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Book online «The Dungeon Fairy: Three Lives: A Dungeon Core Escapade (The Hapless Dungeon Fairy Book 3) Jonathan Brooks (read me like a book .txt) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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room, but nothing seemed to make much difference.

Not long after the battle started, creatures from the other dungeons started to appear, starting with the Giant Spiders that Brandon liked so much, which were remarkably fast.  They landed lightly on the stands, before starting to build a large web that was connected to the nearby pillar and the wall.

What are they doing?

“Well, do you want the other creatures coming to go splat?”

Good thinking.

A few seconds after the webbing was done, the Giant Spiders left to go join in the battle, as the first of the other Cores’ creatures arrived – an Ape – which fell into the web, bouncing off of it like some sort of blanket.  Tacca could tell that it was a little sticky, but not enough to stop it from rolling off and proceed to jump into the fight as well.

Unfortunately, by that time, the red-skinned invader had arrived, after lagging behind the others because it had needed to nearly crawl through the tunnel.  After it stood up to its full height inside, it immediately jumped forward, squeezing between the quartz-covered pillar and the southern stands, landing on the arena floor with what she could only guess was a smile on its face.  As soon as she saw it appear, however, she had released the last creature in her arsenal: the Level 75 Mastiff.

Those still waiting on the arena floor saw it emerge from the tunnel and ran out of its way, instinctively understanding that if they didn’t move, they would get run over.  Unfortunately, that was exactly what happened, as a Raider Healer didn’t move fast enough as the enormous dog clipped her with its paw accidentally, sending her flying.  She survived both the impact with the paw and with the ground, though whether that was a blessing or a curse was yet to be seen.

The giant dog was more than twice the height of the large invader, who seemed to wait for the beast to arrive.  As the Mastiff built up speed over a few steps, it seemed to dash forward faster than it should’ve been able, colliding with the comparatively miniscule invader, sending it flying backwards into the eastern stands, the glowing shield around it flaring brightly at first yet dimming to what Tacca estimated from previous experiences to about half of normal.

That was it?  A full-on attack and its Personal Force Field is only halfway down?  It was disappointing, but it unfortunately made sense based on what creature had done the attacking.  Her Mastiff was a bit of a “discount” boss and wasn’t meant to be the most powerful of creatures – just large.  That’s why she had made it for the current inhabitants, because they were low-Level for the most part; it would’ve been a massive challenge, but not an impossible one.

As the red-skinned invader picked itself back up and then jumped back into the arena, Tacca saw that her humongous creature hadn’t come through its own attack unscathed.  Blood dripped to the dirt-covered floor, and her dog limped a bit as it backed up, readying another attack.  It was favoring its left front leg, which seemed to have gotten a decent-sized slice in it from one – or more than one – of the invader’s weapons.

This isn’t good.  My best defense is wounded, and the Raiders are continuing to die without making much progress.  I have to do something.

“What do you think you can do—?” Shale began.

Tacca ignored him as she activated her Teleport Core option, moving her Core into the arena behind a pillar holding up the ceiling.  It wasn’t that great as far as hiding places went, but at least it wasn’t fully exposed.

The change in the room was immediate, as the 4 purple-skinned invaders immediately stopped what they were doing and turned as one in the direction of where she was hiding.  Some unintelligible shouting and pointing came next, but the other monstrous people in the room barely acknowledged the information.  Either they didn’t hear, or they were so caught up in the battle frenzy that they didn’t care.

Regardless of the reason, it allowed Tacca to do what she went there to do.

“Are you insane!  Are you trying to get yourself killed?!” Brandon shouted into her mind, which was echoed in different ways by the other Cores, as well as Shale.  She ignored them all, only responding with one thing.

Not really, but you only live thrice, am I right?

With a prayer to anything that might be listening, she activated her Omen Charge ability, pumping 500 Fairy Mana into it.  She wanted to put even more into it, to ensure that whatever it did worked, but she was cognizant enough that she needed to save at least 1,000 Mana so that she could Translocate as a last resort.

The lightning sprang up around her again, this time much more intense, powerful, and concentrated.  It was almost too intense, as she felt herself starting to vibrate along with the crackling, but she didn’t think it would cause any harm.  A few seconds later, as Raiders and creatures from 7 different dungeons continued to die below her, the lightning condensed again, before exploding out in a powerful shockwave that left her amazed that she hadn’t been shattered in the process.

She watched as the wave flowed over her creatures, the other Cores’ creatures, and the Raiders without any discernible effect – for which she was thankful.  It had been a worry that she might end up hurting them in the process, but some intuitive part of her mind told her that they would be fine; still, she didn’t relax until she saw that they were fine.

As for the invaders, when the shockwave hit them, they froze in place and spasmed a few times…but that was it.  That was severely disappointing. 

“Wait—look!”  Shale pointed toward one of the blue-skinned invaders, who had been

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