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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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‘Why not? Because the police will get involved and you lot don’t want them sniffing around your fucking firm or finding those diamonds.’

‘It’s got nothing to do with the police or diamonds. It’s about her. You think the hospital won’t inevitably involve several drug agencies and the social? Do you think having ‘heroin addict’ on her records will help? Do you really believe being labelled with that will do her any favours? If so, then crack on!’

‘Addict? What do you mean ‘addict’?’ Robert cried, the words sticking in his throat. He looked down at Teagan. ‘How much has she been given?’

‘By her behaviour and the state of her, I’d say a lot for several days. Saul has been trying to make her dependant and by the looks of it, has succeeded,’ Nero added, his voice flat. ‘It’s evil shit. Some people become reliant from the first hit, others take weeks or months. I’d say she was pretty much reliant.’

‘I agree,’ Jonah said sadly. ‘She’ll be ok, but she needs to go cold turkey behind closed doors and get that shit out of her system.’ He moved towards the bedroom door. ‘We need to get her out of here. She can stay at my home to recuperate.’

‘Yours?’ Robert cried. ‘Are you insane?’

Jonah’s eyes flashed with irritation. ‘My brother’s already ballsed her life up, so it’s the least I can do. I have a big house not far from here. You can stay with her or I’ll arrange for a private nurse to see her through this. I will ensure she gets clean without disruption and no stains on her record. Alternatively, you can take her to hospital. Your call.’

Robert blinked rapidly, unsure which way to turn. Was what Jonah suggested the best thing to do? How could he stand being around Teagan now?

‘She will be ok,’ Nero added. ‘But Jonah is right. We need to leave.’

Robert looked down at Teagan once again, realising he had little choice. ‘Ok, I’ll do as you suggest.’

Forty Five

‘FORGOT YOUT KEY IN your desperation to be away from me?’ Dulcie snapped, opening the door. ‘The first thing you can do is tell me wh... OH!’ She stared at the figure in the doorway, momentarily thrown off guard.

‘Hello Mrs Adams. I’m Darren Harding, do you remember? I saw you last at the fu...’

‘I’m not an imbecile, young man! Of course I remember you. I thought you were Robert for a minute, that’s all. Teagan’s not here, so you’ve had a wasted journey.’

Heath wondered what could have happened to Dulcie Adams to make her look so frazzled and stressed. And Teagan wasn’t here? Recalling the telephone conversation he’d had with Robert, he inwardly frowned. Robert had been looking for Teagan, but then made out Dulcie must have got her wires crossed. Was that not the case? ‘Do you know when she will be back?’

‘No and quite frankly, I don’t care!’ Dulcie placed her hand defensively on the door frame. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse me?’

Health faltered. Teagan’s absence affected his plans somewhat. However... ‘Are you alright, Mrs Adams? You look... look rather flustered.’

Dulcie’s mind worked overtime, her bitter and crushing disappointment over Robert’s betrayal threatening to overwhelm her. ‘I thought you might be part of this, but you’re not are you?’ she muttered, beckoning Heath inside the flat.

Heath hesitated, then followed Dulcie inside. ‘Part of what? What do you mean? I don’t underst...’

‘Oh, I thought the stupid girl had run off with you and that you’d both schemed to take my things.’ Dulcie stopped suddenly and turned to look accusingly at Heath.

Heath successfully managed to contain the shudder the look in Dulcie Adams’ beady eyes caused inside of him. ‘What are you talking about? I don’t k...’

‘That’s it then. It must be Robert. That whore has turned my own son against me. Can you believe it? Was it not bad enough to develop feelings for the little tart, but then to do a runner with her and take the very things I’ve kept safe all these years...’

Waving her hands around, she strode down the hall into the lounge. ‘Come in here, Darren. I only told Robert the other day and now he’s done this to me!’ Her eyes narrowed to small slits. ‘That girl has ruined everything. Everything, I tell you!’

Heath glanced around Robert’s lounge. This woman really was barking mad. She was talking as if he’d been party to her and Robert’s conversation, but he hadn’t a clue what she was referring to. And Robert had a thing for Teagan? That couldn’t be right! Teagan couldn’t stand him from what he remembered. He was a right odd-ball, so surely she’d never...

Hang on... Heath’s brain whirred at record speed as the penny dropped. This hideous old bag was actually telling him that Teagan and Robert had disappeared with the diamonds? His diamonds? Was that what she was saying? He could barely breathe. The jewels had been at Footlights all along and then moved here to Robert Adams’ flat?

A sickening feeling crawled over him and he forced himself not to scream out loud. Jonah Powell wasn’t in possession of the diamonds at all, so he’d wasted all that bloody money on a stupid VIP membership for nothing? Not to mention the disaster of using his real name, which had he not been so lucky and the Powells so stupid, could have got him into serious shit. All this time, all he’d had to do was to ramp up wooing Teagan and it would have been plain sailing. He’d have got his hands on those diamonds by now.

‘They concocted this together. I gave the box containing them to Teagan to look after and she must have told Robert, even though he pretended otherwise.’ Dulcie scowled. ‘He fooled me! My own flesh and blood has fooled me. It’s her who has made him behave like this. I should have got rid of her when I had the chance!’

Heath stared at Dulcie, her nostrils

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