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Book online «The Dungeon Fairy: Three Lives: A Dungeon Core Escapade (The Hapless Dungeon Fairy Book 3) Jonathan Brooks (read me like a book .txt) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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he watched, while they didn’t make a whole lot of sense, seemed to concentrate on sparing many of the larger cities where the mortal races lived together.  Where the majority of their residents weren’t Raiders, but “normal” people who would have no chance against these invaders.  Not that Raiders were having much luck, either, from what he’d witnessed and heard about.

Suddenly, something caught his eye on the map.  Down to the far south, a glowing blue light appeared where there hadn’t been one before.  He immediately recognized its location, and it could only be one Core that was located there: Tacca’s.  Why it hadn’t shown up before, nor why there weren’t 6 other lights near it – where Malachite had Translocated the few Dungeon Cores that agreed to leave the north – he didn’t know, but they weren’t there.

Luckily, none of the blue-skinned people seemed to see it, as their focus was concentrated to the north.  Another few hours went by as Malachite watched, while the glowing light that indicated Tacca’s Core grew brighter and brighter.  When he compared it to many of the other Cores he saw represented, it was somehow almost as bright or brighter than even some of the oldest, highest CI Level Cores in existence.  Impossible.  How?

Inevitably, one of the invaders finally saw the glow, and all discussion seemed to cease, before there were some raised voices as they pointed at the Wentrylock Mountain Range.  Malachite wasn’t sure why they cared about it so much, as they were intent on driving their invasion from the north, but a lot of what they were doing – and why they were doing it – didn’t make a lot of sense to him.  After a few minutes of obviously heated discussion, along with a few powerful-looking punches for emphasis, one of the blue-skinned people left the room through a doorway that didn’t exist until it had walked up to it.  It was almost as if a portion of the metal wall split into 4 separate sections, which were then sucked into the wall itself.

From his position, he couldn’t see through the doorway, but he got the impression that the invader had entered another room that was much larger than Malachite’s current one.  It just left him with more questions, even as the portal through the wall closed once the person was through it, disappearing as if it never existed in the first place.

A minute or so later, the map changed again, with symbols now appearing around the southernmost dungeon on the continent.  If he had learned one thing while watching the invaders plan, it was that they were now targeting a particular Core over the others.  Why, he still didn’t know, but he thought he might find out if he kept watching.

Oh, Tacca – what did you do?  You better be ready, because they’re coming for you.

Chapter 29

The snow didn’t even stick to the outside of the glowing shield that surrounded the blue-skinned invader that barreled through the winter blanket like it was nothing.  A few seconds after it appeared, another burst out of the wall of snow, followed by another and another.  Tacca didn’t stop to watch them arrive, though, because she was starting to freak out a little.

They’re here!  How did they find us?

“I think the better question is what are you going to do about them?” Regina asked, in her clipped tone.

She didn’t know, honestly.  Yes, she had some defensive traps that she was hoping would stop them, but there was a lot in between that trap-filled room and the six-armed invaders now entering the Hall.  Instead of just a few dozen Raiders, as well as her creatures and traps in between the monstrous people and her Core like last time, there were literally thousands of Raiders and hundreds of non-Raiders in potential danger.  From a quick check, she could see that there were still a few hundred in the Hall, most in their rooms, but a few of them were wandering around the hall leisurely, talking and laughing at some joke or another.  There were even a few that were in somewhat compromising positions in their rooms, which she quickly looked away from, as it wasn’t important right now.

As for the rest of the inhabitants that were staying inside of the mountain, they were in the arena.  Currently, there were three very low-Level groups tackling a veritable horde of Canines, which were the weakest three packs that Tacca had set up.  She was planning on altering a lot of them with some additions by the other Cores’ creatures, but whether or not she would have a chance to actually do that was looking quite slim at the moment.

Apart from those fighting, everyone else was in the stands, including her Bonded Hill Dwarves.  Tacca had found it strange before that they hadn’t participated in any of the fights, but for now she was quite glad because it would’ve likely resulted in them being a target if they were on the arena floor right now.

“What is happening?  I just felt all of my Dungeon Force regeneration abruptly stop.”

Tacca didn’t answer Kenzie right away, because her focus was ripped back to the entrance, where she discovered the answer.  Behind the 16 blue-skinned forms that had arrived out of the winter blizzard, was not just 1, but 4 of the slightly larger, more intelligent purple invaders.  All of them had the same odd metal object strapped to their chests, held in place by straps that looped around their right shoulders.  Whereas last time she felt as if her connection to her dungeon suddenly dimmed, behind where the purple figures ran, she didn’t feel the same here.

They, in fact, did absolutely nothing to her.  She checked her Dungeon Force regeneration and saw that it was operating normally, with no reduction in what she was receiving.

“I’m losing connection to your dungeon!  You really need

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