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Book online «The Final Redemption Michael Manning (best motivational books of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Michael Manning

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With my plans complete, I began a slowmarch to the eastern gate of the city. It would be a long night,and probably a long day as well.

The gate was closed when I reached it,but with the power of several gods running through me I found it tobe a small impediment. I burned a man shaped whole through a footand a half of solid oaken timber and kept walking. I was twirlingthe last diamond cube absently in one hand and began towhistle.

I am become death.The thought roused my sense of humor, and Ilaughed. It was probably my first laugh in over a year, and it cameout dry and awkward, as if I had forgotten the skill. “The ShiningGods each had their domains, I suppose I should have one as well,”I told myself. “There really isn’t anything more appropriate for menow, other than death.”

A very frightened guardsman approachedme, holding out a spear threateningly. No doubt he was nervous atconfronting the man who had just burned his way through the gate.“Stand and declare yourself!” he stammered.

“My name is Brexus, and I have come tocollect payment on behalf of Mordecai Illeniel,” I answered with abland smile.

“This city is under the rule of KingTremont, sir. You will have to submit yourself to our arrest,”stammered the man who I now realized was a rather shabby captain.Several more of his compatriots now surrounded me.

“That’s a rather unfortunate answer onyour part,” I told him. “You’ll have to make payment.”


Holding out the final diamond cube Ispoke the words that would empower it. At first nothing seemed tohappen; the size of my enchanted construct was so great that ittook a great deal of power before it began to take hold. Pushinghard, I poured my aythar into it, watching lines stretch outward inmy magesight as the cubes all connected and began to hum with asynchronous resonance.

Everything slowed and thencame to a complete stop. At a guess I had used nearly two fullCeliors of aythar to activate the enchantment; at least it feltlike it. I didn’t worry, since that matched the rough estimate mycalculations had given me. The diamond cube in my hand now wasglowing so brightly that it hurt the eyes, and it was emitting aheat so intense I was forced to create a temporary spell to protectmy clothing from it. Let’s hope it doesn’tshatter under the strain, Ithought. Be a shame to destroy all ofthis.

I was standing inside the largeststasis enchantment ever created. I was pretty sure anyway. Therewere no memories within my considerable recall of anythingapproaching one of this scale. The center cube that I carriedcreated a small area of normal time within the field, while therest of it, which was the entire city of Albamarl, was frozen intime.

Walking forward, I approached theguard captain. His face became startled when I moved within rangeand the effect of my cube released him. From his perspective itmust have seemed as if I had teleported to him. ”Yes, payment,” Isaid, answering his previous question. “Everyone serving theusurper must make this payment.”

The aura of my remaining aythar wasstill potent enough that it had rendered him nearly helpless justfrom my proximity, but he managed to croak, “What would you have ofme?”

I gave him a wickedly charming smile.“Don’t worry. Anyone can pay this price. I only want your life.” Myhand was at his throat so quickly that he never saw it. Pullingfiercely at the flame within him, I extinguished his life within nomore than a second or two. The pleasure of it wasexhilarating.

I didn’t bother talking to hissubordinates. They died without ever knowing why.

Chapter 33

The small gate keep in Lancaster wasin perfect condition, but it was the only thing that Penny and hercompanions found in such good shape. Castle Lancaster itself,little more than a half-mile away, was a burned ruin. Some of ithad fallen, collapsing as the timbers that supported it went up inflames, other parts were standing, a stone husk surrounding anempty charred interior.

They found no sign of anyone, thoughthere were quite a few corpses in the courtyard. Most of those weretoo far gone to identify, if they weren’t burned beyond recognitionthen scavengers and carrion eaters had removed all the softtissues. It was a grisly scene by any measure.

Penny looked on the destruction buther heart was numb. She had lost too much to feel any more sorrow.The one thought that seemed to bubble up from the mire within herfound her lips before she realized it, “If Cameron is like this,then we’ve lost it all.”

Ariadne looked at her fiercely, “I’vealready lost everything.” Lancaster Castle had been herhome.

“Where next for us?” asked Sir Egan.The man seemed smaller now, as if losing his mentor and teacher haddiminished him in some way.

“We need to discover what’s happenedin Cameron and Arundel,” suggested Penny.

Ariadne nodded, “Mordecai’s advice tous was sound. We must find the Prathions.”

“The only thing we know for certain isthat they won’t be at either Cameron Castle or Arundel,” offeredPeter Tucker suddenly.

Stephen Balistair seemed confused.“How do we know that?”

“Walter had access to a number ofmessage boxes at his home in Arundel. He also was intimatelyfamiliar with Castle Cameron, where many others were located. If heor his children, were currently at either place, they’d have beensending messages all along,” explained Peter. His work as the headchamberlain for Castle Cameron showed in his thinking.

Penny shook her head in agreement.Over the years she had come to expect such keen wit from Peter.“That should have occurred to me sooner, but you’re absolutelyright Peter.”

“Then how will we find the otherwizards?” asked the princess.

Elise Thornbear gestured at theunconscious Matthew and Moira. “We are not without resources. Wehave two wizards with us now. When they awake their senses willtell us far more than our eyes can.”

“It won’t matter,” said Cyhaninterrupting abruptly. “The ones we seek are Prathions. If they arehiding, we won’t be able to find them. Even Mordecai couldn’tmanage that.”

The Princess looked at himthoughtfully, “Then what is your counsel, Sir Knight?”

“There are two possibilities that Ican see. Either they’re dead, caught by whatever surprise wassprung here in Lancaster or at their home, or

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