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fight the effects of iron, or how to store magics withinme,” I said out loud. “Is that possible without an amulet orcharm?” I had intended the question to be answered by Conall, but Irealized he was not next to me. I scanned the rubble for mybrother, my teacher, wondering why he had been so quiet for solong.

Alec whistled to catch my attentionand threw a thumb over his shoulder.

Conall was asleep standing up. Headbowed, and leaned slightly to the side, his chest rose and fell ina steady rhythm. A snore rumbled from his throat.

A bubble of laughter from Ana had mein fits of giggles. Resting my head on Breandan’s chest I wasthrilled to feel his own body shaking with repressedlaughter.

Wasp clapped her hands together inirritation. “What about my mate? Or have you forgotten?”

My giggles stopped and were replacedwith a grim smile. “No. I remember the problem of Devlin quitewell. I have an idea.”

Stepping away from Breandan I searchedthrough the darkness. I looked inward, felt along the blood tie andcalled him to me. I wish I could have given him space but we simplydidn’t have the time. I turned the moment Tomas stepped from theshadows. Our circle swelled outward, openly distrustful of thevampire in their midst.

I stepped forward and jerked my headtoward the other side of the courtyard where it lead into thedesolate Temple. Tomas walked off and I followed behind.

Breandan caught my hand, eyes narrowand panicked.

“We need an ally with thevampires,” I soothed. “You know this.”


The word came with a flood of emotion.Jealousy. It was a warning that had my nature twisting indiscomfort. I sent back a wordless wave of reassurance. Tomas and Ihad so much between us. I would be fine and he had to seethis.

Breandan let me go, fingers releasingtheir hold one by one with reluctance. “Alright,” he saidflatly.

My eyes wandered to Conall. “Will youfind him somewhere to sleep? Away from this place, we can’t stayhere.”

“We all need to rest beforewe go our separate ways,” he said thoughtfully. “I will findsomewhere.” Oh, my heart swelled at the sight of him. Trust, it wasa beautiful thing. He smiled; showing his fang-like teeth thenyanked me back to him. “Kiss me,” he demanded.

I gave him a timid look from under mylashes. “In front of everybody?”

He dipped his head down to flick thetip of his tongue over my lips. Inhaling in a rush, I fluttered mywings as he pulled me to him. I fiercely crushed my lips to his.Pulling away, his eyes were wide and burning with the silver-blueflames I loved. I flushed and gave him a challenging look, which heintensified and returned. He kissed me again and I clamped one armaround his back. The other fisted in the dark hair now cresting hishead.

There was a not so subtle throatclearing, giggles and long-suffering sighs that became grumblingmutters about public displays of affection.

“Rae! Off!” Conall barkedunexpectedly not sounding at all sleepy. Thunderous brow smoothing,he shrugged his shoulders helplessly, eyes darting every-which-way.“Perhaps, it does not even matter now the bond issealed.”

Jerking away from Breandan guiltily, Istumbled. My wings flexed straightened me out and I settled themneatly against my back. I knew Conall would bestow his blessing onmy mating with Breandan, but it was done now. Surprisingly, theblood tie was still there. I knew Breandan had been sure it wouldbreak when we mated, but I had a feeling Tomas was bound to me tilldeath, and since he was immortal, that meant pretty much for therest of my life.

Breandan pressed a cracker into myhand. “Eat,” he ordered then strode away, motioning the others totrail him.

I flicked my tail at Alec when he gaveme a cheeky thumb up and followed Maeve.

Trotting after Tomas, smiling, andblushing furiously, I clutched that damn cracker like it was a giftfrom the gods.

Chapter Eight

We walked without speaking for awhile, and Tomas took my hand after a few steps. I bit my tonguewhen my mouth opened to tell him that I did not think it was a goodidea. He was just holding my hand.

Nothing bad ever happened from someoneholding your hand.

“Thank you for not takingoff,” I said quietly.

He stopped and stared at the emptystreet. At what I cannot say since he seemed look past it. “I can’tleave. I need your help.”

I nodded slowly. It pained me to admithis cold admission that he stayed because he needed something fromme hurt. I slapped myself mentally. Hadn’t that always been thecase with Tomas? He had always needed something from me. When Ithought of it objectively so did Breandan … in the beginning. Thedifference was now he no longer needed a thing from me. He wasguiding me to make the right choices, helping me to carry out mydecisions. I sighed. But the comparison wasn’t fair. Everyonewanted something from someone I guess.

Raking my bottom lip through my teeth,I glanced at him then away. Back again then looked at his chest.“You’re bleeding?”

“I healed.”

I nodded three times too many feelingawkward. “Are you hungry? I mean, can you eat solid food at all? Ihave a cracker.” I offered the mealy disk shaped biscuit to him.“It has nectar in the middle. It’s not awful; it’s sweet in anearthy kind of way.”

He grimaced uncomfortably. “Anythingbut blood makes me ill.”

“Oh.” I looked at my palmthen shrugged and stuffed the cracker in my mouth and swallowed.Even with the liquid centre, it made my tongue dry without water tofollow it down. I guessed it was good to have something in mystomach. I did not feel hungry at all, but mentally I felt betterfor eating. I wiped crumbs from my mouth and felt rude for eatingin front of him. “Sure you’re okay?”

His grip on my other hand tightened.“Rae?” There was no patience in his tone.

“Okay, okay.” I plucked atmy bottom lip before placing my hand on his shoulder in what I hopewas a friendly, platonic way. “I need you to bring the leader ofyour Nest back here.” I paused and forced myself to look him in theeye. “Please.”

He cocked his head and shifted so hefaced me. “You wish to meet my Queen. Why?”

Queen? The vampires truly called

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