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Book online «Legion: Alpha Dragon Shifter Romance (Dragon Rules Series Book 1) Tia Didmon (e books free to read .txt) 📖». Author Tia Didmon

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his lip, attacked her mind. Fire erupted in her skull before she pulled her hand from his. “Thank you, Ross. I appreciate your time and your recommendation.”

Ross frowned before inclining his head. “Of course.”

Mara left the Gallery with none of the excitement she’d expected from a successful meeting. Everything had gone as planned, yet all she could think about was the arrogant jerk that had invaded her mind and warned her away from Ross.

As if on cue, his low, sexy tone echoed in her head. Your mind is not the only thing I will invade.

Stop it! She snapped, but she couldn’t stop her body’s reaction. Her nipples throbbed against the rough lace of her bra. Her womb clenched. She reinforced the shield in her mind. She couldn’t see him or feel him. There was no sound, yet butterfly wings caressed her skin as he laughed at her.

Mara returned to the shop, kicking off the black heels as soon as she was inside. Her old wool slippers did nothing to soften her sour mood.

Natalie approached her, handing her a cup of tea. “It didn’t go well, I take it?”

Mara glanced up. “What? Oh, the meeting. Yes, it did. Sorry, I’m just distracted.”

Natalie passed Mara an envelope. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the bank called and sent this. They are looking for payment on the second mortgage.”

Mara opened the envelope. The red stamp spelled out ‘Final Notice’. “Do we have enough?”

Natalie shook her head. “I don’t need a paycheck this month. If we’re careful with the food we have upstairs, I am sure we can make it.”

Mara felt the world shift beneath her feet. She was letting everyone down, and Natalie most of all. She swallowed to keep the tears from falling. There were times in her life when she hated the shop and the responsibility it represented. Still, it was her home, and she loved the loft above the store. “That isn’t fair. You shouldn’t have to work for free because Mom’s medical bills drained our bank account.”

Natalie touched her shoulder. The warmth of her hand, reminding her just how lucky she was to have her quiet friend in her life. “We can make it. A month or two of cutting back and we will catch up. Let me work on the numbers. Maybe we can organize a sale to drum up some extra business.”

Mara threw her jacket on the communal couch before retrieving her sketch pad from behind the counter. “Alright. I will take some paintings to the fair this weekend. I will put them on sale to get some extra money.”

Natalie frowned. “The prices are already too low. Barely more than the supplies cost you.”

Legion shimmered in her mind. Your heart is laden. Sad. Tell me what is wrong.

She lacked the energy to fight with him. Nothing.

You are lying.

She got a flash of clouds floating beneath him. What would it be like to fly? To leave the world’s troubles behind. God, she envied him. It’s not your concern.

Everything to do with you is my concern. It is time for you to accept it.

As tired as she was. Her curiosity got the better of her. Why?

You know why. You just refuse to believe it. He replied in the same infuriating tone. Tell me what caused such sorrow.

She flipped open her sketch pad. My mom was sick for months before she died. Between her medical expenses and the second mortgage, the bills have piled up. Natalie and I will sort it out. We always do.

This concerns you... money? His interest was as genuine as his incredulity.

She huffed. Spoken like someone who has never had twenty calls from a loans officer.

You are correct. However, your... situation is being rectified as we speak. We will pay your debts in full in a few minutes.

I am not getting a loan from you. I don’t want to owe you anything. She hissed.

He growled before he spoke. You owe me everything, but money is meaningless to me.

Her heart squeezed. Her voice was a whisper in her head. Why do you hate me so much?

The sound of wings flapping echoed in her mind before he spoke. I have endured centuries of loneliness. Pain. Doubt and loss beyond your mortal ability to fathom, because of your actions, but I do not hate you, Mara. You are the single most important being in the universe to me.

She swallowed hard. What had she done to warrant this kind of betrayal, loneliness and dedication? What did he want from her? I’m no one.

You are everything.

Mara studied the dirty floor of the shop, aware that Natalie was watching her. I don’t know what to say.

Say you will have dinner with me. His voice purred in her mind.

She glanced at Natalie, who was pulling up their banking information on the store computer. Okay.

I will see you later, Mara. I look forward to getting to know the new... you.

Mara wasn’t sure how long she stood there, staring at the peeled wallpaper. Natalie shouted her name before she looked up. “What?”

“Where did you go?” Natalie asked.

“Sorry, my mind wandered.” She bit her cheek. “Natalie, I think Legion paid off the loan for the store.”

“Who is Legion? Is he the new bank manager? Did we get transferred to delinquent accounts?”

Mara closed the sketch pad. “No, it’s nothing like that. Can you pull up our accounts on the computer?”

Natalie was already typing. “I was just trying to pull them up, but our account is being updated.” She leaned forward. “Holy crap. You’re right, he paid your loans off, and Mara... you have a hundred thousand dollars in your personal account.”

Mara rubbed her face. “Oh god. What have I agreed to?”

Natalie narrowed her gaze. “Who is this Legion guy, and why is he paying off your debts?”

Mara blew out a long breath. Fear traced her spine with icy fingers. “What do you call a guy who hates you, admires you and believes you are something you are not?”

Natalie’s eyes widened. “A

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