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Book online «Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Latrivia Nelson (best selling autobiographies .txt) 📖». Author Latrivia Nelson

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to say a few words, and he agreed, but he would only say a few. Their friendship was too personal to go blabbing on like all the other politicians that had requested a spot on the K.C. Brooks show.

He smiled for a moment, knowing that Brooks would have been impressed at all the attention he was getting. He was going out in a style fit for a Psi man. He downed the rest of the potent contents in his liquor bottle and grabbed his car keys.


Ivy helped Trina dress. To no one’s surprise, her weak body was still drained from the long days of crying. This had been a long and dreadful week, but Ivy and Emerald had helped Trina through it. Ivy spent all of her days with her friend. Emerald had stayed up every night with Trina while Ivy slept talking to her, reading to her and allowing her to work through her feelings. He’d practically moved into help Ivy tend to her best friend and drug Kakeline along whenever she was willing. Somehow, Ivy knew that today would bring some closure to Brooks’ sudden death, and Trina would be left to finally begin to heal.

Putting on a black silk dress, Trina stared in the mirror blankly. Her eyes had dark rings under them and her voice was quiet and somber. Ivy kissed Trina on the shoulder and held her arms.

“I love you, sis,” Ivy said wiping a tear from her cheek.

“I love you, too,” Trina said touching Ivy’s hand. “Thank you for everything.”

“Hey, you’ve been here for me. Now, it’s time to be here for you.”

“I just can’t believe that he’s gone,” Trina said feeling the tears welling up in the sides of her eyes again.


Grey had gone over his father’s speech for the funeral twice that morning and decided that it was now perfect. Taking a moment to sip his coffee, he sat on the marble countertop of his father’s kitchen and watched his mother prepare their breakfast.

“Did you know Brooks?” Grey’s mother asked pouring their orange juice.

“Barely. He was Ivy’s friend.” He sighed. “It’s still sad though.”

“For more reason than one,” Mayor Henderson said walking into the room fully dressed with a folded newspaper. “I’ve got to find a replacement for that taskforce and try to keep Agosto here in Memphis. After all that has happened, I’m not sure that he’ll stay.”

“And I’m not sure that’s a bad thing,” Grey said under his voice. “Well, this puts the entire city’s focus on your new unit.” He said trying to see a bright side or just be a jerk. Even he could not decide. “At least they can’t say that you aren’t trying.”

“Careful with the sarcasm, child of mine,” Mayor Henderson said raising his brow. “For now, regardless of what has been done in the past, this man is one of the city’s lost sons. We are going to behave as though nothing else matters. Today, there will be no discussion of anything to the media but our desire to reach out the Brooks family. Then tomorrow, we can pick up on our war on drugs.” Sitting down at the kitchen table, he motioned for his wife to sit beside him.

“Well, I am sad, but not for obvious reasons,” Grey said getting down off the countertop to join his family at the dinner table. “I had other plans for Brooks that are now apparently ruined.”

“Enough with your plans…the both of you should just enjoy this breakfast that I’ve cooked for you and discuss politics later.” Mrs. Henderson said bowing her head for grace.


Renewed Faith Baptist Church was filled to capacity as Reverend Brooks preached to the congregation about loss, sorrow and his son K.C. Brooks, who laid below in a silver casket dressed in his uniform blues. Evelyn Brooks sat on the front pew with their entire family and Trina as she sobbed softly at the loss of her son. Nicola sat on the pew directly behind her in a drunken haze dreading the words that he had been commissioned to speak in just a few moments. It seemed that the entire Memphis political machine had been packed into the first few rows behind Nicola, and Mayor Henderson sat in the pulpit beside Deacon Jenkins nodding at every few words that the reverend spoke.

Ivy sat on the pew behind Nicola with the Henderson family, a host of political figures, members from Brooks’ fraternity and his Masonic lodge members. Grey’s arm was wrapped tightly around her serving as an invisible protective shield. She had wanted several times to reach out to Nicola, who was in arms length, but she was afraid of what the repercussions it would have on Grey and his political aspirations considering every media source in town was present and silently buzzing over Ivy’s bulging stomach.

As Reverend Brooks concluded, the choir stood to sing, and Nicola made his way to the pulpit to speak about the good side of K.C. Brooks. Ivy followed him with her teary eyes as he made his way hesitantly to shake Reverend Brooks’ hand.

“Hello,” Nicola said feeling a great nervousness attack him as he looked out at the hundreds of people listening and staring attentively at him. He cleared his voice. “My name is Nicola Agosto and I’m the Lieutenant and leading officer over the Narc/Tact Unit. I’m supposed to say some great things about my best friend and my colleague K.C. Brooks. I’m supposed to tell you what a great guy he was and…how courageous he was.” Nicola voice faded as he looked over at Reverend Brooks who sat curiously listening.

“But I feel like maybe before I speak about what he was…maybe I should speak about what he still is.” Nicola wiped a tear from his face. “Brooks is still a reminder to me of the passionate people we need in our community. He is still a constant voice in my head that leads me to want to do the right thing.” His voice cracked. “He is

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