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héréditaire des Enfants (Art. 913 du code civil). Étude historique, philosophique et économique. Gand, Paris, 1894. xvii, 231 pp. 8vo.

216. DONALDSON, H. H.: Education of the Nervous System. Educ. Rev. (New York). Vol. IX. (1895), pp. 105-121.

217. DORSET, J. O.: Games of the Teton-Dakota Children. Amer. Anthr. Vol. IV. (1891), pp. 329-345.

218. DRAGOMANO, M.: Slavonic FolkTales about the Sacrifice of One’s Own Children. (Transl. O. Wardrop). Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XXI. (1892), pp. 456-469.

219. DREYLING, G.: Die Ausdrucksweise der übertriebenen Verkleinerung im altfränzösichen Karlepos. Marburg, 1888.

220. DÜRINGSFELD, J. V., und O. V. REINSBERG-DÜRINGSFELD: Sprichwörter sammlung. 6 Bde. (Das Sprichwort als Kosmopolit. 3 Bde. Intern. Titulaturen. 2 Bde. Das Kind im Sprichwort). Leipzig, 1863-1864. 8vo.

221. EARLE, ALICE M.: Customs and Fashions in Old New England. [Chapter I., pp. 1-35, Child-Life.] New York, 1893. iii, 387 pp. 8vo.

222. EASTMAN, C. A.: Recollections of Wild-Life. III. Games and Sports. St. Nicholas (New York). Vol. XXI. (1893-4), pp. 306-308.

223. EELLS, M.: Twins among Indians of Puget Sound. Science (New York). Vol. XX. (1892), p. 192.

224. ELIOT, S.: Poetry for Children. Boston, [1879]. xii, 327 pp. Sm. 8vo.

225. ENFANT (L’) chez les sauvages et chezles civilisés. Revue Britannique, Nov., 1880.

226. FEWKES, J. W.: Dolls of the Tusayan Indians (Repr. fr. Intern. Arch. f. Ethnogr., VII. Bd., 1894, pp. 45-73). Leiden, 1894. 30 pp. 4to. Five coloured plates.

226 a. FIELD, EUGENE: Love Songs of Childhood. Chicago, 1895.

227. FLETCHER, ALICE C.: Glimpses of Child-Life among the Omaha Indians. Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. I. (1888), pp. 115-123.

228. FLOWER, B. O.: Lust Fostered by Legislation. Arena (Boston). Vol. XI. (1895), pp. 167-175.

229. FLOWER, W. H.: Fashion in Deformity. London, 1881. 85 pp. 8vo.

230. FORD, R.: Ballads of Bairnhood. Selected and edited with notes by Robert Ford. Paisley, 1894. xix, 348 pp. 8vo.

231. FOSTER, MARY J. C.: The Kindergarten of the Church. New York, 1894. 227 pp. 8vo.

232. FRACASETTI, L.: I giovani nella vita pubblica. Conferenza. Udine,



233. FROEBEL, F.: Mother’s Songs, Games, and Stories. Froebel. Mutterund Kose-Lieder rendered in English by Frances and Emily Lord. New and revised edition. London, 1890. xxxvi, 212 + 75 (music) pp. 8vo.

234. FURNIVALL, F. J.: Child-Marriages, Divorces, Ratifications, etc. In the Diocese of Chester, A.D. 1561-6. Depositions in Trials in the Bishop’s Court, Chester, concerning: 1. Child-Marriages, Divorces, and Ratifications. 2. Trothplights. 3. Adulteries. 4. Affiliations. 5. Libels. 6. Wills. 7. Miscellaneous Matters. 8. Clandestine Marriages. Also Entries from the Mayors’ Books, Chester, A.D. 1558-1600. Edited from the MS. written in court while the witnesses made their depositions, and from the Mayors’ Books. London, 1897 [1894]. lxxxviii, 256 pp. 8vo.

235. GAIDOZ, H.: Un vieux rite médical. Paris, 1892. ii, 85 pp. Sm. 8vo.

236. GAIDOZ, H.: Ransom by Weight. Am Ur-Quell. II. Bd. (1891), S. 39-42, 59-61, 74-75.

237. GAIDOZ, H., et M. PEKDRIZET: La Mesure du Cou. MĂ©lusine (Paris). Tome VI. (1893), No. 10. See also Amer. Anthr., VI. (1893), p. 408.

238. GARBINI, A.: Evoluzione della Voce nella Infanzia. Verona, 1892. 53 pp. 8vo.

239. GATSCHET, A. S.: A Mythic Tale of the Isleta Indians: The Race of the Antelope and the Hawk around the Horizon. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. (Philadelphia). Vol. XXIX., pp. 208-218.

240. GESSMANN, G. W.: Die Kinderhand und ihre Bedeutung fĂĽr Erziehung und Berufswahl. Eine physioguomische Studie. Berlin, 1894. 88 S. 8vo. 31 Abbild.

241. GILL, V. W.: ChildBirth Customs of the Loyalty Islands. Journ. Anthr. Inst. (London). Vol. XIX. (1890), pp. 503-505.

242. GOMME, ALICE B.: Children’s Singing Games with the Tunes to which they are sung. Collected and edited by Alice B. Gomme. London and New Tork, 1894.

243. GOMME, ALICE B.: The International Games of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with Tunes, Singing Rhymes, and Method of Playing according to the variants extant and recorded in different parts of the Kingdom. Vol. I. According … Nuts in May. London, 1894. xix, 453 pp. 8vo.

244. GORE, J. H.: The Go-Backs. Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore. Vol. V. (1892), pp. 107-109.

245. GRIFFIS, W. E.: Japanese Fairy World. Schenectady, N.Y., 1880. vii, 304 pp. 12mo.

246. GREGOR, W.: Notes on the Folk-Lore of the NorthEast of Scotland. London, 1881. xii, 238 pp. 8vo. [Chap. I., pp. 4-6, Birth; II., 7-10, The Child; III., 11-13, Baptism; IV., 14-20, Nursery; V., 21-24, “Boy Code of Honour.”]

247. GĂśLL, F.: Kinderheimat in Liedern. Volksausgabe. GĂĽtersloh, 1875. 225 S. 8vo.

247 a. HAAS,—A.: Das Kind im Glauben und Branch der Pommern. Am Ur-Quell. V. Bd. (1894), 179-180, 252-255, 278-279; VI., 22-24.

248. HABERLANDT, M.: Ueber tulâpurusha der Inder. Mitt. d. anthr. Gesellsch. (Wien), n. F. IX. Bd. (1889), S. 160-164.

249. HALE, HORATIO: The Origin of Languages and the Antiquity of Speaking Man. Cambridge, 1886 (Repr. fr. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sci.). 47 pp. 8vo.

250. HALE, HORATIO: The Development of Language. Proc. Canad. Inst. (Toronto), 3 s. Vol. VI. (1888), pp. 92-134.

251. HALE, HORATIO: Language as a Test of Mental Capacity. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada. Vol. IX. (1891), Sect. II., pp. 77-112.

252. HALL, G. S.: The Contents of Children’s Minds on Entering School. Pedag. Sem. Vol. I. (1891), pp. 139-172.

252 a. HALL, G. S.: Children’s Lies. Ibid., pp. 211-218.

253. HALL, G. S.: The Moral and Religious Training of Children and Adolescents. Ibid., pp. 196-210.

254. HALL, G. S.: Child-Study: The Basis of Exact Education. Forum (New York). Vol. XVI. (1893-4), pp. 429-441.

255. HALL, G. S.: The Story of a Sand-Pile. Scribner’s Mag. (New York). Vol. III. (1888), pp. 690-695.

256. HARQUEVAUX, E., et L. PELLETIER: 200 jeux d’enfants en plein air et à la maison. Paris, 1893.

257. HARRIS, W. T.: Eighth Annual Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1892. Industrial Education. Washington, 1892. 707 pp. 8vo.

257 a. HARRISON, ELIZABETH: A Study of Child-Nature from the Kindergarten Standpoint. 3d. edition. Chicago, 1891. 207 pp. 8vo.

258. HARTLAND, E. S.: The Science of Fairy Tales. An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology. London, 1891. viii, 372 pp. 8vo.

259. HARTMANN, B.: Die Analyse des kindlichen Gedankenkreises als die naturgemässige Grundlage des ersten Schulunterrichts. Zweite verm. Aufl. Annaberg i. Erzgeb., 1890. 116 S.

260. HASKELL, ELLEN M.: Imitation in Children. Pedag. Sem. Vol. III. (1894-5), pp. 30-47.

261. HERVEY, T. K.: The Book of Christmas. Boston, 1888. vi, 356 pp.

262. HIGGINSON, T. W.: Concerning All of Us. New York, 1893. vi, 210 pp. 12mo. [Pp. 103-109, “A Home Made Dialect.”]

263. HÖFLER, M.: Die Lösung des Zungenbändchens. Am Ur-Quell. V. Bd. (1894), S. 191, 281.

264. HOYT, W. A.: The Love of Nature as the Root of Teaching and Learning the Sciences. Pedag. Sem. Vol. III. (1894-5), pp. 61-86.

265. HUGHES, J. L.: The Educational Value of Play, and the Recent Play-Movement in Germany. Edue. Rev. (New York). Vol. VIII., pp.



266. HURLL, ESTELLE M.: Child-Life in Art. New York, 1894.

267. IM THURN, E. F.: Games of Guiana Indians. Timehri (Georgetown). Vol. III. (1889), pp. 270-307.

268. JOCELYN, E.: The Mother’s Legacy to her Unborn Child. New York,



269. JOHNSON, G. E.: Education by Plays and Games. Pedag. Sem. Vol. III., pp. 97-133.

270. JOHNSON, J. H.: Rudimentary Society amongst Boys. Overl. Mo., 1883

271. JOHNSON, J. H.: Judicial Procedure amongst Boys. Ibid.,



272. JOHNSON, J. H.: Rudimentary Society among Boys (J. H. Univ. Studies … No. XI., 2d ser.). Baltimore, 1884. 56pp. 8vo.

273. JOHNSON, J., Jr.: The Savagery of Boyhood. Pop. Sci. Mo. (New York). Vol. XXXI (1881), pp. 796-800.

274. KALMANT, L.: Kinderschrecker und Kinderräuber im magyarischen Volksglauben. Ethnol. Mitt. aus Ungarn (Buda-Pest). III. Bd. (1893), S. 188-193.

275. KEBER, A.: Zur Philosophie der Kindersprache. Gereimtes und Un-gereimtes. Zweite verm. Aufl. Leipzig, 1890. 96 S. 8vo.

276. KIPLING, E.: The Jungle Book. New York, 1894. xvii, 303 pp. 8vo.

277. KISS, A.: Magyar gyermekjátek gyütemény [Collection of Hungarian Children’s Games, etc.]. Buda-Pest, 1891. viii, 518 pp. 8vo.

278. KLEINPAUL, R.: Menschenopfer und Ritualmorde. Leipzig, 1892. 80 S. 8vo.

279. KRAUSS, F. S.: Serbischer Zauber und Brauch Kinder halber. Am Ur-Quell. III. Bd. (1892). S. 160-161, 276-279.

280. KRAUSS, F. S.: Haarschurgodschaft bei den SĂĽdslaven (Sep. Abdr. aus: Intern. Arch. f. Ethnog. VII. bd. S. 161-198). Leiden, 1894. 38 S. 48to.

281. KRAUSS, F. S.: Geheime Sprachweisen Am Ur-Quell. II. Bd. (1891). S. 21-23, 48-49, 65, 79-80; 98-99, 111-112, 127-128; 143-144, 187-189; III. Bd. (1892), 43-44, 106-107, 135-136, 167, 225-226, 328; IV. Bd. (1893), S. 76-78, 147; V. Bd. (1894), 74-78; VI. Bd. (1895),



282. KEUSCHE, G.: Litteratur der weiblichen Eiziehung und Bildung in Deutschland von 1700 bis 1886. Langensalza, 1887. 43 S. 8vo.

283. KULISCHER, M.: Die Behandlung der Kinder und der Jugend auf den primitiven Kulturstufen. Ztschr. f. Ethnol. (Berlin), 1883. S.



283 a. KULISCHER, M.: Eine Geschichte des Umgangs mit Kindern [in Russian]. Sslowo, 1878, H. 11.

284. KÜSTER, E.: Abergläubisches aus Schlesien [Superstitions about Childhood, Birth, Death]. Am Urdhs-Brunnen. IV. Bd. (1886). S.



285. LAIBLE, H.: Jesus Christus im Thalmud. Berlin, 1891. 122 S. 8vo.

286. LAILLEMAND, L.: Histoire des Enfants abandonnés et délaissés. Études sur la protection de l’enfance aux diverses époques de la civilisation. Paris, 1885. vii, 791 pp. 8vo.

287. LALLEMAND, L.: La question des Enfants abandonnés et delaissés au XIXième Siècle. Paris, 1885. vi, 238 pp.

288. LANGE, HELENE: Higher Education of Women in Europe. New York, 1890. 186 pp. 8vo.

289. LAURIE, S. S.: Lectures on the Rise and Early Constitution of Universities, with a Survey of Mediæval Education, A.D. 200-300. London, 1886. 293 pp. 8vo.

290-296. LAURIE, S. S.: The History of Early Education. [Several Articles in the School Review (Ithaca, N. Y.), Vol. I. and II., 1893-1894, dealing with Egyptian, Semitic, Assyro-Babylonian, Indo-Aryan. (Hindu, Persian, Medo-Persian), Hellenic and Roman Education].

297. LAURIE, S. S.: Historical Survey of Pre-Christian Education. New York, 1895.

298. LEIPZIGER, H. M.: The Education of the Jews (Educ. Monogr. Publ. by the N. Y. Coll. for the Training of Teachers. Vol. III., No. 6. Nov., 1890). New York, 1890. 39pp. 8vo.

299. LETOURNEAU, M.: Les Mensurations du Cou en Bretagne et en Kabylie. Bull. Soc. d’Anthr. (Paris). III^e série. Tome XI. (1888), pp.

458-461, 472-473.


300. LOMBROSO, C.: The Man of Genius. London and New York, 1895. xvi, 370 pp.

301. LOMBROSO, PAOLA: Saggi di Psicologia del Bambino. Torino-Roma, 1894. xii, 284 pp. 12mo.

302. LUMMIS, C. F.: The Man who Married the Moon, and other Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories. New York, 1894. x, 239 pp. 8vo.

303. MACDONALD, A.: Abnormal Man, being Essays on Education and Crime, and Related Subjects, with Digests of Literature and a Bibliography (Bureau of Education, Circ. of Inform., No. 4, 1893). Washington, 1893. 445 pp. 8vo.

304. MAGNUS, LADY: The Boys of the Bible. London, 1894.

305. MARENHOLZ-BĂśLOW, BARONESS: The Child and Child-Nature. 5th ed. London, 1890. x, 186 pp. 8vo.

306. MASON, O. T.: Cradles of the American Aborigines. Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1886-87, pp. 161-212.

307. MAUPATÉ, L.: Recherches d’anthropologie criminelle chez l’enfant; criminalité et dégénérescence. Lyon, 1893. 228 pp. 8vo.

308. McLEAN, J. E.: Psychic View of Infant Prodigies. Metaphys. Rev. (New York). Vol. I. (1895), pp. 156-164.

309. MEHNERT, A.: Bin indischer Kaspar Hauser. Eine Erzählung aus dem anglo-indischen Volksleben. Dresden-Leipzig, 1893. 108 S. Kl. 8vo.

310. MILES, CAROLINE: A Study of Individual Psychology. Amer. Journ. Psych. Vol. VI. (1895), pp. 534-558.

311. MORENO, H. DE: La festa del natale in Sicilia. Palermo, 1893.

312. MOUTIER, A.: Contribution à l’étude de la protection de l’enfanee à Rome. Paris, 1884.

313. NEWELL, W. W.: Games and Songs of American Children. New York, 1884. xii, 242 pp. Sm. 4to.

314. NICOLAY, F.: Les enfants mal élevés. Paris, 1890.


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