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Book online «Rayna's Sacrifice (The Katori Chronicles Book 3) A. Lombardo (best smutty novels txt) 📖». Author A. Lombardo

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Kai in the face.

Washed over the edge, Kai plunged into the cold ocean. Down under the dark waves, he sank, and the curved bottom of the boat sailed on. Desperate to reach the surface and not be left behind, Kai kicked. His head popped up above the waves, and he wiped the water from his eyes. The saltwater made him cough. Tossed about in the waves, he heard Rayna shout. “Come about, Kai is overboard!”

As quick as anything, Liam’s spun the boat around to fetch him. Yulia’s arm movements changed and the purple sails sagged from lack of wind. Her hand movements changed and, to Kai's surprise, he felt the water swirl around his body. The water gripped around his midsection and thrust him skyward.

Arching over the waves, he glided in a funnel of swirling wind and water. When he reached the deck, the shaft dispersed and dropped him. He landed on his feet. Yulia rolled her eyes. “We don’t have time for foolishness. Focus, Kai.”

Their boat circled back toward the sandbar. The skimmer cut into the shallow waters. Yulia dropped her hands and the residual thrust propelled them onto the beach. The others scrambled from the boat behind Kai. His rage-fueled movements were focused on the unsuspecting Lucca. He saw his mother’s necklace resting in Lucca’s open palm. The crystal glowed bright.

Kai ran. Fifteen feet, ten feet, he was nearly there. He refused to be excluded. Five feet, a blast of energy emitted from Lucca, thrusting Kai backward. The wet sand caught him.

Lucca turned on his perch and focused on Kai. “You think I didn’t know you were coming? Ryker did not fool me with his lies about doing what was best for Mariana. I knew Yulia would help you. Go, home boy, you are of no use here.”

The thought of being cast off provoked Kai. “She is my mother,” he seethed.

Ryker grappled with Lucca’s white-knuckled fist and he thrust the chief’s hand downward. “Let the boy stay. He deserves this more than any of us.”

Brought to his feet, Lucca puffed up his chest. Wind tussled his black hair. “NO,” he thundered, turning his wrath on Ryker. White light illuminated around his fist and a blast of energy thrust Ryker into the air. He splashed down in the water twenty feet away.

Mariana’s necklace dropped into the sand at Lucca’s feet. Kai held his breath, he wanted to reach it. Lucca turned on Kai. “You cannot save her. Nobody can. Her mind is no longer human. She is lost to us and I will ensure she remains free.”

Water rolled down Kai’s face and the ocean breeze cooled his skin. As he listened, magic poured into him. He felt the surge seep into his back. The added strength surprised him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Yulia, Rayna, and Liam—their movements were flooding him with power.

“We draw a line in the sand here, Lucca.” Kai closed the gap. “I will not give up.”

Lucca blasted Kai with his magic. Kai leaned into the pulse and held his ground. The magic from his friends became a shield and the energy bounced back. Lucca grabbed at the power and tossed it towards Kai’s friends, flinging them into the water.

“You’re not listening, boy. Mariana’s mind is lost. She spent over a decade as a dragon until your light forced her back to her true form. Confused, she took the next form she knew and again reverted to a beast. You are not strong enough to guide her back. Nobody is. Plus, I don’t trust you. Keegan is pure evil, and you are his son. Let her be free.”

Devastated by his grandfather’s words, Kai stepped around Lucca into the shallow blue water. Waves licked at his knees. He was nothing like Keegan. His heart ached to see his mother. Tiny white splashes dotted the shallow water around the sandbar. Tears ran down Kai’s face. The manta rays were here. His mother was near.

Lucca scooped Mariana’s necklace from the sand and placed it on the stone perch. “I give my daughter to the sea.”

Kai tilted his head as he watched Lucca grab a large rock. His heart pounded in his ears and he felt the weight of the world fall on his shoulders. It could not end like this; he would not lose her now.

Tears ran down Lucca’s face and he lifted the stone over his head. “I love you Mariana, may you find peace.”

All the years of sorrow swelled in Kai’s chest. In his mind he could see his mother, feel her very soul. He could not let her go. Not wanting the moment to continue, he held his breath and charged at Lucca. His magic gripped time like a vice. Everything around him felt heavy and thick as time slowed down, but Kai pressed forward.

With Lucca’s arms slowly falling, Mariana’s crystal sparked to life. Blue and white light beamed from the stone. Seconds before he crushed the stone into dust, Kai scooped it away with his hand and dove into the water, putting distance between him and his grandfather.

Rayna and Yulia yelled in their direction. Everyone spun to see a Caroco ship bearing down on them. They had all been so busy arguing amongst themselves they did not see it come around the far side of the mist. Ryker shouted, “Get out of the water, Kai!”

At ramming speed, the ship sailed into the shallow water. Waves of sand and water sprayed as the vessel beached itself. Wind whipped through the air. Keegan and four Weathervanes jumped into the sand. Their purple crystals beamed with magic. Fear gripped at Kai. His friends glanced at him for direction. He had no idea what to do.

More of Keegan’s men hopped onto the beach. There were four of them, their crystals shining blue—Beastmasters. They were followed by dozens of soldiers in black with a red star on their chest. They stood behind their leader, poised to strike. Kai held his breath at the sight of them.

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