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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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happily, Jonah clasped his hands. ‘That’s about it. Please carry on preparing for tonight’s show. Well done and thank you for all your hard work in helping make the Feathers such a success.’

Without waiting for anything further, Jonah left the function room, hastily making his way to his own office. His clammy hands slipping on the door handle, he stumbled into the office, dropped into his desk chair and put his head in his hands.

Following, Nero closed the door quietly behind him. ‘That went ok.’

Jonah looked up, no longer needing to maintain the mask he’d perfected for public use. ‘Why would they suspect anything else?’

Gwen’s idea of saying Lena was taking a medically-suggested break was good, even though the irony of using the pregnancy stung. It didn’t alter how they’d explain her permanent absence, but it did allow a couple of weeks’ grace which was the most important thing. Nobody could get wind that she would not be coming back.

Sitting down, Nero stretched his long legs out across the room. ‘As far as everyone is concerned, the wedding’s still going ahead. I think the only issue might be the hair and makeup people. Won’t they think it strange if Lena doesn’t attend a million and one dress rehearsals over the next week or two?’

Jonah’s lips formed a thin line. ‘Gwen can call them and come up with some bullshit about Lena deciding to use someone else.’

Nero raised his eyebrows. ‘That will go down well...’

‘They’ll get over it,’ Jonah scowled. ‘I just want to concentrate on O’Hara.’

Nero frowned. Hearing the news of Lena’s true identity was still sinking in. ‘But surely they will have arranged to meet Lena beforehand? Won’t they smell a rat if she doesn’t show up?’

‘That’s why Gwen’s monitoring Lena’s phone. I’m planning on finding out what arrangements have been made – or make new ones myself,’ Jonah answered. ‘If possible I’ll intercept them before the wedding day itself.’

Nero had a bad feeling about the O’Hara’s and still couldn’t fathom how meticulously Lena had planned this: from getting a job at the Feathers, wheedling her way into Jonah’s home and life; trapping him into marrying him... She was certainly nowhere near as thick as he, or any of them had assumed. ‘Which of them are coming?’

Jonah shrugged, his eyes drawn once again to the paperwork Gwen found. ‘I know that cunt Ron O’Hara will be there. As to any others, I don’t know.’

Nero studied Jonah. He’d pulled himself out of the shocked trance he’d been in, but inside his mind must be total mush. ‘How are things with Gwen? You’ve taken all that stuff better than I think I would have.’

Jonah sighed. Yes, he probably had, but as much as he hated the situation, he wasn’t losing Gwen too.

Getting no response from his last comment, Nero knew better than to push it. The unexpected issue between Gwen and Jacky Powell was an awkward one. There was also another issue... ‘The show staff might have swallowed the shit about Lena, but we’ve still got the enforcers to deal with.’

Jonah nodded, his mouth curling contemptuously. ‘I’ll tell them Saul and Keith are undertaking surveillance for a new contract. Saul’s been absent a lot so it won’t be unusual for him not to be about.’

Jonah stared at Lena’s passport once again, before locking it back in the bottom drawer of his desk. ‘Have you heard how the girl is today?’

Nero shook his head. ‘No, but I’ll find out. What are you going to do about her? And the Adams bloke?’

Jonah walked across to the safe. He retrieved the small wooden box and opened it. Unfolding the fabric inside, he picked up one of the exquisite pink diamonds. These are finally back in their rightful place, Dad – just like I promised you. He held the jewel up to the light and admired the flawless quality. ‘I’ve decided to bring Robert Adams into the firm.’

‘But he’s a Pointer!’ Nero spluttered.

‘His lineage isn’t important. What matters is his capacity. Now we’re two down from the inner circle, we need someone who knows the score and I want to use his computer knowledge,’ Jonah said.

‘But there’s something odd about the guy,’ Nero frowned. ‘I don’t trust him...’

‘Adams has already proved his worth by returning my goods and saving all of our lives.’

Nero considered Jonah’s words. ‘I suppose so. If you think he’ll do the job.’

Jonah smiled thinly. He was quietly confident Robert Adams was up to the job. Yesterday, the man had filled him in with a shed load of information about what had gone on behind the scenes – more than he’d expected and most of which he’d had no idea about and with his IT skills, he’d be perfect for what he had in mind.

‘The main thing to concentrate on now is the O’Hara’s. That must take priority above all else. They need to be reminded there is no place for them here and that their plan to infiltrate my family and firm is over,’ he continued. ‘Once they’ve been dealt with, then we’ll look at Heath Pointer. Don’t think I’ve forgotten where we were going with him before all of this took precedence. And finally, Dulcie Adams. Regardless that she no longer has my diamonds, I still want to see her. I want to hear from her own mouth her reasoning for turning my family over. And then...’ he smiled. ‘We can finally put this to bed.’


TEAGAN SIPPED FROM HER WATER, making sure that she didn’t meet Robert’s eyes. Even during the last five days of floating in and out of consciousness feeling the worst she ever had in her entire life, she’d been aware of his presence.

She wanted to feel something other than disgust, but it wasn’t possible. It wasn’t disgust for him, it was with herself. Although mercifully, thanks to her consciousness sliding and looping down endless tunnels, she couldn’t remember every single thing, but did have vague glimmers... Being

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