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Book online «The Dungeon Fairy: Three Lives: A Dungeon Core Escapade (The Hapless Dungeon Fairy Book 3) Jonathan Brooks (read me like a book .txt) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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it was in a cage, it couldn’t dodge anything, though it sure tried.  Sterge could see that their attacks were causing some injuries, but nothing deep or fatal; similar to the blue and purple-skinned monstrous people, the natural thickness of its skin was so great that only extremely strong attacks or repeated strikes on the exact same spot could cause any more than minor damage.

The invader, trapped and being turned into a pincushion, went berserk.  It started throwing itself at the bars of light, which burned it badly, but it also started to bend and break the bars of light, as well; how that even worked, Sterge didn’t know, but it was happening before his eyes.  That thing isn’t going to last for 30 seconds; it’ll be lucky if it lasts half that long.

Sterge gripped his mace tightly, stepping forward as the cage began to break in earnest, dreading the moment it broke free.  Looking around, he could see the determined – and frightened – looks on every Raider face he saw, and he realized this might be their last stand.

Gwenda slumped in place next to him, all of her magical power completely spent on a last few Magistrikes sent out at the invader.  On impulse, Sterge slid his mace into his belt, turned to the wonderful Hill Dwarf next to him, lifted her drooping chin, and kissed her deeply on the lips.  He pulled away after only a few seconds, heat suffusing his cheeks, as he grabbed his mace again.

With a stunned look on her face, Gwenda asked, “What was that for?”

“In case we don’t make it out of here alive.”

On his last word, the cage made of light shattered completely, fragments of it spraying everywhere – though they seemed to disappear before the shards got more than a dozen feet.  The invader, with dozens of arrows dotting its skin and burn marks that appeared to have melted its skin in long swathes, stood triumphant with a murderous look in its disturbingly beady black eyes.  We’re screwed.

The monstrous behemoth took a step forward with another roar, its arms limbering up for some wholesale slaughter, when there was a barely audible *crack* of shattering stone from the ceiling above.  The invader obviously didn’t hear it while it was shouting, but Sterge and many of the Raiders certainly did.

As he looked up in surprise to see what it was, he saw that small fragments of the stone ceiling had been blasted out because of something, and a split second later the reason made itself abundantly clear.  A giant cube of something dark grey in appearance – around 8 feet in width – followed the stone fragments, falling quickly toward the arena floor.  What the…?

After it stopped roaring in triumph, the invader finally looked at its future victims.  Alerted by the fact that many of them were staring upwards with their mouths open, it whipped its head back on its super-thick neck, only to see its death coming for it.  Despite the surprise, the monstrous person still attempted to avoid being squished, quickly stepping forward – but it was only partially successful.

The cube of dense metal – that Sterge immediately recognized as pure iron ore – slammed into the invader’s right upper shoulder, knocking it forward enough that its right hip and leg were exposed to the falling raw material.  The unimaginably heavy cube slammed into the red-skinned figure’s lower half with speed and immense force, breaking bones on contact and trapping the invader underneath its weight.  The strike against the stone floor of the arena caused numerous cracks to spiderweb out of the point of impact, and it was such a significant force that it made Sterge and hundreds of other Raiders tumble to the ground.

Another roar came from the eight-armed monster, though Sterge could tell that this time it was from pain rather than victory.  When the Hill Dwarf had gathered himself from his fall to look, he could see that one entire leg of the invader was buried underneath the iron ore cube, likely shattered and pulverized to a pulp.  Yet, the ridiculously strong figure wasn’t done yet.

“No…that’s insane.  How powerful is this thing?”

Even lying on its back, the red-skinned invader somehow twisted its arm holding a massive battleaxe with some triple or quadruple-jointed action, until it was able to chop down on its lower half.  With three powerful blows accompanied with more roars of pain, it managed to cut its crushed leg off, freeing the rest of its body.

Dropping four of its weapons from the lower pairs on each side of its body, the nightmarish figure started to use its appendages to move, dragging behind its other leg, which was intact but appeared to be useless for some reason.  Meanwhile, blood poured out from the stump of its lost limb; Sterge was sure that unless it had some way to stop the blood loss, it was going to die.  Unfortunately, it might just take the rest of them with it.

Scrambling forward like some sort of demonic spider, the invader went to engage with the front line of Melee Raiders on the opposite side from Sterge, when he saw something move above its head.  It was the tiny Fairy again, and a small glow emerged from it—him—right before some sort of invisible force slammed into the red-skinned figure, sending it sprawling on its back.

Looking up, Sterge also saw 6 other Fairies appear above the arena, surrounding the figure struggling to pick itself back up.  More tiny glows originated from their forms, and the invader spasmed or was pushed around a little bit more, keeping it on its back.  The Hill Dwarf saw their opportunity, and knew this was their chance.  “Move!  Get it while it’s down!  Kill it!” he shouted, and all of the Raiders rushed to obey, screaming their defiance.

It was nightmarish chaos as he and the other Melee Classes, along

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