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Book online «Fulfillment Golland, M. (best classic literature TXT) 📖». Author Golland, M.

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not really having the energy to do anythingelse. Bryce had then gone to his meeting as scheduled and come backin time for dinner. We were still suffering the effects of jet lagand over exertion from many sexed-up encounters, so we’d gone tobed early in the hope we’d be fresh for our sightseeing the nextday.

When I woke upthe following morning, there was a rose on my pillow together witha note informing me that he had gone to the hotel’s gym. It gave mesome time to clear my head from an exciting yet terrifying prospectI had deliberately been ignoring over the past week. The longer Iignored it, the possibility that it was true only excited me more,but I was too scared to take the plunge and find out, scared to bedisappointed.

As I stood inthe bathroom, naked after dropping my robe, I looked down at mybelly and lightly rubbed my hand over the precious spot I hopedhoused another baby. My period was a week overdue and I wasapprehensive to confirm why, but the longer I left it the morenervous I became. I decided I would wait until we got back home tobuy a test, not wanting to be saddened on our trip if the resultwas negative. I sighed with mixed feelings as I stepped into theshower.

Not too longafter, Bryce appeared in the bathroom, sweat stained and gloriouslyglossy, his workout towel draped over the back of his neck and hispants hanging low on his hips. He is simply torturous.

He strippedoff and joined me, telling me about the steam room and how hewanted to get one built at City Towers.

“Actually, Imight get a private one built out on the balcony. Making love toyou in a steam-filled room is definitely on my list of things todo, and soon.”

I laughed.“Sounds hot!”

“You’repunny,” he said cleverly.

I smacked hischest lightly. “Come on, we’ve got so much to see today.”

The hotel wassituated in the middle of Rome’s high-end shopping district, but astempting as shopping in Rome sounded at that moment, I was keen tosee the Vatican City and the Colosseum.

We finishedour shower and dressed warmly, although, it was not bitter cold,and surprisingly once the sun came out, it was a beautiful freshday. A limousine was waiting at the front of the hotel to take usthe short distance across the Tiber River to the Vatican City. Iwas beyond excited at the prospect of seeing famous places andlandmarks up close and in person, giving me the ability to decidefor myself as to their brilliance and stature.

As thelimousine approached, I spotted the top of St. Peter’s Basilica,and tingles of exhilaration prickled all over me. When thelimousine finally stopped, I wrenched the door open and let myselfout, breaking protocol and surprising the driver.

“Alexis,”Bryce chuckled, “you might want to wait for me.”

“You snooze,you lose,” I called back with a smile as I headed for St. Peter’sSquare.

The sound ofthe limo door shutting came quickly, and his footsteps gaining onme followed. I squealed when I felt his arms scoop me up. “I’llnever let you get away.”

I placed myhands on his shoulders as he helped slide me back onto my feet.“I’ll never want to,” I whispered to his lips. “Now let me go. Wehave sightseeing to do.”

Walking arounda place so rich with history, art and religion was not only awonderful experience, it was made even more wonderful by being ableto share that experience with Bryce. We held hands as we strolledthrough the Apostolic Palace and Sistine Chapel, getting a soreneck from the long endured craning to really appreciateMichelangelo’s painted masterpiece.

After a quicklunch at a café and an espresso to keep me awake for days, weheaded to the Colosseum. As we approached the ancient ruin, Icouldn’t help but wonder what it would’ve looked like in its prime.Of course I’d seen pictures and movies depicting it standingvibrant and full of spectators to a brutal battle of gladiators,but to see it in the flesh in all its glory would’ve been amazing.I was surprised at how much of the amphitheatre had collapsed andit saddened me. Unfortunately, preventing destruction by naturalforces was impossible.


We arrivedback at our suite in the late afternoon.

“Are youfeeling lucky today?” I asked Bryce as I slumped on the bed.

“What?” heshot out, as if I’d sprung him doing something suspect.

I lifted myupper body from the bed, propping myself up on my elbows. “Maybeyou’re not feeling so lucky then.”

“Sorry, I wasjust thinking about something,” he said dismissively. “Am I feelinglucky? I hope so. You have no idea how lucky I hope to feel,why?”

“Because...Iwas going to let you rub my feet. They are fucked.”

He walkedtoward the bed, removing his shoes in the process. “It must be mylucky day then.”

He had a grinso wide it made me scoff and roll my eyes. “Whatever floats yourboat, Mr. Clark.”

He took holdof my foot, the one I broke, and gently removed my shoe. I watchedhim delicately trace his fingertips over my scar. “How does itfeel?”

I loweredmyself back down to the mattress with a thud. “Good, although Igave it a good test today.”

“Well, wewon’t be walking tonight.”

“Tonight?” Iqueried, feeling a little too exhausted for anything.

“Yes, I have aspecial reservation.”

“Where? Whatare we having?”


I playfullykicked him with my other foot. “Derrr.”


I waspleasantly surprised when we stepped out of the hotel to find ascooter instead of the limousine. Bryce handed me my helmet and puthis on—the one I bought him for Christmas.

“Scooter?Really?” I asked, astonished and unsure if I was excited ornot.

“We are inItaly. It’s the best way to get around.”

“I’m going toruin my hair.” I said while looking at the helmet.

“Nothing aboutyou can be ruined, Hunny.”

I tilted myhead to the side and gave him a cynical grin. “If only that weretrue.”

Sliding on thehelmet, I positioned myself onto the scooter behind him, thankful Iwas wearing pants.

Bryce had laidout clothes on the bed for me like he’d done so many times before,and it now dawned on me that he had chosen my dark denim skinnyjeans, Louboutin boots and my Dolce & Gabbana blouse and blazerfor a very good reason.

I hugged himtightly, clenching my thighs around his hips and

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