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Book online «The Traitor A. Lombardo (best thriller novels to read TXT) 📖». Author A. Lombardo

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his grandfather Lucca, followed by Haygan, who hopped down from the back of a black dragon, which Kai instantly recognized as Simone. Ryker, Liam, and the rest of the Katori Elders joined Kai around Benmar’s silver dragon from the remaining dragons.

Never in all his imagination would Kai have thought they would leave their sheltered side of the world to stand with him. Lucca greeted him first. “Grandson, I am sorry we did not help you sooner. I knew you were struggling, and I should have listened more.” Lucca raised his hand to Benmar’s dragon. “Fortunately, Benmar acted quickly. His faith in you saved us all, and he did not think twice about following you.”

Kai looked up, and the sun blinded his eyes. He raised his hand as the silhouette of a man stood up on the back of Benmar’s dragon. As his eyes adjusted, the man slid down Benmar’s wing and stood in front of him.

Tears flooded Kai’s eyes and ran down his cheeks. His health restored, Iver looked five years younger. His gaunt, pale form was now tan and flush with muscle. “Father!” he cried. “How? How are you still alive?” Kai ran to Iver and hugged him with all his might to be sure he was real.

Iver released his son. “I have your grandfather to thank.” His father pointed to the silver dragon. “Benmar was the third man in the room, a witness to the truth. While I slipped in and out of consciousness, he cauterized my wound. I do not remember anything until I awoke in Katori with Haygan, our old stablemaster, which I have since learned is your mother’s brother. Anyway, I was initially in a lot of pain, but many people came to pray over me. Each day I became stronger, and then they gave me something called sacred water. When they told me the Queen accused you of my murder, and planned to start a war against Katori, the Elders offered dragons to come put an end to this nonsense.”

The dragons parted to give Iver room to step into the open for all to see him. Roark was the first to drop to one knee and bow his head. In quick succession, every Diu warrior on the field followed his example.

Iver approached his Admiral. “Rise, my friend.”

“Your Majesty, King Iver Galloway.” Roark started to bow again, but Iver touched his shoulder. “How is this possible? I thought you were dead. Queen Nola said she witnessed Kai stab you with her own eyes.”

Iver’s eyes shot up the hillside to the tent. An intense glare passed between Iver and Nola as Regent Maxwell and his Milnos warriors swarmed around the Queen, escorting her back to Diu city. Aaron shouted for his father, but the Queen held him to her side as she retreated.

“Dearest Roark,” Iver responded, “I thank you for your loyalty, but my wife is mistaken on many counts. First, she ordered Kai to kill me, and her hand forced the blade that pierced my flesh. But as you can see, I am very much alive. Our Katori brethren saved my life, and for them, I will be eternally grateful. It seems our Queen was also poisoning me with something the Katori call sinder root and bella bitters.”

The mention of the plants used to poison Iver grabbed Sigry’s attention, and Kai noticed the man mentally searching his memory for any knowledge of their existence. “Your Majesty,” Sigry approached with another bow, “I have no experience with either plant. I will research their origins and add it to my journals, and I will not be caught unaware again, Your Majesty.”

“Sire, no offense,” Roark grumbled, “but you would trust these outsiders? They brainwashed your son into staying with them, fighting for them. Kai turned on his people.” He glared at Kai, still acting wary.

“I have learned much from our Katori brothers and sisters,” Iver responded. “There was a time our two nations were united, almost one nation. The Prince’s responsibility is to establish relations with foreign countries, but lest we forget, his mother, Mariana, was from Katori. My son has every right to visit family and call Katori his second home, even. His trip renewed a new hope for our future, and the Katori Elders intend to extend talks, due in part to Kai’s conduct and good character. Well done, my son.” Iver offered a nod to Kai.

The pride in his father’s eyes and the sincerity in his voice lifted Kai’s spirits. He had so many questions, some he feared he could never ask, not in a public setting such as this. “How did you convince the dragons to fly with you?” he asked, settling on a safe question.

“First, in any relationship, there must be trust. Benmar understood this and offered me his truth. Son, my words played no part in bringing the dragons out of hiding. They came because of you. Benmar said that Raijin—” Iver motioned to the dark metallic gray dragon “—calls you friend, and it is clear to me they respect you, even if I do not comprehend them myself. We thought the dragons retreated to the Mystic Islands, and their numbers diminished. We were wrong. The Katori Mountains are home to many dragons, who no longer wish to fly over Diu. We must change this.”

The sound of an explosion followed by thunder and screams drew their attention. The remanence of a flammable cloth trailed behind a burning boulder, spreading a yellow-white blaze through the wet grass. The first trebuchet strike fell short of everyone on the hill, but the second volley struck two rows deep into the Admiral’s army, smashing men beneath the stone's weight and casting Arkin oil onto others.

Men screamed in pain as they burned—anyone who attempted to douse the fire only spread the oil to themselves. Kai had always thought the ancient siege weapons were mere decoration perched on the Diu walls, not

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