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Book online «The Final Redemption Michael Manning (best motivational books of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Michael Manning

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cauterizing as well, preventing the blood loss that mightotherwise speed things up.

No, that’s enough,came the annoying voice from within.No one deserves to die like that.

I paid my conscience no heed, and soonmy head was swimming with cries for mercy and forgiveness. After atime I began to have trouble telling which ones originated withTremont, and which ones came from within. Two men were crying, onein front of me, and one inside. I laughed and tortured themboth.

It went on for over an hour, and bythe end, the room was filled with the stench of burnt flesh andvoided bowels. My inner voice went silent at some point, though Icould still feel its sickened revulsion at my actions. I dancedover the messy remains of Andrew Tremont.

“You can all go straight to hell,” Itold the immobile servants in the great hall. They couldn’t hear orsee me, which made the statement rather unsatisfying, but I decidedI didn’t really care.

I left the palace in highspirits.

Chapter 35

Gareth Gaelyn flew on outstretchedwings, circling over Castle Cameron. The world below stretched outto the horizon, but his keen eyes could easily discern even thesmallest of details below. The castle was occupied, but not by itsrightful occupants. The soldiers manning its walls wore no liveryat all, and here and there among them were creatures that bore anuncanny resemblance to the ones Gareth had seen at the father-tree.Creatures possessed of considerable aythar.

They look like Kriteck.Could these be related to the Dark Gods?

Unsure, he determined notto fly closer than he was, keeping a range of several miles. In thedistance to the west he could see several small dots. They were sofar away that they were over the gulf. Which means they’re pretty large for me to see them at thisrange. What could be flying this way that is that big?

Gareth had more questions thananswers, but he was certain that things would get much moreinteresting in the region of Cameron Castle very soon. He had flownfrom his hiding place near Albamarl the night before, hoping tofind someone to warn. Moira had previously sent him a message thatthey were leaving, broadcasting her thoughts as far as possible,but he hadn’t replied. He had been deep in thought, considering hisown situation.

Now he hoped to find her, and with herthe others, to share what he had seen, but all he could discoverwere more enemies.

A familiar voice echoed inhis mind. I saw you fly over.It was Moira Centyr.

Where are you?

There was a long pause,and then her thoughts came to him again. In the forest, midway between Cameron and Arundel. Drawcloser and I’ll send you a mental image when you arenear.

You are with thePrathions? questioned Gareth.

Another pause andthen, yes.

The dragon shifted direction to a morewesterly course, in the direction that Moira had indicated. As hedid, he flew lower, forsaking the view for the obscurity of the airjust above the tree tops. Despite this effort to remain unseen, hesoon spotted what appeared to be a winged man closing rapidly onhim.

This is going to be one ofthose days, thought Gareth. Lately itseemed he had been involved in the lives and activities of far toomany other beings. It was thoroughly against the grain of hisdragon nature. He wanted only to be left alone, and yet, somehow hefound himself continually drawn into the world and itsaffairs.

He didn’t bother trying toavoid the encounter. Whatever was heading for him possessed a largestore of aythar, and within a moment, it was close enough that hecould identify it. Karenth,he said to himself.

Within minutes, the formergod of justice had pulled up abreast of him in the air and sent amental greeting. Permission to comeaboard? The thought came with an impliedsmile.

Gareth fought down theirritation that the question immediately raised within him. Overthe past weeks he had become some sort of ferry service forMordecai and his friends, but he’d be damned before he let himselfget used to it. If you think youmust, he returned with a mentalgrowl.

Karenth settled himselfonto the flying dragon’s shoulders as though it were the mostnatural thing in the world. I could getused to this, sent the god.

Only if you think youcould get used to being torn in half and eaten as well,returned the dragon.

You seem to be in a poormood, as usual, responded Karenth.You should cheer up. I have good news for ourside.

I am my own side,said the dragon automatically.

Don’t play coy,thought the god. You canno longer claim that, else you wouldn’t be here.

The dragon didn’t bother replying. Hehad no good argument, which only made him angrier.

I met with Mordecai a dayand a half ago. He has taken control of my fellow gods, Millicenthand Doron. He also sends word of new allies.

Save your words for theothers. I would rather not have to listen to you talk twice,answered Gareth.

You aren’t listening now.We’re speaking mind to mind.

Gareth suppressed the urgeto express his annoyance with a jet of flame. No need to make hisposition easier to spot. Your thoughts arejust as vexing as your irritating voice.

Karenth shut up after that, and theyflew onward in silence, until eventually Moira contacted him againand guided them down to the southern edge of their hidden camp inthe thick wood.

The area that they landed in seemed tobe utterly devoid of any humans, but both Karenth and Gareth knewbetter than to expect to see them. Following Moira’s small steps,they traveled another fifty feet on foot before the world changedaround them, as though they had stepped through a curtain. Theywere in a wide meadow now, packed with men, women, and children.There were no fires, for the smoke would have ruined theeffectiveness of Walter’s illusion.

“I must admit to being impressed,”said Karenth aloud. “I would never have credited a human with theskill to create such an artful veil to hide so many companions.” Hestared around him as though taking in the view with neweyes.

“I’m not sure I like your tone,” saidElaine Prathion, appearing as if from nothing. “Why have youbrought this creature with you?” she asked, turning her attentionto the dragon.

“Do not speak to me as your friend,”growled Gareth. “I am here for my own reasons. This thing

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