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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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told Jonah a lot of things....’ Saul spat. ‘Like me trying to get in your knickers. In your dreams, you whore.’

‘He told you that?’ Lena cried, wide-eyed. Shit. ‘I’ve never suggested that.’ She’d begged Jonah not to say anything to Saul, but he’d gone and done it anyway, the stupid bastard.

Saul laughed. ‘Jonah didn’t.’

‘Well if it wasn’t him, who was it? Who would sa.... Ah, of course... Gwen!’ Lena sneered. ‘And Jonah believes her? As do you! What a surprise!’ She laughed sarcastically. ‘And to think I had you down as not being gullible.’

Despite her head being forced at a painful angle, Lena pushed her large breasts against Saul. He could take her against this wall right now if he liked. Running her tongue over her bottom lip, Lena’s eyes twinkled. ‘It wasn’t like you didn’t make it obvious that you’d like to get me into bed. I suspect that’s also evident now...’

Her hand traced over Saul’s crotch, fully expecting to find him hard and ready, but disappointedly found no trace of excitement.

Saul grinned, his exposed teeth making him look crazy. ‘Although I’m well known for screwing anything that moves, you do nothing for me at all. I’d rather stick my cock in a dead badger that put it anywhere your plastic gold-digging cunt.’

Colouring furiously, Lena masked her shock with a sneer. ‘You sure know how to make a girl feel good with your remarks... Anyway, you don’t have to come near me – Jonah does and has done so on countless occasions!’

Irritation festered. It was this pretend baby that put him off, wasn’t it? That was probably why the rich music producer hadn’t jumped on her too. Anyway, it didn’t matter because Saul could fuck off. She was marrying Jonah and there was nothing he could do about it.

‘Does Jonah know you’re here? I wonder how he’d feel if he knew you were threatening me,’ Lena spat. ‘He’d run you out of the very firm you’re so desperate to have for yourself - you know, the one that ran perfectly well without you whilst you were busy getting fisted by some big black man in the nick!’

Red mist descended on Saul and he raised his fist. ‘You little fucking tramp!’

A flash of fear ran through Lena. He’d ruin her face! She couldn’t have that! ‘No! Don’t. What about the baby?’

‘What baby? You’re not even pregnant!’ Saul spat, his eyes flashing. ‘You think I don’t know? My brother’s so fucking thick he believes your lies, but I don’t!’

Forty One

CREEPING ALONG THE deserted corridor, Robert held his breath, every nerve ending alert for movement or noise. He could hardly believe his good fortune in finding the staff area of the club so empty.

He'd been beginning to think no one was around at all, including the man he so desperately needed to see, meaning all of this had been a waste of time, but then he heard voices from a room at the bottom of the corridor. Edging closer to the wall, hoping no one was monitoring the CCTV, Robert hastened towards the door. This was the only one without a glass panel and he had a hunch this was the place he was looking for.

His adrenalin pounded. Fear was absent; rage and desperation overshadowing any nerves and fuelling the driving force behind every action.

Slamming his shoulder against the heavy door, Robert’s large frame burst into the room, immediately spotting two equally large men and knew straight away he’d picked the correct place.

Wasting no time, he stormed towards the man he knew to be Jonah Powell. He’d seen photos on the web whilst he’d been researching his plan and this was him. ‘You bastard!’ he roared.

‘What the fuck?’ Spinning around, Nero watched Jonah effortlessly swing the gun towards the stranger.

Robert stared at the gun unperturbed. This man could shoot him if he wanted, but not before he released Teagan. That was all that mattered. ‘Jonah Powell, I demand you release the girl,’ he roared. ‘Release her and you can have what you want.’

Jonah stared at the man in front of him, his finger steady on the trigger of his revolver, unable to believe what his eyes were seeing. This man – whoever he was, was a spit of Michael bastard Pointer. The face of that snake in his father’s old photographs was indelibly ingrained in his brain and now it was standing in front of him. The dead had come back to life.

This must be Robert Adams - the son Nero and Keith had told him about. One thing was for sure and that was he was undoubtedly a Pointer. Why were the Pointers coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden? He knew there had to be a reason that music producer prick was here last night. They were in it together. This was all part of the same thing. This was Lena’s fault, but he’d be stopping this. Stopping it now. ‘I’ve waited a long time to personally make you pay for your family, Pointer.’

‘I’m no Pointer. I’m Robert Adams and I don’t care about that. I’m here for one thing only and that is Teagan. Tell me where she is,’ Robert snarled.

Jonah almost laughed. It was surprising the Pointer bloodline wasn’t extinct! The guy had a loaded pistol pointing into his face and all he cared about was some girl? Glancing at Nero, he frowned, then his eyes darted back to Robert Adams, whose hand moved to his pocket. ‘Oh, you’re a Pointer alright and I wouldn’t make any rash movements if I were you.’

Ignoring the warning, Robert continued blindly. ‘This is what you want isn’t it? Courtesy of my mother!’ Pulling the wooden box open, he threw it on the desk in front of him. ‘These are yours, I presume? I don’t want them – never have. Now let the girl go.’

Jonah’s eyes fixated on the collection of pink diamonds rolling loosely around on his desk. What the

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