made my chest ache. My eyes closed,but it only heightened my perception of him. He was a mere jerk ofmy body away. He wanted to hold me, and his body screamed for thecontact as loud as mine. My hands rubbed my thighs, drifted up tobrush past my hips. The feeling grew, rolled around until Ifidgeted in my own skin.

All I had to say was…“Okay.”

He became completely still. Then witha savage snarl of triumph Breandan’s mouth crashed down onmine.

My need for him escalated into frenzyand I wound my fingers in his hair, sighed in pleasure as thepressure shifted. It was no longer pressing down on me from everyangle, but had surged inside to writhe under my skin. Now I had toappease the bond my joining with my mate.

I unfurled, a wildflower opening tothe sunlight. His sunlight. My thoughts broke apart, scattered likewhispers on the wind before they zapped together and pushed mehigher, sending me unbidden thoughts of how we would look, bodiesentwined, and hands greedily sliding over bared skin. Through ourbond we connected so the slide of flesh on flesh and gasp of breathacross wet lips was intensified by feeding off each other’sreaction to each stroke, each mindless caress.

His lean body shimmered under myhands, hard flesh pearlescent. He traced his strong hands over mycurves as if I were delicate, then simply took hold of my wrists,pinned them to my side, and held me as I strained forward, offeringeverything.

My thunderous heartbeat raced fasterwith every touch and caress. Each breathless moan had

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