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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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mouth and nose. This smell alone signified things were far from alright.

Trying not to gag, Robert rushed into the nearest room, finding a tiny kitchen, the table strewn with empty sandwich packets, an overflowing ashtray and a collection of empty beer cans.

Jonah craned his neck through to the lounge, seeing it empty, his unease increasing. ‘She must be in the bedroom,’ he said, hastily turning on his heels to the short hallway and the door opposite. Trying the handle, he couldn’t altogether say he was surprised to find it locked. Saul, you utter bastard, he thought, his anger intensifying.

‘Fucking open the door!’ Robert yelled, banging his fist impotently against the hallway wall.

Raising his foot, Jonah gave the door one almighty boot, the wood splintering as the door gave way. Enveloped by a blast of stronger stench, the men rushed into the dark room, Jonah’s fingers fumbling along the wall to find a light switch.

As the room suddenly illuminated, for one moment in time all three man stared in silence at the scene.

DULCIE STARED AT HER REFLECTION resenting how old she looked. She’d been stunning back in her day, yet with each hour, further despised how the years had gradually chipped away at her perfect looks, leaving her... old.

Her face screwed into a scowl. How had it come to this? It was bad enough dealing with the unanswered questions surrounding Michael’s abandonment, but she’d lived for the day when it was safe to share the insurance the love of her life had left her with her most priceless possession of all – Robert.

But Robert had changed. He’d always been steadfast in his unwavering devotion, but now it had crumbled. She’d felt it disintegrating bit by bit. He hadn’t said or done anything in particular, but he didn’t have to. She could tell. The looks he’d started giving her – the suspicion she’d witnessed lurking behind his eyes... The comments he’d made and the questions he’d asked, underlined it all.

Her son no longer believed or trusted her.

Dulcie’s bottom lip trembled. Anyone else was fine, but with Robert, it wasn’t. She had to have Robert’s full trust, attention and love. That was the only thing to hold any importance since Michael had left. It was all Teagan’s fault. If the stupid girl had minded her own business, then everything would be alright.

Even the knowledge that the Powells and possibly the other Pointers were on her trail after all of these years wasn’t something that unduly fazed her. She’d always half-expected them to show up at some point and was only surprised it had taken them so long, but even that wasn’t a problem. She could deal with anything whilst Robert was in her corner, but he shouldn’t have found out about his father the way he had.

Dulcie scowled into the mirror once more. She’d been so close. So, so close. With Helen removed it left the way clear to move forward unhindered with no awkward questions from her unwanted daughter. Bloody silly bitch that Helen was. Selfish to the core like her bastard of a father.

She turned her head from left to right, hating the saggy jowls now dominating her once pristine face. They spoilt her side profile. They spoilt everything.

After Helen’s funeral the time had been right to tell Robert. They’d go abroad, cash in the diamonds and start again. It would have been perfect...

How she rued the day when she’d made the decision to employ the stupid slut. With her self-effacing simpering personality, she’d thought Teagan perfect, but she couldn’t have been more wrong. It must have been the girl’s aim from the start to fleece everything she possibly could.

She may have now disappeared off the face of the earth, but it was too late. The damage was done and her beloved son had lost faith.

Biting back the sting of tears, Dulcie stomped determinedly down the hallway to her bedroom. She hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Robert since last night either. He’d do anything to be away from her now, that was clear. She’d really thought she could turn his sudden change of attitude around with the latest stories she’d worked so hard to concoct, but she’d lost her power.

It was over.

Well, if Robert hated her then there was nothing left around here. Being as he thought so little of her, she’d leave him alone. For good.

Dulcie plastered a smile across her face. She would do what she’d planned all along, just with the exception of doing it alone, rather than with her son at her side. Then Robert would wish he’d remained loyal. Tough luck – it was too late.

Right. That was settled. She’d take the diamonds and go.

Pushing open the door to her bedroom, Dulcie reached around the back of the chest of drawers to remove the box. Sighing when she couldn’t quite reach it, she got down further on her knees and extended her hand further.

With a blinding jolt of panic, Dulcie flopped back against the wall. They were gone. Her diamonds had gone.

Forty Three

IT DIDN’T MATTER ANYMORE. None of it did. Keith scowled. He’d had enough.

He hadn’t expected to get a call. Saul sounded high as a kite and Keith had immediately thought his plans to meet the stoner and get the diamonds had been uncovered, but nothing was mentioned. All Saul said was that he needed a hand. Keith hadn’t bothered asking what for because he didn’t care. He didn’t care about any of it.

After he’d done what was needed, he’d tell Jonah what Saul had done. He’d explain everything and if Jonah asked why this muppet was with him, he’d say it was because he was trying to get that girl away from his psycho fucking brother.

He knew he was finished. Jonah would never stand for him going behind his back, but even on the off chance that Jonah did forgive him, Saul would not.

Keith glared at Joe, his broken nose and smashed

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