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Book online «Gone: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 3) Nellie Steele (if you liked this book .TXT) 📖». Author Nellie Steele

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Gray turned to face Damien. “I realize what a shock this is to you, Damien. Celine’s disappearance is a shock to all of us. I’m only doing my best to ensure when she comes home, and she will come home, nothing has changed.”

“So, it’s not because you hate me?”

Gray laughed, turning back to stare at the horizon. “I don’t hate you, Damien.” A moment passed. “Do you hate me?”

“No,” Damien answered. “No, I don’t hate you.”

“Perhaps our problem is each of us reminds the other that Celine was someone else for a time,” Gray reflected.

Damien nodded. “Yeah, perhaps that’s it. I don’t hate you. But it is weird to think she lived for centuries before she ever lived as Josie.” Damien paused, then added, “I’m sure it’s equally strange to realize she lived twenty-five years as Josie without you.”

Gray faced him again. “Yes, it is. Well, now that we’ve identified it, what say we agree to be friends.” He extended his hand for Damien to shake.

Turning toward him, Damien accepted it. “Deal.”

“Now, shall we return to the house? It’s growing cold out here. Celine will have my head if you catch cold while she’s away.”

Damien nodded. “Sure.”

Chapter 3

“Good evening, my dear,” Marcus voiced as he approached Celine’s prison.

Celine rolled her eyes, standing from her seat on the floor. She did not respond. “You’re quiet this evening,” Marcus said, peering in through the barred window.

“I grow weary of these games, Marcus.”

“As do I,” Marcus admitted.

“I will never join you. Why do you insist on pursuing me?”

“You are worth it, my dear.”

Celine approached the door. “Do you really expect your new technique to work?” she inquired.

“Isolation can prove an effective method, Celine. It provides one plenty of time for reflection.”

“It still surprises me you cannot accept you’ve lost even after centuries,” Celine declared.

“Ah, but I have not lost, Celine.”

Celine laughed. “How do you figure that?”

“You are amused. I would not be. I may not have won… yet. But neither have you. Which implies I have not yet lost.” Celine set her face in a scowl. “I can never understand what it is about Buckley that draws your interest.’

“I love him,” Celine admitted.

“I do not believe that,” Marcus retorted.

“I don’t care what you believe.”

“Don’t you? We shall have to change that.”

“You cannot, Marcus.”

“We shall see. While I admire your strength, it can be one of your most loathsome qualities when used in the wrong instances.” Marcus paced the room. “If you cannot come to your own realization, Celine, I will force you. I have provided you with ample time to consider your choices. Now I shall inflict more stringent measures.”

“You are a monster!” Celine shouted at him.

“No, Celine, I…” his voice cut off abruptly. He cocked his head as though listening. His gaze fell upon the stairway across the room. He waved his arm left to right in front of him. Celine approached the bars, curious about what he was doing.

“Celine? Marcus?” Celeste’s voice called. Celine saw her descending the staircase, searching the room. Marcus sighed, waving his arm in the opposite direction. “Ah, there you are.”

“What are you doing here, Celeste?” Marcus questioned.

“I would like to speak with my sister.”

“No,” Marcus stated.

“I have information that may help your cause,” Celeste entreated.

Marcus considered her statement. “While I doubt your sincerity, I am curious. Proceed.”

“Alone,” Celeste requested.

“No,” Marcus replied, narrowing his eyes. “Whatever you must say shall be said in my presence. Celine has not earned the privilege of visitors. Particularly those who may be sympathetic to her cause.”

“Really, Marcus,” Celeste spat, “I’ve never known you to be so… apprehensive.”

“Careful, Celeste. I still hold your life in my hands.”

Celeste ignored him, approaching Celine’s cell. “Hello, Celine,” she stated, peering into the cell through the small window.

“Hello, Celeste,” Celine answered, gazing at her through the bars.

“I hope you are holding up under the strain.”

“Oh, get to the point, Celeste,” Marcus groaned.

“I had a visit earlier from Damien,” Celeste began.

Celine clutched the bars, pulling herself closer to the opening. “Damien? How is he?” she demanded, breathless.

“Quite distressed,” Celeste admitted. “He is aware of your absence. He has taken it very badly.” A tear rolled down Celine’s cheek. Celeste continued, “It is clear he is desperate to find you, Celine. A desperation that I fear may lead to difficulty for him when you are not found.” Celine backed away from the door, pacing her cell as another tear fell.

“And Gray? How is he?” Celine questioned.

“Holding up, but it’s wearing on him.” With no response from Celine, Celeste again continued. “Celine, I realize this is not the solution you want to hear, but perhaps it is time to concede. Please understand, I do not say this to harm you, but to help you.”

Fury burned in Celine. “I will not submit to that man!” she yelled, pointing to Marcus.

“Even if it costs Damien his life?”

“Is that a threat, sister?”

“No, a warning. Celine, Damien is human. He cannot withstand the pressures of this world, especially without your help. He will break, Celine. He teeters on the edge now. Please consider the consequences.”

Tears rolled down Celine’s cheeks as she considered the effect on Damien.

“Celine, please. I love you. I want only the best for you. But if Damien has ill-effects, you will take this upon yourself. It will eat you up. It will destroy you, Celine. I am only considering your welfare and the welfare of your family. Celine, please,” Celeste begged. “I do not wish to see you like this. No one does.”

Celine sighed. She offered no response.

“Consider it, sister,” Celeste breathed, peering into the cell. “I love you, Celine.” Celeste turned to depart.

“I love you, too, Celeste. Be safe,” Celine replied.

A tear fell onto Celeste’s cheek. She whirled around to face Celine and hurried back to the door. “Oh, I love you, baby sister,” she said, reaching for Celine. “I do not wish you to hurt like this. Please understand that.”

Celine met her on the opposite side of the door. “I realize that, Celeste,” Celine cried. “Take

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