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“Yes, sir. I also reported that we didn’t find any males knocking on doors. We’re going to do another drive-thru as soon as my partner comes out, but I believe they’re gone.”

“Me too,” Evarts said. “Forego the drive-through and return to your regular patrol. We don’t want to needlessly alarm the residents.”

“Yes, sir.”

Evarts climbed the stairs to the second floor and was surprised to see Standish talking to someone standing inside the apartment. When he got close enough, he saw that it was the patrolman’s partner.

“Commander, everything all right?” Evarts asked.

“Yes, sir. I wanted to check security, but officer Paterson says you already hardened the premises.”

“Yeah, and that’s what gave away our presence. Dumb mistake.”

“I’m not sure I understand,” Standish said.

“I’ll explain inside. Officer Paterson, are you through here?”

“I’m sorry, sir, but I thought it would be appropriate to interview you.”

Evarts smiled. The officer looked nervous as hell. “As you should. But I want to see my wife and her friend to ensure that everything’s okay. I’ll come to the station shortly for a statement and give it to a detective.”

As intended, Paterson took that as a dismissal and left.

He followed Standish into the apartment and motioned the three women to the dining table. Before sitting himself, he stepped into the bedroom and checked the cameras. He saw nothing moving except the patrol car as it drove away.

As he sat, Evarts said, “We don’t have much time. The Ikhwan will either return soon with explosives or wait a couple hours for their countrymen to arrive from Westwood Village. My bet is that they won’t wait. They know we’re inside the apartment and an IED doesn’t require a big crew. So, here’s—”

“Why a bomb? And how would they know we’re inside the apartment?” Baldwin asked. “Are they watching the unit?”

“We must assume they’re listening to a police scanner. Have been all along. When I drove up, the officer outside was making a report and I’m sure he told them that I just drove up.” Evarts turned to Standish. “Do we know if they have explosives?”

“Not in the motel rooms, but my bet is they stashed something before checking in.”

“Where?” Evarts asked.

“State Street Storage?” Standish asked in an unsure tone. “It’s close to their motel.”

“My guess as well,” Evarts said. “Ten-minute drive. Twenty, round trip. Say fifteen to gather up and ready materials, and it’s been about fifteen minutes since they left.” He made eye contact with each of the women. “That would mean they could be back here ready to rock and roll in as little as twenty minutes. Possibly less.”

“Crap!” Wilson said.

“What’s the plan?” Standish asked.

“What makes you think I have one?” Evarts asked.

“You always have a plan … and you’re leaning forward like you do when you’re about to rattle off orders.”

Evarts smiled. “Correct. This is my city, and I won’t allow an explosion that could hurt civilians. We’re going to draw them into an ambush away from the apartment buildings. Simple plan. Standish and I will pull her cruiser in front of them at the entrance. Siren, lights. Sergeant, you’ll be positioned on foot outside the entrance with the M-4 from the bedroom. Trish, you’ll wait on Modoc Road by the underpass. When you spot the Egyptians, follow them, and give us verbal readings on their progress. All communications by phone. Use the car with the surfboard on top. It will look ordinary for this locale. I want you to give us a countdown on the phone when they’re within seconds of driving through the arch at the entrance to Hope Ranch. Commander, have two cruisers staged to pull in behind the Egyptians to block their escape. I want another two inside to back us up. Have them here in five minutes or they wait out of sight off Modoc Road. Do it by phone right now.”

Standish stepped away from the table to make the call.

“Trish, here’s the dangerous part. If the police cruisers don’t show up in time, I want you to pull straight in behind the terrorists to block their exit. Don’t get out of the car, and if they start to ram you, don’t speed away. Take the impact. They’ll hit you a glancing blow to spin you out of the way. Your seatbelt and airbag will protect you. You’re safest inside the car. Are you okay with that?”

“If they shoot at me?”

“I’ll send them to kingdom come.”

She smiled. “Attaboy.”

Standish returned with a nod to indicate that the police backup had been ordered.

“Commander, go to your car radio and report that we’re vacating the premises in thirty minutes. Tell them you’ll be escorting us to our destination. That’s to hurry them up and bring them in hot. We want them to believe the quarry is about to fly the coop: That they’ll miss their target unless they get back here fast.” He turned his attention to Wilson. “Diane, I assume they’ll fire on us. If they do, we’re gonna duck instead of returning fire.” He paused just a short moment. “Your job, sergeant, is to take them out. Can you do that?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Trish. If the police arrive in time, after your countdown, make a u-ie and get the hell out of there.”

She stared at him unblinking.

“I need an affirmative grunt, nod, or word,” Evarts said.

She nodded, but her expression looked defiant.

Evarts asked, “Questions?”

“Just one,” Standish said. “How do we avoid getting killed.”

“First, we don’t block them horizontally. Line up with them bumper to bumper. If they shoot, we drop to the knee well behind the engine block. So, be ready to release your harness. If they attempt to ram us, punch it, and hit them head on. Meet force with force. We’ll rely on the harnesses and air bags to protect us. Beyond that, we put our faith in Sergeant Wilson.”

Standish looked Wilson in the eye. “Sergeant, can you handle an M-4 well enough to take out four assailants?”


Standish smiled. “Then I guess we better gear up and get in position.”

Chapter 82


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