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out on the force, he would never regain his respect. “Have you already been in to the hospital?” he asked calmly.

“Yeah, there’s no word yet,” Brooks said checking his sidearm.

“I want to kill him right now.”

“He isn’t worth it,” Brooks said patting Nicola on the back.

“Believe me. Yes, he is.”


Hours later, the doctor announced that Ivy and the babies were in stable condition and had been moved to a room for the night. If she checked out well in the morning, she would be able to leave the next afternoon. Hearing the news, everyone left for the night except for Sadie. Grey offered, but she insisted that he go home and get some rest. It was apparent when Sadie arrived at the hospital that both Grey and Nicola had experienced some type of disagreement, and she wanted both of them as far away from her daughter right now as possible.

As Ivy lay asleep in the hospital bed, Sadie rubbed her hair. Taking a hand-woven blanket from her bag, she pulled it over Ivy’s body and tucked her pillows under her softly trying not to wake her. With the pregnancy, there was little to be done about the pain and discomfort that Ivy was experiencing; so sleep was the only remedy. Sitting down beside her, she took the Bible off of the counter top beside the bed and began to read. Someone had to pray for their family and pray hard.


When Ivy opened her eyes the next morning, she felt a sharp pain race through her back causing her to grip the rails of the bed. The sun shined over on her forehead blinding her and air conditioner was up much too high freezing her through the thin white sheet and her favorite blanket. She pulled the sheet from her body as she saw a monitor connected to her stomach; she began to panic. Pressing the button for the nurse, a petite black woman with blue teddy bear scrubs and her hair in a bun marched through the door.

“Are you alright, honey?” the nurse asked walking over the bed.

“I don’t know.” Ivy held her stomach. “Are they alright?” She could better answer the woman’s question if she only knew that.

“There fine,” she said with a bright smile.

“Well then, I’m alright.” Sitting back in the bed Ivy laid her head on the pillow. Where was everyone? What time was it?

“I’ll bring you breakfast in a moment and the doctor will be in to see you in about an hour.” Pulling the blanket back over Ivy’s legs, the woman passed her the remote and left the room.

Shortly after the nurse left, Madison and Sadie came walking through the door with breakfast. Madison had arrived in Memphis only hours earlier, and Sadie had stayed awake by Ivy’s bedside all night. Yawning, she took a seat on the couch and took off her sweater.

“Hey,” Ivy said smiling at her father.

“Hi.” Madison stood over her rubbing her hair. “You took a dirty lick yesterday, little boot.” His hazel eyes were fixed on her bandages.

“It looks worse than it feels.” She lied. She didn’t want them to worry more than they had. As she shifted in the bed, the babies kicked causing her hospital gown to move. “Well, at least I know they’re up.” She smiled and rubbed her stomach affectionately.

“I just can’t believe that I’m going to be a grandfather.”

“Well, believe it.” Sadie took a sip of her coffee and took her daughter’s hand. “You talked in your sleep the entire night.”

“What did I say?” Her silky brown eyebrows lifted in curiosity.

“Nicola this and Grey that.” Sadie wouldn’t spill the details with Madison in the room. “Mostly Nicola though.”

“I’ve got to meet this guy,” Madison said sitting down across the room.

“He seems like a nice boy, really. I met him yesterday.” Sadie winked at Ivy. “He was very concerned about Ivy not to mention handsome.”

“Spare me.” Opening up his newspaper, Madison closed the blinds. “This is going to be a long three months. I can see that right now.”


While everyone was at the hospital checking on Ivy, Nicola managed to pull himself out the bed and get to her apartment. It was urgent that he speak with Trina about their exposed secret.

Still in the clothes from the previous day, Nicola hid his tired eyes behind his Rayban shades and a cool disposition. Ringing the doorbell madly, he was greeted by Trina, still in her pajamas.

“Nic, what are you doing here?” Trina asked looking out past him to see if anyone was with him. “Ivy’s still at the hospital. They haven’t let her go yet.”

“I’m not here for Ivy,” Nicola said walking past her.

“Okay?” Trina asked closing the door.

“Is anyone here?”

“No.” Trina heart dropped. Something was wrong.

“Grey knows.” Nicola said sitting down on the couch and sighing heavily.

“Please don’t tell me that.” Trina felt her heart constrict.

“The question is how he knows. I sure in hell didn’t tell him. Did you?”

“No,” Trina quickly said as she sat down on the leather ottoman.

“Have you told anyone at all?”

“Not a soul. What is he going to do?” Her fingers trembled.

“Nothing as long as I stay away from Ivy. So that’s what I’m going to do.”

“What if the twins are yours?” Trina wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Well, let’s hope that they are not.” Nicola looked over at his old friend in tears. “How have you been?”

“Better.” Trina shook her head. “I told her to stay away from you. I told you the same…”

“Who knew that all of this shit would happen?

“Nic, I think that she’s in love with you.”

“Yeah? He sat quietly for a minute. “Well, she’s not the only one.” Nicola said looking up at Trina. He could tell her. She would never spill a word. Plus, she could never judge him for it.

Trina shook her head. “This is so screwed up, isn’t it? It’s all my fault.”

“Please. It’s

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