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Book online «The Templar Reprisals (The Best Thrillers Book 3) James Best (best books to read all time .txt) 📖». Author James Best

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“You’re fast. Just found out a half hour ago. I’ve been grinning ever since.”

“That’s great. Lean down so I can kiss you.”

She did, but instead of trying to kiss her toothy grin, he kissed her cheek.

“I love you,” he said.

“And I love you. I thought I had lost you today. That explosion was horrific. The other car flew into the air and landed on top of Standish’s police car. They had to use the Jaws of Life to get you out.”

“You sure you’re okay?”

“I was over a hundred yards away. They still checked me out. A short while ago, they told me that all three of you would fully recover and that I was pregnant. So, I left to wallow in my joy and get a cup of hospital coffee to celebrate.”

“I’m happy for us,” Evarts said.

“Me too.”

The nurse came in, checked his vitals, fluffed his pillow, and gave him some pain relief for his head. He felt better by the time she left.


“He’ll fly in tomorrow evening with his son. He talked to the doctors and was satisfied that Diane will be fine.”

“Everything is good then.” Evarts could feel himself smiling as well.

“One problem. And you’re not going to like it.”

“What? Tell me.”

“You’ll be almost normal in a couple weeks, but you won’t be able to surf for three months. Maybe longer. No shoulder exertion.”

“That’s it? That’s the bad news? I can live with that.”

“Glad to hear it because I thought you loved surfing more than me.”

“Different kind of love. One I can live without for a few months, the other, not so much.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“Any word on the bad guys down in Westwood Village?”

“Both teams picked up. LA police report picking up one team in their motel room, and the other team drinking alcohol in a strip bar on Sunset Boulevard.”

“Guess they didn’t know that what happens in Hollywood doesn’t necessarily stay in Hollywood.”

Evarts lifted his head and was pleased that the ache had receded. As Baldwin helped him sit more upright, he swung his legs off the bed.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I want to see Standish. You said she’s next door.”

“You’re not supposed to be up and about. You could get nauseated. Wouldn’t that be embarrassing?”

“Smart girl. Don’t challenge my masculinity, use it as a positive force. Not buying it. I feel fine. I want to see my fellow officer.”

“Odd phrasing. She’s your subordinate.”

“Not in this moment. She’s a fellow officer that survived taking on the bad guys.”

Evarts stood to test his steadiness. He felt better than expected. A nurse burst in and Evarts realized Baldwin had buzzed her.

“Better bring us a wheelchair. He’s going to visit the patient next door.”

“Excuse me, but—”

Baldwin interrupted. “No use arguing. Does he hold my arm as we walk, or do you bring us a chair?”

None too pleased, the nurse whirled around and left the room.

Evarts smiled and gave his wife another kiss on the cheek. “You’re a great advocate.”

“Sit!” She ordered, and he sat on the edge of the bed to wait for the wheelchair. “And don’t get cocky. I wouldn’t let you go except the doctor said your highest risk was nausea. I’ve seen you throw up before.”

“Hopefully, that treat will remain in the future for Standish.”

The nurse returned with a wheelchair and orderly. With one on each side, he was soon comfortably seated in the chair.

The nurse motioned toward the orderly. “Chief Evarts, this is Pete. If you feel anything out of the ordinary, tell Pete and he get you back in bed pronto. You are to go nowhere except the room next door. Remain in the chair. Understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Damn, right,” she said as she marched out of the room.

When he first saw Standish, he had to suppress a gasp. Her faced looked much more bruised and cut than he had supposed. Surprisingly, she was smiling. Probably in relief of still being alive.

After introducing Pete and some small talk between the women, Evarts asked, “How are you feeling?”

“Sore … and victorious,” she answered.

“Same here. Feels great, doesn’t it?”

“Way better than the alternative. Thanks for pulling me down. That half second made a difference.”

“I didn’t break your arm, did I?”

“It’s the left arm, dummy. You jerked my right arm.”

He smiled to show he already knew that. “Good to know. How’s the head?’

“Slight concussion. Feeling better already.”

“Mine still aches.” Evarts felt awkward. “Thanks. I mean thank you for sticking with me and my shitty plan.”

“Not that shitty. It worked.”

“I should have anticipated martyrdom. It’s what they do.”

“You can’t think of everything.”

“I’ll do better, next time.”

“There damn well better not be a next time. Enough is enough.”

He laughed. “When I came in, you were smiling. What were you thinking about?”

She laughed lightly. “You really want to know?”


“I’ll was envisaging four jerks running around hell outraged because they can’t find their seventy-two virgins.”

Chapter 84

Evarts gave the nurse permission to allow O’Brian into his room. Despite the sore shoulder, he felt much better because his headache had receded. The general had been with his daughter-in-law for the last hour, and he was probably ready to give Evarts a piece of his mind. He braced as he saw O’Brian walk in wearing khaki pants with a blue blazer over a strikingly white shirt. He didn’t blame O’Brian for being angry. Thankfully, they had transferred her out of intensive care prior to his arrival.

“You look good,” O’Brian said.

“I feel okay. Don’t spoil it, now.”

“Why would I?”

“If I were you, I’d be pissed. Sergeant Wilson came out to help with an investigation, not get into a firefight.”

“She’s a soldier,” O’Brian said dismissively. “But … there is a reason my son’s not with me. He’s still with Diane.”

“Too bad. I never met him.”

“You’ll get a chance later. He’s not really angry.” O’Brian pulled over a chair and sat. “She did well?”

“Yes, sir. In research and battle. She took out three assailants in nothing flat. Three bullets, three dead. Nice work.” He handed O’Brian a sealed envelope. “Can you get this to her

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