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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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shifted. That small shift of his hips madeeverything urgent.

“Do it,” I gasped. “I’myours.” I leaned forward to bite his bottom lip.

He thrust forward again then roared,pushing forward and sending my body shunting back. Grazing my cheekon the wall behind me, I shattered, and my shout wassoundless.

The pressure exploded from under myskin, leaving my body blissfully weightless and tingly.

Though my eyes were wide, Isaw nothing but a brilliant radiance. A colorful rainbow tintedwith electric blue and purple, a violent explosion of glitter andsparkles, a rainbow cloud of power that sucked up the air to pushit out in a mighty breath. I gasped. Coming back to myself, enoughair in my lungs to carry the sound, I screamed, the crystallinesound infused with passion. Light. Heat. Colour.Sound.The crushing melody of snapping metal andcrumbling stone was heard under the roar of his heart racing mine.Shaking, my entire body shook. Everything heaved and churned. Theground shook in a tumult, the building quaked, the wall behind medisappeared. A sudden jolt vibrated so forcefully my teethchattered. Light exploded in front of my eyes. I swear the earthmoved and groaned beneath us and everything shuddered.

The world fell apart around us and Idid not care. I was warm in his arms – safe in his arms. We weretogether, our bodies at peace and entwined together.

I buried my head into Breandan’sshoulder and rubbed my cheek against the curve as his wings closedaround me.

The light cut out and it was utterlydark.

Chapter Seven

At first neither of us moved, chestsheaving. The relief in such a reunion was too extraordinary tobear.

Face rapturous, Breandan clasped myneck and pulled my head forward to press his forehead to my own. Myhands rested on his chest, balled up into fists at the dishonor.How easily I had been prepared to give this up in thecage.

“Everything you are belongsto me,” he rasped, enveloping me in his arms to crush me to him.“You’re mine.”

His wings flexed behind him, and heglanced over his shoulder, eyeing them thoughtfully. His tailtwisted around then flicked side to side purposefully. “Oh,” hesaid and made an amused humming noise low in his throat.

I briefly remembered how I had reactedwhen I got my wings and tail. I’d screamed, and it had taken asharp slap to calm me down. My fairy simply said, ‘oh’.

He set me down on my feet, keeping atight grip on my waist. His gaze was soft, caressing, and hadreturned to luminous silver. I gazed up at him, breathless anddazed.

Then my eyes wandered away from hisface and I balked, my stomach plummeting.

The human Temple would now foreveronly be a memory. Devastation. The wall behind me was gone.Sanctuary was gone. The courtyard was … gone … nothing but piles ofrubble, some chunks no bigger than my fist.

My mouth swung open as I peeredthrough the settling dust to take in the ruin laid to waste aroundus. Is this what our love – our bond – had to offer the world, thecomplete annihilation of everything that dared to stand in itspath?

As the haze cleared my actions beforeour tryst returned to me. Suddenly, I cared again. With a sickeningflash of clarity I saw myself, wild eyed, and crazed hurling mymagic at Ana as she wavered on her knees, trying to protect peopleso they could flee from us.

So, this was it? I was reduced tonothing more than a battering ram of need and until I got my fixfrom the bond. How the hell were we supposed to control somethinglike this? What would have happened if Ana, Conall, or anyone hadnot managed to flee in time?

Oh gods. Such a bond should not bepossible, and wielded by one such as I.

“We are to destroyeverything,” I whispered.

Breandan breathed in deeply and seemedalmost concerned as he looked out on what remained of the Temple.“This is not discreet,” he muttered. “We will deal with theconsequences, together.”

His grip on my waist tightened and Iwinced. Lochlann would be … mad. Breandan made a sound offrustration and knelt down to untwist my trousers and help me backinto them. I rested my hands on his shoulders to steadymyself.

I lifted my head, and the small smileteasing the corners of my mouth at the idea of us, together,dropped.

Tomas stood on the edge of thecourtyard staring at us. His hands were loose at his sides and hadI not been able to see his face, frozen in an expression of wrath,I would have thought him relaxed. His eyes were black, brows drawntogether, and lips pulled back to show his fangs. Blood ran downhis chin and his clothes were ripped where he had been fighting. Hehad lost the gaunt, starved look, and his cheeks were plump ratherthan caved in. He had fed well and looked better for it.

“He just arrived,” Breandanmurmured as he tugged my trousers over my hips. He pulled me in andkissed my brow. “He saw nothing.”

“But enough to cause himpain,” I replied quietly.

Stepping around Breandan I took a steptoward Tomas, but his look of anger turned to one of anguish and heshook his head. He briskly walked off until he turned and washidden behind a collapsed outer building.

He was still close, I could feel thedarkness comforting him, but his message to me was clear, so Irespected his wishes, and I did not run after him.

I entwined my fingers with my fairyand leaned my head on his shoulder, enjoying the feel of him. I didnot feel guilty about Tomas, or sorry, but sad it had come to this,and wretched that he had to see Breandan and me that way so soonafter I had set him straight on the way I felt. I had told himexactly what Breandan meant to me and my consciousness was clean. Icared for Tomas deeply, but not enough to ever consider turning myback on Breandan. Not again. Never in this lifetime would I put himthrough that uncertainty again.

From the rubble and smoke came moredemons I knew and I exhaled so sharply my entire bodyslumped.

Oh gods, thank you.

It was

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