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Book online «Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Elizabeth Knox (cheapest way to read ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Knox

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could take me out. How fucking fitting would that shit be, I die stabbed to death by Bambi.

“Easy boy,” I say as I make my way closer to him. The trap is on his back leg and seems to be chained to the ground. There is no way that he would be able to get out of it on his own. I wasn’t going to leave him there either. I tried to get close to him but every time I did, he just swung his head around in my direction.

“Come on, big fella. I’m trying to help you here,” I say, trying to keep my voice calm. Deer were skittish animals as it was. I know he must be super uncomfortable with me getting this close to him. The trap that is around his leg seems to have a press latch, maybe if I try to press it using the stick from a distance it would be enough to release him. That way I could stay my distance and he wouldn’t be able to rush me.

It takes a while and by the fiftieth time I’m about to just call it quits and put the majestic animal out of his misery.

“For fuck’s sake. Just stay fucking still,” I grunt out at him as he moves his leg again.

I can tell that he is tired, the crying has turned to a low whimper and his movements though still making it hard for me to remove the trap have become less frequent.

I push the branch out again and make direct contact with the lever. “Oh shit, don’t move. Stay still, boy.” I basically beg him. I know that if I don’t get it this time that there may be no way for me to get it another time. I push a little harder and with a metallic clank the trap springs back open.

I move back as quickly as possible, fearful that now once he is free, he is going to turn and run straight for me, instead he kicks the trap off his leg and bolts in the opposite direction.

I feel a sense of relief when I see him trotting away.

Now I should be able to get some relaxing done. I can’t climb out of the gorge the same way I descended so I’m just going to have to go around the back side. It’s no problem I can look for more traps. All of it was my land anyway.

I walk for almost half a mile before I’m able to climb up and onto the side of the hill. I can see Matterson’s cabin, my next neighbor which means I was at least two miles away from home. The structure looked like a swift wind would bring it down. I don’t know why he didn’t come out here and tend to it every once in a while. Turning in the direction of my own cabin I start on my trek, luckily, it’s a nice day so I don’t have to worry about snow or anything like that.

I hang the few traps that I did manage to dig up over my shoulder. The clink of that metal should have been the only thing I heard but it wasn’t. I didn’t want to turn around too quickly in case it was an animal, I didn’t want to be seen as a threat. There are more quick footsteps, they seem to be moving too quickly to be a bear. They stop every once in a while before they move again.

No, this is a person. Someone is trying to get the drop on an animal. For fuck’s sake. Like I really needed that shit right now. They might be mistaking me for a bear, I’m wearing dark colors.

Who the hell in their right mind would be out here trying to hunt right now?

I do my best to make sure my movements are smooth and it doesn’t look like I’m going to turn and attack. I don’t have a vest on so if the person shoots that could be it for me.

The second I turn around something small smacks dead into my chest and a hand flies to my mouth. I do my best to push it off but stop when I get a good look.

It’s a woman, dirty, barely clothed, no shoes, tears streaking down her face.

“Please help me.”

6 Dela

This is the fourth time that I’ve made it out. The fourth time that they have been stupid enough to leave me with only one guard. This time instead of one of the Mothers, they left me with an acolyte. I could tell the minute that he picked me up for herb collection that he wasn’t in his right mind. Probably from sleep deprivation. Whatever the reason I was grateful. When I saw him nod off against the tree, I knew it was my chance. Emerson was becoming more and more unbearable. He had become crazed that more of his disciples weren’t giving him the heir that he needed. Doctors were brought in to find out why certain ones of us weren’t giving him offspring. I was one of them and it was identified that I was indeed fertile. He didn’t want to believe that it was indeed his fault that he couldn’t knock me up no matter how rough or forceful he was. Instead, he made me pray harder. Give more penance. He offered me up to his gods more. He locked me in the dark chamber for longer periods, trying to break me. Trying to force me to see the truth in his ways. There was no truth to his ways, he was fucking crazy.

I stumble down the cliff again. This was the same spot that they caught me last time. I have no idea where I am but I know that it must be a different season. The trees all have leaves on them now. I search for the house that I saw the last time but I don’t even know if

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