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Book online «Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Latrivia Nelson (best selling autobiographies .txt) 📖». Author Latrivia Nelson

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I’m suffering too many losses. No one knows about you. You’re my secret weapon. Agosto and Brooks have no idea you even exist. They’ll never suspect you. Just drive safely and slowly. Keep your glasses on, your music down and your hat to the front.” He tapped his brother’s University of Memphis baseball cap. “You look like a college kid.”

“I am a college kid,” Hector said looking over at his schoolbooks on the passenger seat. “Speaking of which, I have to hurry up and get back, so I can study.”

“With as much money as you are gonna make off this one drop, you can buy a college professor,” Caesar said proud of his brother. Hector would be the first to ever graduate from college in their entire family. “Look, no one’s gonna give you shit. But Antonio and the boys won’t be far behind you. So if you run into some trouble, they’ve got your back. We’ve done this a million times with Guerra. You’ll be fine.”

Anxious to get on with the job, Hector pulled out in the dark streets of Memphis with his payload, and Caesar’s crew followed closely behind him. For Hector, this drop would prove to his brother that he was capable of being in business with him. At school, he never received much attention, couldn’t get a girl friend and hated his 1985-Buick Century. Maybe he could buy himself a new lifestyle equipped with a place off campus, a new truck like the one that he was driving now and some new clothes. Then there was always Amber, the girl in his physics class that he had a crush on since his freshman year. If he could just impress her, all of this would be worth it.

Caesar’s right hand man, Antonio, drove behind Hector with his crew locked and loaded. He had been quiet the entire day, pissed that Hector had been chosen over him to perform the drop. What did Hector know about the streets? Everything that Caesar had ever gotten in Memphis was because of him not Hector. Trying not to appear too frustrated in front of his crew, Antonio leaned back in the seat half-high off marijuana and listened to the radio. He almost prayed for something to go wrong.

Half an hour later, Hector pulled into the empty warehouse and picked up his cell phone. So far so good. Turning off his lights as previously instructed by Caesar, he pulled into the unmarked dock. Quickly, he got out of the car and walked to the back of the truck. Flashed by a black BMW parked in the darkness across from him, Hector popped his trunk and grabbed the black duffle bag full of unmarked large bills. Nervous, he closed the trunk and raised the bag and then proceeded to approach the car.

Guerra’s point man got out of the BMW smoking a large cigar. Hector was stunned that the guy was a villain straight out of the Hollywood with his all black attire and slicked back jet-black hair. Hector could feel his heart begin to pound heavily as he approached the man. He needed to be cool, the way his brother would be. That was it…he would pretend he was Caesar.

“Hola,” Hector said showing the bag.

“Keep your hands where I can see them,” the villain said in a raspy voice walking up to Hector. He frisked him quickly for guns or wires. He nodded at Hector approvingly and led him to the back of the warehouse alone.

Hector walked quietly beside the villain hoping that he could not hear his heart pounding. He looked back for Antonio, but he was nowhere to be found. With haste, the two walked up the stairs of the dock into a small opening that lead down an alleyway to the back of the dock where the delivery truck sat awaiting them.

Hector was both happy and scared to see the truck. So far he had not been set up, but he prayed that all the money was in the bag. These people looked like they would not accept and IOU. Gripping the bag, the tried to walk with confidence but felt himself stumble as he approached the back of the truck.

Two very large, Hispanic, armed men sat at the back of the delivery truck, both wearing black and confirming the theme for the night. One of the oversized men approached Hector, reeking of loud cheap cologne and patted him down again, while the smaller man took the bag of money and passed it inside of the delivery van to be counted. Hector unconsciously bit his lip as the villain talked on his cell phone to whom he was sure was Guerra.

“It’s all here,” a thin gaunt Hispanic woman said as she stuck her head out of the delivery truck.

“Give him his work,” the villain commanded to one of the muscular bodyguards as he smiled sinisterly at Hector. “And say hello to your brother for me.”

“Will do,” Hector said adjusting his glasses and most happy to be leaving.

“These men will see you to your car with your goods,” the villain said motioning to the men to follow Hector with three large silver briefcases.

Hector turned nervously and walked back to the truck. As he popped his trunk for the men, he waived at Antonio proud that he had completed his mission without grave error.

Antonio and his crew watched carefully. They were supposed to get out of the car and accompany Hector after the drop was made. It was Caesar’s crew that was supposed to ensure everything went smoothly, but because of their dislike for Hector, they had not. Antonio had ordered everyone to stay in the car and wait for the inevitable to happen. A screw up. And now Antonio watched angrily with the proverbial pie in his face, pissed that everything had gone as planned even without his help.

“The shit bag actually did it,” Antonio said as he motioned for the point man to start the truck.

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