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Book online «Cyclone of Chaos E.C. Land (debian ebook reader txt) 📖». Author E.C. Land

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kid pulls out his phone. I know if I use mine, they will try to take it away from me. However, if Stone calls his aunt it’s nothing but a kid calling to talk to a relative.

Touching his screen, Stone pulls up Demi’s number and puts it to his ear. When she answers my kid pulls it away from his ear scrunching his face up. “Here Momma, I think Aunt D has scarred me for life,” he mutters, handing me the phone.


Putting the phone to my ear, I automatically know why he said that. “Damnit Demi, can’t you learn to check your caller ID before answering. Jesus fuckin’ Christ get off the dick and get ready we need you here for my sanity,” I snap before hanging up.

I know she heard me and will be on her way within the hour. With any luck she’ll be here before I face off with Samuel aka Scorch.

Chapter Five


Sitting in this damn cage waiting for the right moment fuckin’ sucks ass. I’ve always hated sitting still and that won’t ever change.

“When is this shit supposed to be over?” I snarl, ready to get this shit over with.

“Any time now Prez. The auction is almost over so the trucks should be getting ready to leave. It looks like the Alcazar Cartel is using a middleman with this one. Some dumbass, who calls himself Jackal.” Ram says into the earpiece we’re all wearing. He’d gone in using his ID one of the guys from another charter, Pooh, had created for him.

I don’t give two shits if the fuckhead’s name is Marzipan he’ll go down with them all.

“Do we know which club is putting this auction on yet?” Pyro asks.

“Yeah, Jackal is a nomad for the Lucifer Heretics,” Ram mutters.

“Doesn’t matter if they’re the devil himself if they're here then they’ll die too. We don’t put up with this shit in our backyard,” I snap.

“We know Prez,” Bane, my VP and best friend, says from next to me. “This shit needs to stop.”

My phone vibrating in my pocket distracts me from responding to him. Pulling it out I glance at the screen seeing it’s a text from one of the prospects.

Beast: Permission to tie this woman up before she does something stupid. She’s made a phone call telling her sister to come.

Shaking my head, I reread his message. I knew she’d be pissed, and she can get the fuck over it. I will deal with her later. If Emery thinks getting Demi here will help anything then she’s in for a rude awakening.

Me: Lock her ass in one of the rooms if that will keep her from doing something stupid. But don’t scare my kid.

Beast: Got it Prez. Don’t think much scares that kid anyways.

Reading his immediate response again I grin. I can’t wait to meet the boy even if I’m sure he’s going to hate me.

“Incoming Prez, seems all the girls in this auction are being loaded into the back of one truck and the baby is in the fucker Jackal’s possession,” Ram growls.

“Game on, let’s get this shit done. Pyro, you, Frost, and Bullseye go after the truck. Bane, Ram and I will go after Jackal. None of those girls will get further than they need to,” I order.

“Got it Prez,” Pyro growls as the three of them slink off to follow the truck. I know that truck won’t be making it more than a mile down the road before the tires are blown out. Bullseye has a way of making sure nothing gets past him while on the road. It’s why he’s our Road Captain.

“You ready for this?” Bane asks as I pull out one of my guns to check the clip.

“Yep. One thing they should have never done was fuck around in our area. And they sure as hell should never have fuckin’ took a kid as little as the one we’re about to nab,” I growl.

“He’s getting in his truck now Prez,” Ram calls out in the earpiece.

“On it,” I snarl, starting my bike up ready to get this shit over with.

“What the fuck are we going to do with this kid?” Bane grumbles looking down at the kid I’m holding in my arms. She’s a cute little thing and it sends a pang of hurt through my chest as I think about the fact I never got to do this with my own kid.

We’d all just gotten back to the clubhouse after succeeding in grabbing all the girls from the truck and the baby. The only fucker we kept alive was Jackal. I figured this little girl’s father would want to take care of his ass himself.

“I’m gonna reach out to her dad,” I state as I hand the baby over to him when we get to my office. Him and I will deal with this part while the rest of the brothers get the girls situated. Only two of the girls we’d rescued were eighteen, the others were anywhere between thirteen and fifteen.

Sick fucks wanted these kids to train and mold to their desires.

“Think he’ll believe us when we tell him we rescued her?” I don’t blame him for asking that question. We protect our own. We’re family and we don’t allow anyone to fuck with us. And calling the National President of the DRMC could go sideways if he thinks we are the ones who took her.

“I’m sure, if not we have insurance. That dickwad out there will be useful when we give him up. I plan to use him as a bargaining chip to keep them from interfering in our end game with the Alcazar Cartel,” I grumble, taking my seat behind the desk and grabbing the paper with little Corinne’s information on it.

Dialing the number listed I put the phone to my ear and wait.

“Stoney,” a growl comes through the line.

“You lookin’ for someone in particular?” I ask, snidely.

“Depends if you have who I’m looking for.” I could

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