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Book online «Hive Knight: A Dark Fantasy LitRPG (Trinity of the Hive Book 1) Grayson Sinclair (book recommendations website .TXT) 📖». Author Grayson Sinclair

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potion and pressing the glass to her lips. But she wouldn’t drink, the red liquid falling from her mouth to run down her chin.

Fuck it. I poured a good measure into my mouth and pressed my lips to hers, forcing them apart and letting the liquid drain down her throat. I repeated the action until the potion was empty, and her wounds had closed. Her skin restitched itself, and the frostbite faded into nothingness. Eris’s breathing stabilized, and she slept deeply.

Okay, now, to take care of myself. I drank a health potion myself and waited for it to kick in. My body repaired itself, but not without a cost. I’d consumed too many potions in a short period, warranting potion sickness, but I’d gone beyond even that, overloading my system, and I was about to pay for it with interest.

Warning! System Overload! Shutting down to repair the damage.

Without any further warning, I fell into unconsciousness.

I awoke to pain, mind-numbing agony that sent waves of misery through my veins with every beat of my pulse. The minuscule light drifting in through the thick heavy curtains was enough to send spikes of pain into my retinas. Fuck, I forgot how awful this was. System overload sucked, but I was riding the tail end of it, and even it hurt like hell, I could move around normally now. I sat up, giving myself a once over. I was naked, but I didn’t have any visible wounds. Pulling my last set of clean clothes from my inventory, I put on a short-sleeved black tunic and black linen pants.

Just the act of getting dressed hurt and fighting the urge to hurl, I swung my legs out of bed. As my feet hit the wooden floor, I had a thought. Where the hell am I? I didn’t recognize the surroundings, but it seemed I was in a house. I could smell farmland through the open window and pushed back the curtain, flinching as bright light hit my face.

Blinking back tears, I tried once more to get my bearings. Outside was a field of barley, and I recognized the landscape. Am I back at Oscar’s? But how did I get here? Eris?! The fight came back to me instantly, and I strode across the small room and flew through the door.


Both she and Oscar were seated at the dining table, having a meal. Eris had her hood down, and her pointed ears and compound eyes were easily visible, and Oscar didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.

While I was taking stock of the situation, Eris sucked in a sharp breath. “Sam!” Eris shouted, plowing into me and sending me flying to the ground.

I managed to croak out a pained “Ow,” before my mouth was occupied. Her lips were scorching as she kissed me before pulling away a second later and wrapping me in a crushing hug.

“You wouldn't wake up, no matter what I tried. I couldn't get you to wake up,” she blubbered into my chest, on the verge of tears.

I leaned over and brushed her hair back. “I’m fine, Eris, don’t worry about me.”

“Why didn’t you wake up?”

“It was the price I had to pay. I overdid it and was punished for it.”

She punched me weakly—well, to her—but it was hard enough to numb my arm.

“I was terrified. I woke up, and you were unconscious on the ground.” She punched me again. “Don’t ever do that again.”

I chuckled. “I’ll do my best.” to which her response was to hug me tighter for a few more minutes. When she was satisfied with her hugging, she leaned back and kissed me on the cheek.

“I’m glad you’re all right.”

“Me too, but how did we get here?”

Eris sat up and stood, pulling me up along with her. After her outburst, she calmed down considerably, and we went to sit next to Oscar, who went and fetched a beer for me. I took it with a nod and turned to face Eris.

“When I woke up, I tried everything to get you to wake up, but you wouldn’t, so I wanted to make camp and wait it out, but all the supplies were in your inventory, so I couldn’t. I picked you up and put you on Lacuna and walked here. Oscar was gracious enough to let us stay while you recovered. You’ve been unconscious for over two days.”

Only two? That’s actually pretty generous, considering the last time I overdid it, I was asleep for nearly a week. I took a drink of beer and thought things through while I pulled up my interface. I had several combat notifications to deal with.

Combat Results

7 Killed (Human): 10,500 Exp!

1 Downed: 1500 Exp!

Mercy Penalty: -500 Exp.

Total Exp Gain: 11,500 Exp!

Exp: 4600/4600

Level Up! (x2)

Exp: 2300/4800

Level 48

20 Skill Points Available


Damn, that's a ton of Exp. How unbalanced is this system? It's getting a little ridiculous. Though it looks like I didn’t get any Exp for the men Eris killed. I wounded Slip, but Eris got the kill, so I only received an assist. Still worth it, and I can’t really complain about the abundance of Exp. Wolf just about slaughtered us.

The massive Exp seemed a worthwhile amount for what we’d gone through. Two against a werewolf, and we won. The Guild will never believe it, though I bet Yumiko will get a kick out of it.

I closed the notifications tab and allocated my new stat points, putting five of each into Strength and Constitution, bringing both up to ninety. A solid feat for a level forty-eight. While previously, I’d prioritized Strength and Agility, having my Constitution so high this early made me much more durable than most others my level. But most players wouldn’t be so unbalanced in their stats.

With ten stat points remaining, I decided to add them

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