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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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untie the tight knot of the gag, trying his best to keep his eyes averted from Lena, whilst attempting to convey reassurance to Gwen. Why would Saul turn on Gwen of all people? Christ, he’d burnt his bridges this time – there was no doubt about that. ‘We’ll sort this. You’re ok, I promise,’ he whispered.

‘What’s the problem, Jonah?’ Saul raged. ‘I’ve saved you the problem of marrying the whore, haven’t I? I told you she wouldn’t get her hands on the firm, or on you, but you wouldn’t listen.’ His mouth cracked into the widest smile. ‘I really enjoyed kicking that baby from her too... That was until I discovered it was a bunch of kitchen roll which spoilt the satisfaction!’

He paced around like a prowling tiger. ‘It was all bullshit, do you hear? Bullshit! But she’s gone now. You’re my brother and this is our firm.’

Jonah scrambled back to his feet and launched himself at Saul, too irate to feel upset. Lena was pregnant – he’d seen it with his own eyes. This was all lies. It had to be. ‘You piece of shit,’ he hissed, his hands closing around Saul’s throat.

Still fumbling with the knot, Nero’s eyes darted to Jonah not knowing which was worse. That Jonah’s own brother had kicked his child out of his fiancée or that Lena had set Jonah up?

A high-pitched strangulated laugh escaped from Saul’s mouth. ‘Yeah, go on – kill me if you like... You can’t face the truth. Our father must have been gutted leaving you in charge. You with your bunch of henchmen who are more use in a knitting circle! Even Keith’s turned out a useless shit. You’re all bunch of fucking slaves, yet none of you can see it!’

‘Shut the fuck up!’ Jonah yelled, spittle flying from the corners of his mouth. He pressed down harder on his brother’s neck, his rage incessant. ‘You’re mental. Unhinged!’

‘If you say so...’ Saul counteracted the pressure of Jonah’s hands with his own force, the glint in his eyes, goading. ‘But then again, our father wasn’t particularly choosy. I mean, ask Gwen... She’d know, considering she was shagging him the night Mum died! Wasn’t that right, Gwen?’ He laughed at Jonah’s expression. ‘Go on, ask her! She won’t deny it.’

Without wanting to, Jonah felt his eyes move to Gwen and saw by the look on her face that what Saul said was true. His mind reeled. Was that why she’d wanted to leave the Feathers? Was that what Lena wanted to tell him about Gwen? Unable to help it, his grip on Saul’s throat slackened as his head reeled.

Immediately homing in on the lapse in Jonah’s concentration, Saul seized the opportunity, twisting his brother’s fingers away from his throat and throwing him on to his back. Springing up like a cat, he delivered a boot to Jonah’s stomach, leaving him winded. Surveying the scene, Saul’s mouth split into a crazed grin. Throwing his head back, he made a whooping noise. He’d done it. He was taking charge. He’d re-established his authority and removing every single person who had hindered, doubted or didn’t trust him.

He'd given years for his family and he would have that respect. He deserved that respect. All those taking the piss or slowing him up were going. Every. Single. One.

Pulling the knife back out from the holder on his ankle, Saul lurched towards Keith. This one was a shame. He’d always felt a kindred spirit in Keith, but that had gone. Keith had severed the connection and disconnected their pairing. He thought about voicing something along these lines, but decided it wasn’t the best use of his time and instead, without a second thought, cleanly sliced through Keith’s windpipe.

A moment of utter shock passed across Keith’s face before his massive frame slid to the floor, the wide gash in his throat emitting a strange hissing, gurgling sound as bubbly purple blood frothed in torrents from the wound.

‘Holy shit!’ Nero muttered as Saul stepped over Keith’s body. His eyes then darted to Jonah, still gasping for breath on the floor. There was little point in going to Keith’s aid. Whether he liked it or not, the man would be dead within minutes.

Dropping his hand from the knot of Gwen’s gag, Nero moved towards Saul, his eyes fixed on the position of the knife. His heart raced as he steeled himself. Saul would go for Jonah next and he couldn’t let that happen. ‘Saul, you n...’

‘Get out of my way, Nero. I have no argument with you, but I’ll remove you if I have to,’ Saul spat.

Saul barged past Nero, his immense frame more than capable of displacing a giant. Nero grabbed at Saul’s arm and twisted it with all his might. He couldn’t let Saul destroy Jonah, Gwen or the girl upstairs.

Howling with pain and rage, Saul span around, the blade slashing out wildly. The knife cut across Nero’s cheekbone, forcing him to drop his grip, leaving Saul free to move in on Gwen.

Gwen’s eyes bulged as Saul neared, his movements happening in slow-motion. Her eyes darted around the room. The man next to her couldn’t help. She’d heard his laboured breathing slow and then stop not a few minutes past. Lena was long dead and Nero was now hindered enough not to be able to reach her in time. She couldn’t even see Jonah, but he was on the floor somewhere...

Saul had won. It was over. And now she wouldn’t even get chance to tell Jonah what had happened with his father or who Lena was. It was too late.

Knowing what was imminent, she clenched her jaw and looked up at Saul with resolve, no longer frightened.

Seeing a flurry of movement from behind Saul, Gwen watched his mouth form an ‘O’ and his eyes widen with a jolt of unexpected shock. Stumbling forwards, Saul attempted to turn around, but the Swiss Army knife stuck in his back was quickly pulled out and plunged into his chest.

She watched with

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