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Book online «Demon Day Penelope Fletcher (which ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Fletcher

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“They can’t manifest likewe fairies and the witches can,” I carried on, confident I was onthe right track.

I had learnt a fairy’s temperament hada depth that made it complex. We were ruled almost entirely byinstinct and our nature. It helped us adjust to things quickly, buthumankind didn’t adjust well to sudden change they had no controlover. They were passionate, strong-willed, resilient yet stubbornand single-minded. Their collective nature couldn’t handle thepower, and always did they choose to walk the left handpath.

“But you’re an exception,”I blurted out loud, and my eyes widened. “Because of your Sight!You don’t have to choose one path because in a way you walk themall. You’re able to choose your own destiny.”

Triumphant, I beamed at her. Tearsstreamed down her cheeks, and my grin slid from my face. Anadropped to her knees in front of me and bowed her head. Nimahstarted forward but Amelia held her twin back. I didn’t quiteunderstand what was passing between those three, but I reallydidn’t have the time to worry about it.

Flustered, I waved myhands. “Well, don’t cry,” I squeaked, panicked.

I looked to Breandan for help andflushed harder. His face was a smug mix of pride andaccomplishment. No doubt my bout of clarity helped prove to allpresent that no matter how much I proclaimed I didn’t know what Iwas doing that I was born to do this … that my wisdom was somethingthat did not come from a passing of time but from whom Iwas.

“I’ve felt so alone andwicked for walking out on my family,” And said. “And in one momentyou make my choice worth it.” She smiled up at me through hertears.

I opened my mouth to repeat my wishfor her to stand the hell up, but something at the edge of thecourtyard moving in the shadows over the rubble caught myattention.

My eyes slitted withresentment. Seriously, the crazy-assed fairy with snake hair, and adangerously unnatural affinity with knives had comehere? Wasp was Devlin’slife mate, and completely loyal. Was he here? Why had Ana not seenthis? My gaze darted past her into the shadows from which sheemerged. I narrowed my eyes further when no one appeared after her,and hissed, my hair crackling with the power I called to me, mywings unfurling.

Breandan side-stepped so he stood infront of me protectively, his wings sprung out to shield me. Iblinked at this and felt disgruntled. It had taken me hours to usemy wings without falling over and I was still getting the hang ofthem.

“I am alone,” Wasp said inthe gritty voice I remembered, and stepped forward into pale beamsof moonlight.

Breandan and Conall all looked at me,waiting for an answer. I shrugged. At my calm acceptance, thetension in the air wound down, but I was still taut. A memory ofthis girl pulling Lex’s neck back flashed across my memory, butbefore I could say anything around binding her, a shriek of rageshattered the stillness.

A streak of white knocked Wasp over.She flipped up to land silently on her feet then spun and kickedLex in the stomach when the zombie-girl lunged for her again. Lexlanded in an ungainly sprawl as Wasp eased into a loosecrouch.

She cocked her head. “They made you azombie,” she laughed without mirth and without missing a beat hergaze flicked to me. “You are pathetic.”

“Enough,” Conall barked. Hepicked Lex’s trembling body up and patted her on the head as onewould a favorite pet. Ro came to her side and hovered, wary of thefairy. Conall left them and turned to face Wasp, crossing his hugearms across his torso and tilting his head, face displeased. “Youare not among friends. You will show respect here.”

Wasp narrowed her red eyes at him. Shestraightened. “By fairy law I am leader here.” She tipped her headback in a queenly way, but I saw a flicker of doubt crack heruntouchable facade. “You will not harm me. I am the mate of theHigh Lord.”

I blew out a breath, fed up of herposturing, and stepped around Breandan. “You think that meansanything to me?”

Her lip curled. “You are not myPriestess, you vapid excuse for a royal.”

“And you are not my HighLady,” I replied easily. She could not offend me with disrespectinga title I had no love for. “You’re lucky you’re still standing inone piece. The fairies may not bother to hurt you but there’sshifters here whom I’m sure want payback for how you and Devlintreated them.” My eyes flicked to look over her shoulder and Ipursed my lips thoughtfully. “That is … if a witch doesn’t get youfirst.”

Breandan sighed and in a blink wasbehind Wasp, catching a thin arm mid swing, and holding firm. Waspstumbled back, eyes wide with shock, but kept her mouth shut. Shenodded, stiff-necked, as thanks to Breandan who did notrespond.

My fairy shot me a look ofconsternation and I stared back blankly. He fought a smile. “I willmake a peacekeeper of you yet,” he murmured. He plucked the knifefrom Ana’s grip and shook his head at her. Handing back the knifehilt first and said, “This is not who you are.”

She snatched the blade from him andslotted it back into her boot. “She hurt me.” A rare glimpse ofvulnerability claimed Ana’s expression, and her eyes shone withtears. “She hurt me, and I want to hurt her.”

Breandan’s fingers brushed away atear. “You know that is not the way.”

She swallowed and surprisingly lookedat me for back up. I hesitated, but the sliver-kissed pressure atthe edge of my mind spoke to my sensibilities. I shook my head.“He’s right. She’ll pay for her crimes,” my voice hardened, “and Ipromise her punishment will be more than suitable for the painshe’s caused. But even I know killing her will achievenothing.”

“Especially if you foolswish to try and finish your nonsensical attempt at rebellion.” Wasprallied her courage and stood hand on hip. Her dreadlocks bristledand her scarlet eyes were cool as she locked gazes with Breandan.“The vampires have Devlin. I want him back and you, boy, you andyour insipid mate are going to help me.”

Ignoring her poisonous tongue,Breandan and Conall shared alarmed looks.

“The grimoire?” Conallasked. “Do they have the book?”

“Hidden,” she replied thentutted at their

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