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Book online «Harlequin Desire January 2021--Box Set 1 of 2 Maisey Yates (sad books to read .txt) 📖». Author Maisey Yates

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“No sex anywhere near my parents. They find out we’ve been sleeping together and they’ll lose all respect for you and me.”

He reached out and touched her hand. “We need to play this straight, Divya, tell them outright how we feel about each other and convince them of our love.”

She shook her head. “In my family, you don’t date unless there’s a prospect of marriage. At least, the women don’t. The boys are allowed to do whatever the hell they want.” The bitterness in her voice was palpable. “But one problem at a time. I don’t want them to see our relationship as frivolous. I need them to respect you and understand that we are both serious about continuing our relationship.”

“Are they really going to be okay with you being with me?”

“I’ll tell them I’m doing it anyway. But this is where you’re going to make sure that you charm and disarm them. That’s the key to this whole thing.”

“And how do you propose I do that? Do you have a ten-point plan for that? Maybe some tips from a Bollywood film?”

She shook her head. “Be yourself. I fell in love with you. They will too.”

She pointed to his phone. He took a breath and dialed the number she’d texted him. “It’s going to voice mail.”

She cursed under her breath. “Hang up.”

She held out her hand and he gave her the phone. She punched in another number. “That’s my brother Arjun.”

This time someone answered, and Ethan recognized the distinct voice of Brother Number One from the wedding. “Mr. Singh? This is Ethan Connors.” There was silence on the line. “As you know, your sister and I have been traveling together.”

“Where is she?” The voice on the other end was so quietly cold that Ethan shivered.

“She’s on my jet and we’re inbound to Las Vegas. I’ll bring her directly to the Mahal Hotel. I expect we will be there in about one hour.” Arjun was silent. “Look, Mr. Singh, as you know, me crashing the wedding was a big misunderstanding. I was under the mistaken impression that Divya was being forced into the marriage and just wanted to help her. Now that I realize she has to work out her family issues, I’m bringing her back, safe and sound.”

Divya raised her thumbs.

Silence on the phone. “You’re an idiot. We’ll be waiting for you in the lobby.” Arjun hung up.

“Well, that went well.” He told Divya what Arjun had said and she frowned.

“Maybe we should’ve left a voice mail for my father. Arjun is a tough nut to crack.”

Ethan shook his head. She wasn’t going to understand, no matter how he explained it to her. They had to face the firing squad and see if there was anyone left standing when the shooting stopped.

The Tesla was waiting for them when they arrived at the airport. He loaded their suitcases and got to the hotel in record time. His pulse quickened as they pulled into the driveway of the Mahal Hotel. He handed his key card to the valet and resisted the urge to tell him to keep the car close.

Ethan thought he was prepared for what greeted them when they arrived, but he was so wrong. Where normal hotel lobbies bustled with people, this one was empty. Divya’s entire family stood in the center of the entrance, in what could only be described as a scene from a mobster movie. Brother One, whom he now knew as Arjun, stood front and center. An older version of Arjun stood beside him with his arms crossed. A woman who looked remarkably like an older version of Divya narrowed her eyes at him. Brother Two, who he assumed was Sameer, stepped from behind Arjun. Behind them stood ten Men in Black–type guys with their hands on their hips as if they were just waiting for the mob boss to give the signal and they’d pepper the place with bullets.

“Divya!” her mother cried and came rushing toward her. She enveloped Divya in a hug and held on to her while letting out a stream of Hindi that Ethan didn’t need a translator to understand. He stepped forward and held out his hand. Arjun took it first and, to his credit, didn’t try to squeeze the living daylights out of it, even though his eyes shot daggers at Ethan.

Divya’s father was next. “Thank you for bringing her back,” he managed with practiced politeness.

Sameer kept his arms crossed, so Ethan retracted his outstretched hand.

“I know we have so much to talk about,” Divya gushed. “I’m sorry I upset you all, but I need you to know that Ethan was just trying to help.”

“I’m sure he was,” Sameer muttered.

Divya powered on. “Ethan, I can’t thank you enough. What are your plans?”

Oh boy, that doesn’t sound like a practiced question at all. He tried to appear nonchalant. “I have some business in Vegas so I’ll be staying a few days.”

“Where are you staying?” Divya asked.

“I’ll ask my assistant to book me into a hotel.”


Divya looked pointedly at Arjun. “I can make some recommendations,” he said. Ethan suppressed the urge to laugh, not at all surprised at Arjun’s response. He was seeing right through Divya’s charade.

“Bhaiya, Ethan was very generous in lending me money to buy necessities and the like. Surely we should show him some hospitality.”

“How much do we owe you?” Arjun asked coldly.

Ethan shook his head. “It’s no trouble at all. Divya and I have become friends. I was happy to help.”

Divya glared at him.

Sameer stepped up and whispered something to Arjun. Ethan got the distinct impression it was the Hindi version of “keep your friends close but your enemies closer.”

“Why don’t you stay here a night while we sort it all out.” There was absolutely no warmth or welcome in Arjun’s voice.

“Thank you,” Ethan muttered.

“My staff will show you to a room. Come on, Divya. We have some catching up to do.”

And just like that, her family whisked her away and Ethan was left in the lobby, holding

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