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Book online «Cyclone of Chaos E.C. Land (debian ebook reader txt) 📖». Author E.C. Land

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who holds my heart is with another woman’s child.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, I glance back at my phone when another message comes in.

Scorch: Angel, don’t bullshit me. Get your ass home and don’t think you can up and leave again. I’m not about to let you get away again not by a long shot. You and I have unfinished business and the price is too high for you to settle it overnight.

What the fuck?

He didn’t mean what I think, did he?

We are over.

Maybe not by paper but all the same.

And I’ll be damned if I haven’t already paid the highest price of all.

My marriage was ruined and everything around me has been about business besides my son.

It’s time everyone realizes I can take care of myself. I don’t need anyone but my son. I don’t need a protector and I sure as hell don’t want one. I also don’t need anyone in my life to hold me in the middle of the night when the nightmares appear out of the darkness.

Nope, I don’t need anyone in the chaos surrounding me.

Chapter Seven


I didn’t have time for Emery’s bullshit. I needed to get on the road so I could meet Stoney and hand over his daughter.

Shooting off a text message to Beast, I let him know that she’s on her way back to the house. Gathering up everyone who can ride out with me I put Dipshit in the cage to follow us.

I need to make this quick then get to the house and deal with my wife. Seeing her again stirred shit up inside me that I’d locked away a long fuckin’ time ago. Emery is more beautiful than I remembered and that’s saying something considering the woman has haunted my damn dreams over the years.

Within no time we all make it to Eure, pulling into the parking lot where Stoney is standing with two of his own men. Of course, the guy wouldn’t come alone. What man in his right mind would meet with a different club without having someone at his back? Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna fuck with him, because that’s just who the fuck I am.

As I get off my bike, I take a moment to take in the man who is the National President of the Devil’s Riot. He reminds me of Ghoul in some ways only slightly younger, but no one can ignore the power of authority that rolls off of him.

“Surprised you didn’t bring every man you had with you,” I say, mockingly.

“Didn’t think that would be needed,” Stoney growls. “Now, where’s my daughter?” His stance says he’d gut me if givin’ the chance.

“She’s in the backseat safe and sound,” I say, tilting my head toward the SUV. “Before I get her out, you should know two things. One, the man who was trying to sell her is also in that SUV, but he’s tied up in the back of it. Second, the men he was attempting to sell her to belong to the Alcazar Cartel.” I leave out the rest, he doesn’t need to know about the other girls, nor does he need to know Jackal wasn’t trying to sell her, he had.

Stoney and the two other men with him seem to tense at the mention of his daughter being sold.

“I want Jackal. His ass is mine,” he snarls, interesting he knew the man’s name. However, it’s not my concern how he knows the dickwad.

“Fine with me, just leave the Alcazar Cartel out of it,” I ordered, narrowing my eyes on Stoney. I won’t allow him to get in the way of me ending those pussies.

“I’ll only agree to that if you can tell me they didn’t touch my daughter,” he challenges, taking a step forward.

My nostrils flare as I also step forward until we're standing toe to toe. “Even if the motherfuckers had, they’re off fuckin’ limits to your ass,” I growl.

“I’m not playing whose dick is bigger with you. All I want to know is if any of them touched my daughter. If they didn’t touch Corinne, then have at them. If they did, then I’ll be putting my hand in the pot to get the man or men who thought it was okay to buy a little girl who’s not even five months old,” Stoney sneers.

Stoney and I stare each other down for a brief moment in time. When we finally step away from each other, I smirk. “You know, I could get along with you if I actually was looking for friends, but unfortunately for you, I’m not,” I say.

“Same, now hand over Jackal and my daughter,” he mutters, but I can see the slightest curl to his lip.

Lifting a hand, I motion to Bane, who moves to the back of the SUV. A moment later, Jackal is thrown to the ground in front of me. “What are you going to do with this shit for brains?” I ask in curiosity.

“Don’t worry, he’ll suffer before he dies,” Stoney says as he kicks Jackal in the head. “That’s just the beginning, Jackie boy. You fucked up. Blaze, put him in the back of the truck and secure him so he can't be seen.”

Yeah, I could see being an ally with this man if it were needed. I respect his anger toward this fucker. He deserves whatever Stoney has in store for him.

“Now you can have your daughter,” I smirk before turning to the SUV. I’m not going to let anyone else hand over the little girl. Pulling her out of the car seat, Stoney’s there grabbing her up out of my arms. “Try not to let her get kidnapped again. I won’t be there the next time. She is after all a beautiful girl and you wouldn’t want someone to damage something so innocent,” Scorch mutters. What I don’t say is that if this little one ever ended up in trouble, she’d always have protection from the RBMC.

I try not to notice the

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