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Book online «The Dungeon Fairy: Three Lives: A Dungeon Core Escapade (The Hapless Dungeon Fairy Book 3) Jonathan Brooks (read me like a book .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Jonathan Brooks

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guy was wide open!  Man, those wolves you have are kind of stupid, Tacca.”

Tacca sniggered through her connection with Patrick, who was taking the arena way too seriously.  They’re constructs made entirely of Dungeon Force, Patrick.  They aren’t necessarily stupid or intelligent; they just follow the instincts that are part of their forms.

“Huh.  I have to admit I never really thought of them like that.  I always thought my Dungeon Force just summoned them from some alternate dimension, or something like that.”

No, it’s all done in this dimension.  She paused as she considered Patrick’s words.  What do you know about other dimensions?

“Me?  Next to nothing, other than they supposedly exist.  I mean, I’m here, aren’t I?  Besides that rather obvious factoid, the odds are probably in favor of more than one dimension existing.  Or, that’s what that program on that Science channel said.”

“You watched the Science channel?” Brandon asked.

“Don’t judge!  It was in the middle of spring and there weren’t any games on, so
yeah, I got bored and watched some educational fluff.”

All the talk about dimensions triggered something in Tacca’s mind.  She was aware – through a lot of research at DAPS while she had been there, as well as some hints from Malachite and the Head Instructor – that there were other dimensions, a few of them other ones where Dungeon Fairies existed.  There wasn’t a lot of information about them, but the thought of them got her wondering if the invaders had come from another dimension.  I mean, it’s possible, right?

She thought she was thinking to herself, but apparently she had projected it out to the other Cores, as well as their Dungeon Assistants.

“What’s possible?” Shale asked, echoed by 4 or 5 others; it was hard to tell with so many speaking all at once both outside and inside her mind.

Those invaders that nearly killed me, and who are pushing in from the north – do you think it’s possible they are from another dimension?  I mean, even Malachite had no idea where they came from, and he’s been alive for at least 15,000 years.

“15,000 years!  Holy sh—”

—That’s the rumor, at least, Tacca said, cutting Patrick off.  She didn’t know if it was true, but it was quite likely.

“I don’t know, Tacca.  I really don’t have much knowledge of other dimensions, after all.  Still, it would make sense.”  Shale was quiet for a moment, before he continued.  “But what are they here for?  Better yet, how did they get here?  We use our Fairy Mana to Translocate, which I’m told can be used to go to other dimensions, though I’ve never heard of anyone who has other than perhaps the Council; I don’t remember those blue-skinned people using magic, do you?  I mean, they had those glowing shields, but I couldn’t detect any ‘magic’ in it.”

“Personal Force Fields.  That’s what they gotta be,” David suddenly contributed.

Wait, what?

All attention turned to David, which Tacca could tell made the introverted Core a little uncomfortable.  Regardless, he expanded on what he was saying before.

“If they’re indeed from another dimension, then it’s quite possible that they don’t have magic where they’re from.  Instead, they probably use technology to enact the same types of effects.  Hence, they have Personal Force Fields that block attacks.  Tell me, do they weaken over time until they break after repeated damage, and then come back after a while?”

Tacca didn’t have to think hard about that one.  Well, yes.

“Aha!  I knew it; it’s just like some of the first-person shooter games I used to play, especially the ones that were set in the far future.  Therefore, if they are using technology for their Fields, then they are probably using technology for their interdimensional travel.”

“This isn’t a game, David.  I can’t believe I have to listen to this,” Karen complained – which everyone ignored.

Then why do you think they’re here?  We don’t have any of this

“Are you sure?”

Yes, quite sure.  Why?

“Well, considering that your Core looks like some sort of whacked-out computer motherboard, I figured you knew something about it.”

That shocked her.  She didn’t even know how to respond, but Regina had her own opinion to offer.

“It’s highly unlikely they are here for advanced technology.  Typically, when a company initiates a hostile takeover, they work to replace the management of the target company who does not wish to be acquired.  I believe that is what is happening here.”

Tacca had very little idea of what the other Core just said, nor did anyone else.  What exactly are you saying?

Regina just *hmphed* in an annoyed tone, before she answered
slowly, as if she were talking to children.  “They are getting rid of the ones who are in charge of the defense of the planet – the Dungeon Cores and Raiders – so that they can take it over.”

“Why didn’t you just say that?” Patrick asked.

“I did, you incompetent—”

“Now, now – there’s no need for name-calling; we’re all in this together, after all,” Shale said placatingly, and Tacca was glad that all of the Dungeon Assistants had gained the ability to listen into the inter-Core conversations as part of their “joining”.

If that’s indeed the reason, then there has to be something we can—hold on, what is that?

Tacca ripped her attention away from the arena and the others, focusing on the entrance to the Hall.  Something was tingling her senses, though she couldn’t figure out what it was.  All she saw when she looked at the entrance was a wall of white; the snow hadn’t filled the passageway entirely, but there was at least 15 feet of it piled up, and she could see the swirling maelstrom of flying flakes that indicated that the winter storms were still raging.

“What is it?  What’s wrong?  I don’t sense anything.” Brandon’s question was echoed by the rest of the Cores, as

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