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Book online «Ivy's Twisted Vine Redux Latrivia Nelson (best selling autobiographies .txt) 📖». Author Latrivia Nelson

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The man beside Brooks hit the wall and blood splattered across Antonio’s face.

“Shit!” Antonio said visibly afraid. Throwing down his gun, he put his hands up as Nicola and Brooks stood above him with their guns pointed into his face.

After apprehending Antonio, Nicola surveyed the room and realized that Caesar was nowhere in sight. “Where’s Caesar?” Nicola asked pushing Antonio’s face into the wall.

“I don’t know. He wasn’t here. It was just us!”

“Bullshit,” Nicola said looking around the room. “Where did he go? Where did he fucking go?” He put the gun to Antonio’s head.

“Whoa,” Brooks said remembering the surveillance on the house. “Captain Richards is outside watching all of this. Don’t blow this. We’ll find his ass.”

“The building has been secured, sir,” one of the officers said. “We found a child down stairs in the closet. We think Caesar went under the floorboards and got out?”

“What?” Brooks said turning away. “How in the hell did he get away. You mean to tell me that it’s 200 fucking cops outside not doing a damn thing but securing this place, and you couldn’t even do that right?”

Antonio smiled at Nicola. “I guess he was here.”

“Oh this shit is funny to you, huh?” Nicola said walking back up to Antonio. “We’ll see if you’re laughing when the DA gives you the death penalty for shooting a cop and Caesar’s brother.”

Antonio stopped laughing. How did they know that he had shot them? He wiped the blood from his face. “Look, I didn’t do shit. You got me mixed up with somebody else.”

“We’ll see.” Brooks laughed. “Caesar is going to have your ass slaughtered one he finds out. And uh…he will find out.”

“You should have shot him yourself when you still had the opportunity,” Nicola said giving the men the signal to take him away.”

Antonio struggled with the thought of what Caesar would do to him as Nicola and Brooks turned. And he knew that Caesar would. Suddenly, the room began to spin. He could feel heat under this collar. What would happen to his family, to his little girl? A uniform officer grabbed Antonio by the arm and escorted him out of the small, ram shacked bedroom. In a sudden rage, Antonio pulled away, turned fast and snatched the officer’s side arm from his pocket. The officer screamed gun, and tried to get the weapon away from Antonio, but before he could, Antonio pulled the trigger and unleashed one bullet.

It was all in slow motion for Nicola. He turned to see Antonio with a gun; he heard the officer. But there was not even a second to react. All he saw was Brooks turn around to catch a bullet in his neck and fall the grown. Nicola and several other officers returned fire. They all shot Antonio, propelling his oversized body out of the vertical coffin into the livingroom. He landed in the floor happy with himself. Caesar would never believe them now. He had stood by Caesar until the end. His family would be safe. He took a few short breath and stared blankly into ceiling before he finally faded away.

The muzzle was still hot when Nicola dropped his gun and tried with several other officers to stop the bleeding. Nicola wiped Brooks’ blood from his eyes and tried to put pressure on Brooks’ neck. It was no hope. Brooks had a shocked, angry look on his face. Blood oozed from his mouth. And he held onto Nicola’s hand for a moment. Then without any words, he looked over at the wall and was silent.

The EMTs on site tried to get to Brooks before it was too late. But within only seconds he was dead. They rushed from injured officers as fast as they could. But silently, he passed. Nicola looked up from his friend, laying limp on the floor and felt himself burning with fire. He wanted to kill; he wanted to die, but more than anything, he wanted his friend back. He stood up with blood still covering his body and moved out of the way so the EMTs could load him up and get him to the hospital.

Chapter Nineteen: Lights Out

Chapter 19

Lights Out

“I’m outta here,” Nicola said after midnight as he walked out of the precinct. His aching, bloody body was minor compared the anger that he carried in his heart. With all that had happened in the last eighteen hours. He still could not manage to accept that Brooks was dead.

Pulling himself into his truck, he closed the door and laid his head on his steering wheel. He wanted to cry, to let out loud moans of a man robbed of his truest brother. But his body and his mind would not allow him. He wasn’t sure why he couldn’t release. He had watched Brooks’ entire family fall apart only hours before. Trina nearly died in the waiting room of the hospital. Ivy was at her aid, still beautiful but so distant. She looked over at him, tried to approach him, but at that moment, he wanted her to be farther away that she was.

He left the hospital and all of its visitors and went back to the precinct, where he worked for hours on a plan to recover Caesar. The DA, the FBI, the MPD…they all wanted him alive. But Nicola wanted him dead.

When he arrived at home, he looked at his watch and sighed. Everything in life looked so different suddenly. He held on to the steering wheel gripping it tightly, replaying back the day’s events and grinding his teeth together. Minutes had passed before he realized that he should get out of his truck and go inside. He did so slowly.

He walked without observing his surroundings as usual. He didn’t care what was in place or what was out of place. He didn’t care who had called or who had not called. He wasn’t hungry or thirsty. He felt like Nicola.

With his gun and boots still on he landed in the

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