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Book online «Takedown Heather Atkinson (rosie project txt) 📖». Author Heather Atkinson

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fire. No one could find one.”

“It was a small fire but it created a ton of smoke, most of which I seemed to breathe in. I ended up in hospital suffering from smoke inhalation.”

“Then you should be resting at home, not in a busy nightclub.”

“I want to support Caleb on his big night.”

“He can handle it. You should be tucked up in bed girl, you look rough as dogs.”

“Thanks,” she said wryly. “I might go in a bit. I could really use some sleep,” she added, stifling a yawn.

“So, there hasn’t been any trouble then?”

“What makes you say that?”

“Well, first there was Dillon’s murder. I heard he was working for you. Then you came in to speak to his friends. Patrick Prentiss ended up with most of his fingers snapped, which I know is Vance’s speciality and then there was the mysterious fire. Come on Faith,” she pressed when she didn’t reply. “You’re one of my best mates and if you’re in trouble I want to help.”

“There’s nothing to help with. I’m just getting over the fire. It was a bit of an ordeal. A couple of day’s rest and I’ll be as right as rain.”

Lil sighed. “All right, I won’t push you, even though I know you’re lying. You’re the most stubborn mare I ever met, so it would be pointless.”

“Because there’s nothing to tell.”

“That’s not what the local jungle drums are saying.”

“The jungle drums can be wrong.”

“Not in my experience.” She continued to regard her expectantly but when it became clear that Faith was not going to be forthcoming she said, “Actually, I did hear something that might interest you.”

“Oh yes?” said Faith, stifling another yawn. God she was knackered. She was tempted to rest her head on the table and go to sleep.

“Mickey Gunning was released from police custody this afternoon.”

This had Faith sitting up straighter. “What? But I heard he was being done for burglary.”

“He was but his lawyer managed to get him released on bail. He’s pretty pissed off.”

“At who?”

“You lot.”

“Us? What have we done?”

“He thinks you set him up.”

“But we didn’t.”

“He reckons you told the police about his connection to Dillon Enfield.”

“Lots of people knew that they worked together.”

Lil noted that she didn’t deny it. “I heard he wants revenge. If he hadn’t got nicked he wouldn’t have been done for the burglary.”

“That’s ridiculous. The police must have some evidence against him to charge him.”

“Apparently something came out in interview that gave them what they needed.”

“You mean the idiot dropped himself in it.”


Faith glanced at Caleb, who was looking equally worried. Didn’t they have enough enemies without some lunatic with a fetish for Stanley knives going after them?

“Excuse me,” said Faith, getting to her feet.

She scanned the room for Matthew and when she didn’t see him she headed downstairs into the main room. She sighed as she regarded all the bodies. It would be impossible to find him in this lot. On the plus side, Lil’s shocking news had helped her shake off the lethargy. It occurred to her that she hadn’t thanked her for the warning. No doubt Caleb would do that and enjoy himself at the same time.

Faith winced as violent strobe lights flickered across the dancefloor. She pushed her way over to the DJ, who controlled the lights and jabbed him in the arm.

“Turn those bloody things off,” she told him. “Do you want to cause an accident? No one can sodding see.”

“Sorry,” he said, hitting a switch.

Faith breathed a sigh of relief when the gentle muted lights returned. “That’s better. Don’t put those on again. You’ll have everyone convulsing on the floor.”

“Got it,” he said, eager to please.

“Wanker,” she muttered as she continued her search.

She found Matthew standing at the back of the room nursing a pint, looking miserable.

“I need to speak to you,” she said.

“What?” he frowned, unable to hear her over the music.

“I need to speak to you,” she yelled in his ear.

“About what?”

“We can’t talk here. Come up to the office.”

Unlike Pulse, Eclectic’s office was on the first floor and he followed her upstairs to a small, poky room with no windows.

“That’s better,” she sighed with relief, closing the door behind them.

“What’s wrong?” he said.

“I’ve just spoken to Lil who runs The Red Lion. She said Mickey Gunning was released from police custody and he’s blaming us for him being arrested for burglary.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” he frowned. “He dropped himself right in it during interview. He told us about a robbery he did with Dillon that matched an unsolved burglary we were investigating.”

“According to him it’s our fault he was being interviewed in the first place. He says we grassed him up to the police.”

“But you did.”

“I know that but how does he know?”

“He probably put two and two together. Only I know that you gave his name and I’ve not told anyone.”

“Can’t you lock him up again?”

“Not without something concrete. I refuse to fit anyone up.”

“I would never ask you to do that Matthew, especially after what Marlow and his friends did to us.”

He nodded. “I know. Sorry.”

“It’s okay but it’s going to get even worse with Mickey coming for us.”

“He won’t. He’s out on bail. If he tries anything he’ll be sent straight to prison.”

“Mickey has one hell of a temper and it often overrides his common sense.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” he said, dragging a hand down his face.

“I’m sorry Matthew. You’re going through your own shit and I keep dumping mine on you.”

“That’s what I’m here for.”

“Not just that. I want you to know that I don’t just see you as a fixer. You’re my

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