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Book online «The Forgotten Empire: War for the Empire Raymond Weil (the reading list TXT) 📖». Author Raymond Weil

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I know General Livingston and Governor Lang. I would trust both of them with Princess Krista’s life. Not only that, they have five other nearby worlds to aid in Lydol Four’s defense, if it ever became necessary, Krista could safely hide on any of them.”

“I’ll inform Captain Barrow of our choice then. I’ll also let Governor Lang know to be ready, if it becomes necessary to hide the Princess.”

“Rear Admiral Barnes brought fifteen battlecarriers with her,” said Derrick. “I’ll position them in low orbit, with twenty battlecruisers to protect them. Since Rear Admiral Carrie is at Tantula Five, we’ll need those fifteen battlecarriers to refuel and rearm our ground-based attack interceptors.”

Admiral Marloo nodded. “I’ll need one thousand of those interceptors to help shoot down any missiles that get through the defense grid.”

“I expected that. That will still leave me nearly 11,000 to throw at the Morag.”

“Let’s just hope our defenses are good enough,” added Marloo. He let out a deep sigh. “By this time next week this will be over. Either we will have won or Golan Four will have been destroyed. I don’t believe they dare allow the capital planet of the Empire to survive intact.”

Derrick and his rear admirals had already come to the same conclusion. “I agree. This will be a battle to the death, and one we have to win.”


Later Derrick and Layla were in their quarters. He had to head back up to orbit shortly. “Krista will be fine,” he assured his wife. “Just make sure, when the battle starts, that you get to safety. By that I mean, the deep underground bunker beneath the Palace. The Imperial Palace will be a primary target, and they will be firing hundreds if not thousands of missiles. Not even the energy shields you have put around the Palace and the surrounding grounds can resist that type of pounding. As soon as the alarm has sounded that the Morag have entered the system, you’re to evacuate everyone in the palace to the underground bunker and to stay there until you hear from either me or Fleet Admiral Marloo.”

“Yes, Derrick,” replied Layla meekly. She knew Derrick was dead serious about this, and she didn’t want him worrying about her during the battle.

The two spent another hour talking, and then, after a long affectionate kiss, Derrick left their quarters to head back to the Destiny.

Layla greatly feared she would never see him again.


Layla was in Krista’s quarters, along with Emira and Chancellor Stein. “I have some papers you need to take with you,” she said, as she handed a large folder to Krista.

“What are these?” Krista could tell they must be important, as the folder was very heavy.

“The succession of power, in case something happens to me,” answered Layla. “They spell out in plain language that, if I’m killed in the coming battle, you will become the High Princess of the Empire and its overall leader. They’ve been signed by the entire Imperial Council and witnessed by the necessary people. Also a long letter in there is from me. I want you to read that in case the worst happens. Don’t read that letter unless you know that Golan Four has fallen and that I did not survive.”

Krista had tears in her eyes. “Nothing will happen to you!”

Layla took Krista’s hands. “We can’t know that for certain, but we must be prepared if it does.”

Emira nodded. “Layla’s parents filled out a succession of power as well, making it plain that Prince Aiden would rule. They also added that, if Aiden were dead, then Layla would fulfill the role of leader. You were mentioned too, Krista,” Emira informed them. “I was there when the papers were filled out and signed. Every ruler, no matter how hard it is, must make sure the succession of power is smooth and without legal challenge.”

“I understand,” replied Krista. She squeezed Layla’s hands. “I will do as you wish.”


The next day, Layla, Kala, and Andrew watched on one of the large viewscreens in the underground Command Center beneath the House of Worlds, as the dreadnought High Kingdom left orbit and accelerated away from Golan Four with her escorts. A few moments later the small fleet made the transition into hyperspace, and then they were gone from the Golan Four System.

“She’ll be safe at Tantula Five,” said Andrew, seeing the sad and lonely look on Layla’s face. “Admiral Cleemorl would never allow any harm to come to her.”

“I know,” replied Layla. She just hoped everything worked out. She knew very well the next few days could decide the fate of the Empire and her and Krista’s future.

Chapter Twenty-One

Morag Admiral Voxx had stopped in the red giant system, where Admiral Norlan waited, and dropped off two thousand of his modern warships. Both he and Admiral Norlan felt this would be sufficient to conquer the Tantula System, forcing the entire Hagen Star Cluster to surrender.

You are to attack in thirty hours, Admiral Voxx informed Admiral Norlan. The main attack against Golan Four will occur eight hours after your attack has begun.

Fleet Admiral Torrant still hopes, by attacking the Tantula System, we will draw some of the Imperial ships away from the core worlds.

Yes, but your attack here should long be over before any of them can arrive.

On the viewscreens, hundreds of warships were visible—the older Morag warships from the reserve and dozens of Druin and Zynth battleships and battlecruisers. It was an impressive sight.

We will leave in an hour, added Admiral Voxx. I want to get my fleet to Admiral Torrant as soon as possible.


An hour later Morag Admiral Norlan watched as Admiral Voxx and his fleet vanished, as it made the transition into hyperspace.

Well, we now have 6,000 Morag warships, sent First Officer Kenold. That should be more than enough to take the Tantula

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