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prospect, but he couldn’t discount either one of them.

He pulled into the back lot of the police station and marched inside. He headed straight to the detectives section on the fourth floor, and from there he turned left and ventured into the narcotics section.

He stood and glanced around, his gaze darting around the space, searching for the vile she-snake. He spotted her rounding a corner, heading for her office.

He followed after her.

She glanced his way just as she stepped inside, and the bitch grinned as she tried to close the office door in his face.

Isaac pushed the door open with his fist. It made a soft thud against the doorstop. He stepped in and closed the door behind him.

Natalie smiled, her bright red lips parting to reveal perfect white teeth.

“I knew you’d come forcing your way into my office eventually. Finally realize you want me? You want to screw me on my desk?”

“In your dreams.”

“Then what are you barging in here for, Ike? I have work to do.”

He pulled Sidney’s two citations from his pocket and tossed them onto her desk.

“What are those?”

Her tone was super sweet and innocent, and laced with arsenic.

“You know exactly what they are. What’d it take? What did you bribe your buddies with to get them to harass Sidney this week, huh?”

“My buddies?”

“Your friends in the patrol section. Officers Tammy Hunt and Andy Garfield. They each pulled Sidney over on her way to work the past two days, writing her shit citations for an improper lane change and failure to come to a complete stop. You know what I’m talking about.”

He couldn’t help the rise of his voice, and he really wanted to snatch the smug smile off her face.

“I’m sorry, Tammy who?”

“And since you’ve been keeping close tabs on her, you know full well that Sidney just got her Concealed Weapon Permit. So you figured it’d be fun to have your buddies pull her over and search her car. Were you parked somewhere watching when Officer Hunt pulled her gun on Sidney and cuffed her when she got out of the car? You probably got a big ol kick out of watching Sid be humiliated like that, didn’t you? Did you and Officer Hunt have a good laugh about that one afterwards?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Ike. Maybe this is one of your psychic delusions or something. You should get that checked.”

“You know what my psychic delusions get right every single time? Recognizing your noxious handiwork when I see it.”

“It sounds to me like your girlfriend needs to learn how to drive.”

“Sounds to me like you need to grow up and learn how to stop being a world class bitch.”

“Ooh, such language! What’s the matter? Is your girlfriend not liking her new job? Too many creeps hanging around there?”

“Yeah, and apparently one of them is you.”


“I know you slashed her tires, Natalie. And you sent her the creepy box of goodies addressed to the future Mrs. Ike Taylor. Damn! I knew you were jealous, but wow. What’s your long term plan? You planning to harass her up until the wedding, or are you still going to be pulling this shit on our tenth anniversary?”

Natalie’s cheeks turned as red as her lipstick, and Isaac knew he’d struck a nerve.


There was only one person harassing Sidney, and he was looking at her.

“Get the fuck out of my office, Ike! I don’t have time for this shit.”

“Neither do I. This stops and it stops now, you understand me?”

“Or what? You can’t prove a thing. I haven’t gone anywhere near your precious girlfriend. Yet.”

“Is that another threat?”

“Another? Whatever do you mean?”

Isaac stared at her and snatched the citations from her desk.

“I’m done playing. This game is over.”

He turned for the door.

“Is it?”

Her tone was a challenge.

A dare.

Isaac turned and looked at her.

“Oh, yeah. It’s done.”

He left her office and went back to the pit. But instead of heading for his own desk, he went in search of his boss. He knocked on the open door of Gavin Hayes’ office.

“Ike. What can I do for you?”

He walked in and closed the door behind him.

“I just wanted to give you a heads up, sir.”

“About what?”

“I’m going to be filing a formal complaint with IAB over Natalie Bains’ continued harassment of Sidney and myself.”

Gavin put his pen down and looked up at him.

“Thank you for informing me.”

Isaac nodded.

“May I make a suggestion,” Gavin asked.


“Start at the beginning.”

Isaac nodded again. “I plan to gather the old report I filed when she made that veiled threat against Sid a few weeks back.”

“Good. But that’s not what I’m talking about.”

Isaac walked closer to Gavin’s desk and sat down in one of the vacant chairs across from him.

“What were you referring to?”

“I think you need to include mention of the IAB inquest you went through as her first act of harassment. After all, she is the one who reported you and sparked the whole inquest in the first place.”

“Can I do that?”

“I don’t see why not. Her reporting you was an act of harassment, was it not?”

“It was to me.”

“I wish there was some way we could include what happened at the safe house, but there isn’t.”

Isaac shrugged a shoulder.

“Doesn’t matter. The things she’s done lately are bad enough. The good part is that Sid and I already filed a harassment report about it all with Detective Casey, so there’s a record of it. I’m going to gather all of that, plus anything that Casey may have found, and take it all upstairs to IAB.”

“Do I even want to know what else she’s done?”

Isaac rolled his eyes. Then he sat back and filled his boss in on all the things Sid had been through in the last several days.

Gavin shook his head when Isaac finished his tale.

“Well, they’ll have to drag Officers Hunt and Garfield in for questioning. And those two probably won’t be too happy about that. Which means…”

“Which means they’ll go bitching to Natalie about it,” Isaac interrupted.

“And then she’ll

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