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Book online «Summer of Love Marie Ferrarella (easy books to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Marie Ferrarella

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out of bed most days, she’d ask me to take her up there. And now folks like him want to dig it all up and spoil it.’

He jerked his thumb at Alistair, who blanched. Daniel realised that he had hit upon the real crux of the problem. Harold Dawson’s desire to stop the wind farm going ahead was all tied up with his late wife. He realised that he needed to tread warily.

‘No wonder you’re upset about what’s happening,’ he said quietly. ‘It must be difficult to accept that a place which meant so much to your wife is going to change. But do you think Mary would have been happy about what you’re doing?’

‘What do you mean?’ Dawson demanded querulously.

‘Keeping us here and threatening us. Shooting at the police.’ Daniel shrugged. ‘What would Mary say if she knew that was what you were up to?’

Harold Dawson stopped pacing; his expression was reflective. ‘My Mary hated guns. She wouldn’t even let me shoot rabbits when she was alive. Said it was cruel, she did.’

‘Then I doubt if she’d have approved of this, would she?’ Daniel held out his hand. ‘Why not give me the shotgun, Mr Dawson. Let’s stop this now before things get any worse.’

Harold Dawson hesitated then slowly handed over the shotgun. Daniel carefully ejected the cartridges then placed it against the wall and stood up. ‘I suggest we tell the police that we’re coming out.’

Dawson didn’t try to stop them as he and Alistair walked along the hall. Daniel cautiously opened the front door, shouting out that he and Alistair were coming out. Everything happened at great speed after that. The police came running towards them, some of the officers going straight into the house while others hurried him and Alistair away to safety. People were firing questions at him from all directions and he did his best to answer them, but he had caught sight of a figure standing just beyond the police cordon. Emma was here? She had cared enough to come and find him?

His heart sang with joy as he walked straight past the policeman who was trying to speak to him. Emma had started walking too, ducking under the tape, so that they met in the middle of the lane. When he opened his arms, she stepped into them and it was then that he knew everything was going to be all right. How could it not be when the love of his life was here in his arms, her heart beating in time with his?

He bent and kissed her, uncaring that everyone was watching them. He didn’t give a damn who knew how he felt so long as Emma knew it. Drawing back, he looked into her eyes, wanting there to be no more misunderstandings, either deliberate or accidental.

‘I love you,’ he said softly, his voice grating with emotion. He felt the tremor that ran through her, heard the sharp indrawn breath she took, and held her tighter, knowing it must be a shock for her to hear him say that. He had hurt her so much, seemingly thrown away her love, and it was a lot to ask her to believe him now, but he had to try. ‘I love you, Emma. I always have.’

‘Daniel, I …’

She stopped and swallowed. Daniel could see the uncertainty in her eyes and prayed that she would find it in her heart to give him another chance. He wanted to take her somewhere quiet and explain it all to her, but there was no hope of that right now. He sighed when the officer in charge came over and told him firmly that he needed to speak to him at the police station. It appeared that sorting things out with Emma would have to wait for now.

‘I’ll have to go,’ he told her huskily, smoothing a silky lock of her hair behind her ear. He dropped a kiss on her lips then smiled at her. ‘I’ll be back as soon as I can. Will you wait up for me?’

‘Yes.’ She gave him a wobbly smile, her eyes holding his fast for a moment before she turned away.

Daniel watched her walk over to Mike, who put a friendly arm around her shoulders as he led her to his car. He would have felt better if they could have sorted things out immediately rather than wait, but there was nothing he could do. As he allowed the officer to lead him to the waiting police car he sent up a silent prayer that everything would be all right. He just needed Emma to give him a second chance.

It was five a.m. before Emma heard a car turn into the drive. She ran to the window, feeling her heart leap when she saw Daniel getting out of a police car. Hurrying into the hall, she flung open the front door, seeing the lines that fatigue had been etched onto his handsome face.

‘I thought they were never going to let me go,’ he said as he stepped into the hall. ‘I must have gone over what happened a dozen times before they were satisfied that I’d told them everything.’

‘Come into the sitting room.’

Emma led the way, waiting until he had sunk down onto a chair before she went back to the door. She had spent the intervening time wondering what would happen when he got back. He had told her that he loved her but was it true? She longed to know yet now that the moment had arrived, she was suddenly afraid. What if Daniel hadn’t really meant it, what if it had been merely a reaction to the stress he’d been under? She wasn’t sure if she could cope with the disappointment of having her hopes dashed a second time.

‘I’ll make you a drink,’ she said hurriedly. ‘What do you prefer—tea or coffee?’

‘Neither, thank you. My stomach is awash with the foul brew that passes for tea at the police station.’ He gave her a gentle smile

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