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Book online «ELEMENTS: Acquiesce Kathryn Andrews (guided reading books .TXT) 📖». Author Kathryn Andrews

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and began to breathe through pursed lips to calm her nerves.

Masika affectionately squeezed Nerissa’s shoulders. “Don’t worry, it’s not over yet.”

Eventually it was Max’s turn. He looked troubled but nonetheless, he completed a perfect back dive, scoring one eight and four nines. Max looked over at his parents several times when he returned to the cliff top. They clapped but never once did they smile.

“Well done,” said Rafe, slapping Max on the back.

“Lana Seymour,” announced Wade.

As soon as her name was mentioned a loud cheer erupted from the rocks below where her mother and siblings were sitting behind the judges. For a moment, Cordelia wished that she could be Lana, that she was part of a large, happy family. Her eyes scanned the crowd. There was no sign of Flynn, only Breck. He saluted her and smiled, making her stomach flip. A tremendous applause drew her attention back to the competition and although she’d missed the dive, the thrill on Irvin’s face told her that Lana had done well. While the other competitors took their turns, Cordelia started to pace back and forth and her heart beat quickened.

“Calm down,” said Lana. “You won’t be doing yourself any favours if you let yourself get worked up.”

“Cordelia,” announced Wade.

Slightly flushed in the face, Cordelia stepped onto the diving ledge. Her troubles raced frantically through her mind and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t escape her thoughts. She turned to face the cliff wall in preparation for her back dive. She inhaled deeply and exhaled several times before leaping into the air. She could feel the balmy air on her cheeks, she could hear the crowd cheering, but as she descended from the cliff top, panic struck. A peculiar sensation ran over her skin as though she was being pricked all over her legs and shoulders. Fearing the worst, Cordelia began to scramble in mid air, just as she had done in her first diving class. Then she fell like a lead weight into the ocean, propelling water everywhere. The crowd gasped and Breck hurried down to the reef below. Beneath the surface, Cordelia frantically ran her hands over her legs and back searching for feathers. There was nothing there but smooth skin. Through the water, Cordelia could see Triton peering in but she was too embarrassed to resurface. Cordelia flinched as she felt something brush her arm.

“You can do it,” said Nixie. “If not for you, then do it for me. Finish the competition that I couldn’t.”

Cordelia rolled her eyes at Nixie and resurfaced. Triton leaned over the ledge and reached out an arm. Behind him she could see low scores of two. Marilla had scored zero and her beady eyes glared at Cordelia who could have sworn she felt them burning into her soul.

“Give me your hand,” said Triton.

“I’m okay,” said Cordelia and she swam further along the reef to Breck.

“Are you okay?” asked Breck, reaching out a hand.

“I’m fine,” said Cordelia, taking Breck’s hand. “I let nerves get the better of me.”

“You’ve no need to be nervous. I’ve seen you dive a thousand times. You’re as good as the others.”

They climbed back to the cliff top together. “Stay with me, here,” said Cordelia, pulling on Breck’s hand. “It won’t be my turn for a while yet.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” asked Breck as they sat on the grass.

“I wanted Flynn to be here, it would have meant a lot.” “You’ve still got me,” said Breck, putting his arm around Cordelia.

“I know,” she said, leaning into him.

They watched the other competitors perform reverse dives. Cordelia knew that if she messed this one up, she was out of the competition and there was no way she was going to let that happen. She mentally prepared herself as best as she could and when Lana returned from her dive, Cordelia joined her and the others at the diving ledge.

“You can do this,” said Lana, reassuringly, “don’t let the boys beat you.”

When Cordelia’s turn came, she positioned herself on the ledge and without a moment’s hesitation she executed a perfect reverse dive and ripped through the water without a single splash. Breck punched the air in quiet celebration while Lana and the twins jumped up and down excitedly.

“Bravo,” said Triton, still clapping as Cordelia emerged from the water. “That’s more like it.”

The sound of applause from the crowd sent a rush of excitement surging through Cordelia’s body. It was the closest thing she had to a family support network. Everyone was cheering and clapping, everyone apart from Morwen whose very presence made the hairs on the back of Cordelia’s neck stand on end. The judges held up their score boards and all displayed nines apart from Morwen who scored five.

“That was brilliant!” said Breck, wrapping a towel around Cordelia’s shoulders.

Cordelia didn’t respond, her eyes were fixed on Morwen.

“What is it?” asked Breck.

“Nothing,” replied Cordelia and she scampered up the rocks to Lana and the twins with Breck following behind.

“That was amazing!” said Nerissa, hugging Cordelia.

Rafe approached the diving ledge for the next round of dives. One after the other the competitors took their turn to perform an inward dive, then came the somersaults. This is what everyone had been waiting for. Cordelia watched with quiet confidence as the other students performed their dives. The competition was strong but she’d been practising for months. A curious excitement filled the air but ever so gradually the temperature dropped and clouds rolled in across the sky. Finally it was Cordelia’s turn to dive.

“You’ve got this,” said Breck, squeezing Cordelia’s shoulders.

She stood on the diving ledge and watched the sea build momentum below. Suddenly, an almighty clash of thunder rumbled and heavy rain poured from the sky like a monsoon. The spectators didn’t bother running for cover, within seconds they were drenched. Cordelia noticed a gannet perched on a ledge near by. It was Arna, she was sure of it. All of this was Arna. While Cordelia stood on the diving ledge the wind picked up.

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