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Book online «The Godsend Backfire: The Beginning Harold Straugh (bearly read books TXT) 📖». Author Harold Straugh

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eat my meal from the ass-end first than eat one those things again.”

We laughed at that, of course we got strange looks from the rest of the people, because they didn’t know our language.  I didn’t translate what was said either, I was the only odd one out in the group, Mylicious and Yura looked like regular foreigners. If I would have said what Mylicious said, it would seem more odd than funny.

As the night wore on, the villagers wore out and soon it was just me.  Mylicous and Yura were fast asleep, so I wondered around a little bit.  I sensed no vampires around, I was starting to wonder if what I showed people had caught on and they were eradicating them.  I did find it strange that there were vampires before Austria but not in Austria.

I shook the thought from my head and looked over at Mylicous, who had Derium’s head the burlap-like sack, nestled next to him.  I thought for a minute of picking it up and tossing it in the fire, then riding off into the night.  I didn’t though, I was rather enjoying spending the time with Yura and Mylicous, even though it was resurrecting my dead, idiot brother.

As night turned to day,we made sure to be on our way, long before any of the villagers woke up.  My new horse was wider and slower than my old horse and would randomly stop and graze on grass.

“Lucifer, are you playing tricks on me again?” I asked, and nudged the horse with my heels to get him to go faster.  Yura was looking at me weird, so I told her the story of how Lucifer was my pet donkey for a little bit. I noticed Mylicous was looking at me, then I heard him in my head.

“Careful about mentioning Lucifer too much, rumor has it, he’s a bad guy.”

“Well, if she only knew who the real bad guy was,” I responded back, half rolled my eyes and shook my head.

It would be another eight days before we reached the Carpathian Mountains.  The travel was similar as before, I sought out graves, despite Mylicious’s wishes, while leading the way.  I swear the bag that contained Derium’s head, would make noises. The activity picked up greatly the closer we got the mountains.

There was one night, our sixth night out, that was brutal, and it was the first time Yura got to taste vampire blood.  I had dug up eight graves that day, I couldn’t help it, and Mylicous didn’t understand, he thought I was still holding a grudge and didn’t see the vampires as the plague they are. We were all weary from out travels and were settling in for the night when I picked up the presence of a vampire, as did the other two. Mylicous and Yura were in the middle of eating a small cow.

“There’s a few, off a way,” I said.

“I’m glad you can sense them brother,” Mylicous said, chewing on a rib bone and tossed what was left, in the fire.

“Seems we might have fight on our hands,” I got up from the ground.

“Yes, I would say so, I can see them coming, there are about four, I believe we are outnumbered.”  It wasn’t but a second later, Mylicous and Yura were stripped down and transforming.  Once you hear the transformation, you can never get it out of your head.

A tribe of four vampires soon surrounded us, hissing, fangs bared, hands arched in a claw-like manner.  They hissed at us, like most vampires had done before. I never have and never will understand why they hiss.  Anyway, three against four, them slightly faster, but Mylicous and Yura and myself stronger.

Two went after Mylicous, I believe because he was the bigger of us three, but they completely, and mistakenly, underestimated, Yura and myself.

The vampire that attacked me, had black, straggly hair, matted with dirt, a beak-like nose, when he hissed, his upper lip curled in both corners and an Adam’s Apple you could see half a mile away.  He was slightly quicker than me, but I got ahold of his arm and that was it for him. I was able to rip it clean from its socket and tossed it.  He stumbled back, which gave me time to punch him clean in his chest, destroying his heart.  He fell to the ground when I pulled my hand out of his chest, my fist was covered in blood and a slimy substance.

Yura wasted no time, swiping her vampire’s head clean off.  We then turned our attention to Mylicous, who probably didn’t need our help, but got it regardless.  He swiped at one vampire and she jumped out of the away. I grabbed her by her dirty, blonde hair, pulled her head back and bit into her neck.  I felt the rush as her blood filled my mouth.  I bit down even more and then, jerked my head back quickly, ripping out her throat.

Yura and Mylicous had ahold of the last vampire, Yura had his feet and Mylicous had his arms, together they pulled, and the vampire ripped in half.  Mylicous, then took and bit the head off the vampire.  A loud, crunching noise terrified my ears as Mylicous chewed on the head.  Brain matter dribbled out the corners of his mouth and coated the fur on his face.

Oddly, I wasn’t covered in blood like I had thought, just had some running down my face, my clothes had a few spots. I was high on vampire blood and sat down and watched the fire.  I zoned out as the two transformed back and got dressed, I then felt a tap on my shoulder.

“You okay?” Yura asked, “your eyes are strange.”

“It’s the likings of the vampire blood, it does something too me,” I said, watching the flames, “We need to toss the bodies on the fire.”

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