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Book online «Hive Knight: A Dark Fantasy LitRPG (Trinity of the Hive Book 1) Grayson Sinclair (book recommendations website .TXT) 📖». Author Grayson Sinclair

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the rapidly growing shards of ice on my arm and turned my attention to Eris.

She was fighting a weakened Slip, who was still proving himself a challenge. Eris was on him enough that he couldn’t go for a weapon, but her attacks were sloppy, and even coughing blood, Slip kept her at bay, but he was racked with a fit of coughs and only halfway blocked a punch from Eris. It slipped off his forearm and connected with his temple. His skull cracked and buckled from the impact, and Slip dropped to the ground like a stone, unconscious.

By the nine kings of Hell, she’s strong. Eris stood over him, the victor of the fight, but Slip was still a threat and needed to die.

“Eris, kill him.”


“Do it!”

I had to focus on Wolf. He wasn’t giving me an inch, moving around me like a ghost, trailing ethereal fog in his wake, slicing my body to pieces. It didn’t matter that none of the hits were deep or if they hit a vital area. The frost damage was working its way over my body. Even now, my arm was turning black, and I couldn't feel my fingers.

If he hits my right arm, I won’t be able to hold my sword, and that’ll be the end of me. I was growing weaker by the second. The blood loss and frostbite sapped my remaining strength.

Shit, shit, shit. I have to get rid of his magic, but what will happen if I use Aura of the Antimage? I have magic inside my heart now, can I survive it?

My choice was taken from me as Wolf ducked under my weak swing and plunged his claws into my chest, and I couldn’t hold back my screams.

I didn’t have another option left; I activated Aura of the Antimage, and it pulsed along my skin, billowing out in a circle, shredding any magic within it. My heart stopped as the magic inside it dissolved, and I dropped to the ground in blinding agony, but I was still alive.

Antimagic was powerful, but even it couldn’t rid me of my Darkness. It was very weak, but it still clung to me. I gasped as I figured out how to breathe again, clutching at my now-beating heart, trying to find the strength to stand.

Wolf stumbled back as his magic shattered, sending shards of ice cascading to the grass, melting in the midday sun. The effects of Frostbite faded along with his claws, and blood began to pour from a dozen lacerations in my skin. I uncorked a health potion and drank it down while Wolf recovered from having his magic destroyed.

My health bar climbed into the green, but my battle fatigue was already too high, and I only had a few minutes of fighting left in me. Movement from behind me caused me to turn. Eris came to stand beside me, her hand brushing my own. Slip’s lifeless corpse lay a few yards away on the grass, his head snapped and nearly twisted around his body.

“Good job,” I told her, pride in my voice.

She jerked her head in a curt nod, not looking at me, staring at Wolf. “The russet-haired one got away, though. He fled when I killed that man.”

Darren? Shit, where’d he go? I spied a couple of horses in the tree line. There were only five, and one was missing. Damn it, I didn’t want him escaping.

Wolf was looking at me with surprise, and his sadistic grin only deepened. He opened his mouth wide to showcase his teeth, each of them pointed and sharp.

“Well, well. I expected Darren to flee. He’s always been a coward, but that spell wasn’t nullification magic, that was antimagic. I didn’t think it actually existed. Tell me, human. Who taught you that?”

“Fuck you!" Like hell will I tell you shit. Besides, Evelyn would kill me if I ever gave her name to a stranger. Especially an enemy.

Wolf laughed at me. “Fair enough, human, fair enough.”

Why does he keep calling me that? Never mind, Aura is going to time out in a few seconds, which means it’ll take around half a minute for his mana to refill enough to use Frost Talon again if memory serves. Need to make that time count. I looked at Eris. “How are you holding up?”

“I’m fine. My magic is low, but I can still fight.”

“All right, back me up. He’s incredibly dangerous, and you can’t take him by yourself.”

Wolf only laughed harder at my words, nearly doubling over from it. “Yes, both of you come to me, let me savor your flesh and marrow.”

His laugh deepened, turning to a low growl as he bent over as if in pain. It wasn’t until his bones began to crack that I realized the situation, and how utterly screwed we were.

“Eris, run.”

The tone of my voice caused her to look at me with fear in her eyes. She tugged on my arm, “What's going on? There's two of u—”

“Go! Take Lacuna and get as far away as you can, now!” I shoved her off me and towards Lacuna. I’m sorry, no use both of us dying here. I attacked Wolf before he could finish his transformation. My sword split a gash across his face, which had elongated. Wolf only smiled, using the pain to fuel his shift.

His fist rocketed into my gut, sending me flying, I hit the ground a few feet away and rolled over and up onto my feet. Ignoring the massive amount of pain I was in, I prepared to rush him again, but it was too late.

He’d completely transformed.

Wolf, the man, was gone. In his place stood a massive barrel-chested werewolf. Easily eight feet of rippling muscles, with thick, wiry white fur covering his body. He stood on two legs, shaking off the remains of his armor and roared. Jagged

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