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Book online «The Godsend Backfire: The Beginning Harold Straugh (bearly read books TXT) 📖». Author Harold Straugh

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sat down.

“I guess you could say that, just thinking is all,” I said as I poked the fire.

“You know Derium can see spirits?”

“No, I didn’t know that at all,” I looked over at Mylicous with wonderment.

“He told me they haunt him sometimes, one haunted him the whole time he was separated.  It was one of the people he fed from.  He couldn’t see it though, because his head was so far away, but he could feel it touching him.  I’m glad I don’t have that curse upon me.”

“I’m glad as well, I’m still baffled at all our differences. I’m also baffled that we are the only Nephilim around. I haven’t run into any other kinds around.”

“There are more, but this Earth had things like us, long before we came around. I’ve heard rumors of large flying lizards around the area you like so much.  Small, winged flying humans. You know of the witches, so much is out there, brother, yet Jehovah, just wants us to believe in him and that he is the only one.”

“Speaking cross of Jehovah?”  I asked puzzled.

“Mila opened my eyes to the ways of her people.  I realized then that this place had long been around before Jehovah showed up, it’s magical, it holds powers.  Powers I’ve tapped into as well and me having powers of my own, I’ve enhanced myself, I’ve become better from within.  You might want to try it sometime.”

“I’ve had my run in with witches, some pleasant, some not so much. I don’t have any issues with them, they leave me alone, I leave them alone.”

“Just don’t want you going down a dark path brother, those are the hardest to come back from.  I fear time will turn you that way, I just hope you find inner peace before it does.”

I was lost at why he was talking to me about inner peace, I was at peace, or at least some kind of peace.  He patted my shoulder and got up, it wasn’t until a few hours that I saw him again.

The women of the pack had made their way back with the many of flowers they had picked.  They carried them in by the bushels full.  There were little blue flowers, red flowers, pink flowers but one that caught my eyes they most were a few bushels of black flowers.

The decorating started as soon as morning meal was finished, I wasn’t even for sure when the wedding day was, but from the way it looked, sooner than I had expected it to be. They started tying some of the flowers to twine and stringing them up.  They had brought in some long, vines that Amaruq wove together in an archway.  The black flowers that I liked so much, got added to the archway.  Blue and yellow flowers were hanging in drooping lines, from the ceiling and lined a walk way that led to the center tunnel from the archway.

I didn’t see much of Yura and when I tried to help, I was told no. Mylicous disappeared, Tarkik told me was out forging, but when I went out there, I couldn’t open the door and was told to go away.  I was annoyed but I believed it was all for a good cause.

The day was over before I knew and the pack went to bed before their normal time, which left me alone even longer.  I tried to go to Yura’s room but found myself locked out.  I ended up walking back to main room, to where what I would say, the kitchen would be and started a fire there.  I went to the meat storage room and got me a slice of meat, I wasn’t hungry, I was bored. I cooked up the meat, being this was the first meal I had ever cooked for myself and ate it.  I was not impressed, I knew nothing of spices, and it showed in my cooking.

I cleaned up my mess and went about tending the fire. As many times in the past, as it would be in the future, the sun came up and the pack stirred. I was rushed to the Mylicious’s room, where he had me take off my clothes and try on the robe.  It wasn’t made of hide, but fur rather, I believe the fur of brown bear, or something equally as large.  I put it on, it was heavy and as far as I could tell, I looked ridiculous. Then Mylicous pulled out a knife and started cutting fur away.  He left my shoulders bulky, but slimmed down the fur, from under the arms down.  He gave me brown britches to put on, then slit the robe down the middle, exposing my chest.  He nodded, then got something from behind me and I felt him attach something to me.  He appeared in front of me, eyes focused, then pulled what he attached up over on top of my head.  I saw two fangs just above each of my eyes.

“This is the fur, of one of my enemies, I killed him in wolf form and skinned him. I’ve been saving it for such a day.”

I was speechless, mostly in awe that Mylicious, who is usually calm and collective, would do something so vicious as skinning an enemy and keeping the fur. Then on top of that, I was actually wearing it like some sort of trophy. I thought nothing bad about it though and spoke, “Thank you brother, I’m honored!”

“You’re welcome. I’m happy for this,” he patted my shoulder, I could see tears coming to his eyes.

“Are you crying brother?” I asked.

“No, this fur just stinks!” he laughed.

“WE ARE READY!” I heard Mila shout.

“This is all happening too fast,” I spoke without thinking.

Mylicous stopped trimming up the fur and looked at me, “Oh brother, I haven’t once asked how you were doing, how you were

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