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Book online «Finders Keepers Edie Baylis (phonics readers .TXT) 📖». Author Edie Baylis

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a computer programmer, not someone like... someone like you!’

‘I think that’s where you’re wrong.’ Jonah raised an eyebrow. He was playing a wild card here, but he had nothing else to lose. ‘Helping me to finish this will ensure it will be over quicker for you and that girl of yours.’

‘She isn’t my girl,’ Robert said hollowly.

Jonah smiled weakly. ‘It’s just a term of phrase.’ He frowned inwardly. Robert Adams was indeed an odd one, but he had the knowledge for what was required.

Robert nodded numbly. Now Saul had touched Teagan, it had changed everything. That was the wrong thing to think, wasn’t it? But it was the truth. Despite this, he felt that he had to at least listen to what Jonah had to say. It was unlikely that he could return to his job – however much he dressed it up, he was no longer the same person that he had been. He couldn’t return to his flat either.

‘Ok, I’m listening, but I think we’d be better remaining here for the time being. If Gwen is as good as you say, then Teagan will benefit more from being around her, rather than me.’ Robert said, silently hating himself further knowing that he didn’t want to go anywhere with Teagan.

Jonah nodded. ‘As you wish. From your side though, I need focus and a straight head. Using your IT skills, the first thing I want you to do is look into how we can locate and intercept the O’Hara’s.’

Fifty One

RUBBING CREAM ON HER WRISTS, Teagan stared at the angry red scars, then pulled the long sleeves of her top down to cover the constant reminder.

Today was the first time she’d looked at herself in the mirror. Gwen’s words had made a difference and she felt stronger. Gwen was right. She could and would not let what Saul had done colour her life.

She would not let him win. Neither would she let what Robert had said about Dulcie destroy her. The woman she’d cared so much for – that she’d risked her life for. It had been unthinkable that Dulcie had killed Helen, but it was true. The woman had manipulated everyone, yet despite this, Teagan still found herself worrying about the old lady.

She looked at Robert, his face drawn and lined. There was something behind his eyes that wasn’t there before and much to her horror it had crossed her mind whether he’d been in on this business all along? That all of them were behind Saul’s abuse?

Luckily Gwen had put that into perspective too. Learning Robert had risked his own life by approaching Jonah in the first place and bartering the multi-million pound diamonds in exchange for her had made the world of difference. He’d risked himself and given it all up for her. It has also been Jonah Powell who had guessed where she was being held and between them, they’d saved her. But Joe... Joe had paid the ultimate price and to discover that he’d been involved with feeding information to that monster Saul, hurt beyond comprehension. It was a blessing that she had no recollection of the scene when they’d first entered the house because regardless of everything, seeing Joe like... like that would have crucified her.

At least all of this violence and grief was now over, but listening to what Robert was saying now was something she hadn’t expected and couldn’t say she was comfortable with. ‘Staying here? Staying here for longer with these people? What about your job?’

‘I’ll be doing some work with Jonah for a while. Contractors don’t get leeway for time off like employees, so I won’t be welcome at my job by now.’

Teagan’s eyes widened. ‘You’re working for Jonah? Aren’t they...? What about Dulcie? Your mother?’

Robert’s eyes narrowed. ‘There is no longer any need for you to be involved with looking after or worrying about my mother. You’re free to do what you like.’

Teagan felt winded. She really had become too attached to the family, but she was purely an employee. She didn’t even warrant as a friend - Robert’s cold attitude bluntly reminded her of that.

Standing up, Robert forced himself to look at Teagan, seeing her eyes filled with unshed tears. ‘Of course, you don’t have to go anywhere until you’re ready. I’ll stay around until you are,’ he muttered. He was trapped and getting angrier about that by the minute.

He knew he should place his hands reassuringly on Teagan’s shoulders or something like that to make her feel protected, but he couldn’t... He just couldn’t...

‘Just so you know, Saul Powell is dead,’ Robert said bluntly.

Bittersweet relief coursed through Teagan. ‘Dead? Did Jonah...? Did he...?’

‘It doesn’t matter how,’ Robert said hastily. ‘He’s dead and it’s over.’

Without thinking too deeply about what she was about to do, she threw herself against Robert’s chest, burying her nose into the cotton of his shirt.

Stiffly, Robert put his arms around Teagan’s body. He lasted all of ten seconds before the urge to break the physical contact became overwhelming. Gently pushing her away, he straightened his shirt and moved towards the door. ‘I really must go. I have to meet with Jonah.’

Stepping from the room, unable to look at Teagan again, Robert hurried along the landing, ignoring the quiet sobbing he could hear from the girl he could no longer bear to be around.

‘YOU CAN PUT A TRACE ON O’HARA THEN?’ Jonah asked, tapping on his keyboard. ‘Judging by the calls and texts Gwen is receiving we need to move on this quickly.’

Robert nodded. ‘I’ll do it via his phone.’ He frowned. ‘I’ll need a laptop though and a good one. Mine is back at my flat.’

‘No problem. I’ll sort one out for you straight away,’ Jonah said. Scribbling down Ron O’Hara’s mobile number on a scrap of paper, he handed it to Robert. ‘While you’re here, I want you to have a look at the bloke I told you about. The one that

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