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Back on deck, he wrapped the heavy cloak around him and lay down,resting his head on a coil of rope. He had been outguessed, outplayedand outmaneuvered and there was nothing to be gained by complaint.Danielle's planning had been superb and her insistence on Molly'spresence a stroke of genius. They might have to travel a little moreslowly but since they would be together that mattered not one iota.Pitt had requested her input and he would now have his wish. If Justinplayed his cards right, he could keep both Danielle and Molly safelylodged in the Tuileries where Danny could gather her own information,whilst he roamed the streets and clubs with one less task toaccomplish. His wife was his partner and since she had no intention ofbeing anything else the Earl of Linton had best accept that fact with agood grace. He would, however, exact a small penalty just to make apoint. He fell asleep under the stars, a tiny smile curving thewell-sculpted mouth on his last waking thought. How would the spitfirebelow decks react to that penalty?

Danielle slept the sleep of the dead, blissfully unaware of the eventsof the evening. She slept for eleven hours and awoke bemused. Lightflooded the cabin from the round porthole and the yacht moved gentlybeneath her. Memory returned. Where was Justin? Had he not visited hiscabin last night? Clearly not. She swung her legs over the edge of thebed and looked around her. Her clothes were missing. Justin'sportmanteau was missing. With prescient foreboding, she tried the door.It was locked. Justin


visited the cabin. Danielle knelt on thepadded seat beneath the porthole. She could see nothing but sea, sothey had not yet reached Calais. The chronometer on the table told herit was eight o'clock and her stomach told her that it needed foodurgently. A carafe of water stood on the table, but it was in lonelyisolation— not even an apple to bear it company. And she had no clothes.

Footsteps in the passage outside had her diving for the bed, but therewas no sound at her door. She heard, instead, Molly's voice andanother, the sound of a door closing and retreating footsteps. Danielleran to the wall. "Molly?"

"Yes, my lady." The voice was muffled but recognizable.

"Is all well?"

"Oh yes, my lady. The cabin boy has just brought me my breakfast."Danielle's belly tightened in protest at the thought. "My Lord broughtme supper last night," Molly rattled on, unaware of the pangs on theother side of the wall. "He was all consideration, my lady." Therewas a pause. "But I was obliged to tell him the whole."

"Yes, I'm sure you were," Danny said with a fair assumption ofcheerfulness. "I told you you would have no need to worry. Enjoy yourbreakfast and I will talk to you again soon."

Danielle found that she had no desire to tell her maid of her ownimprisonment or of her hunger. She returned disconsolately to bed, butthe young fit body had no further need for rest, only for food,clothes, and action to use up the surge of energy. Damn the man! He wasentitled to his revenge but this was going above and beyond the line.It was clever, though, Danny mused, leaving the bed to pace the cabinand, considering the way they had first met, it was also remarkablyappropriate. She had been prepared for his fury, but this .. ? Lookingagain through the porthole, Danny saw the pink ramparts of Calaiscastle standing guard to the harbor. Justin would come soon then,unless he was intending to leave her like this for the duration of histrip to Paris. Unlikely, Danielle decided, scanning the pile of bookson the table. They were all on navigation and she found what appearedto be the primer and curled on the window seat, allowing the warm sunto stroke her naked body.

It was thus that Justin found her an hour later when the


dockedand he unlocked the master cabin. "Good morning, Danielle."

"Good morning." She hardly glanced up from the book. "This business ofnavigation is most interesting, sir. But I do not quite understand thequadrants although I am well versed in geometry. You will explain themto me,

n'est-ce pas?"

"There will be time enough at Mervanwey, during the summer," heresponded, the cool tone belying the admiring amusement. He hadwondered how she would greet him, and now he knew."It would be best

if you would return to bed," he continued, stillimpassive. "There will be some comings and goings in

the next minutes."

"But of course. As you wish, my lord." Danielle fervently hoping thatone of these comings and goings would involve food, dived under thecovers. She watched surreptitiously as a burly seaman appeared

with herportmanteau and Justin's, Molly following hard on his heels. A largetin tub was the next arrival, together with a succession of steamingjugs whose contents splashed into the tub. To Danielle's greatdisappointment, there were no further comings and her lips tightenedon the stubborn determination that she would not give her husband thesatisfaction of hearing her ask for food.

"Take your bath now, brat," Justin said carelessly. "There is noknowing when next you will have the opportunity. The Tuileries is awarren of a place and hot water in short supply, I would imagine."

So she was to go with him and her carefully thought-out arguments ofpersuasion unnecessary. Danny's heart skipped in triumph as she gotinto the tub. Justin read her expression correctly and had a flash ofregret for his restraint of the previous evening. But he said simply,"Lay out Her Ladyship's riding habit, Molly. We shall travel onhorseback this afternoon."

"Yes, my lord," Molly murmured obediently, but her expression wasdistinctly unhappy.

"What is it, girl?" he asked, puzzled.

"It... it is just that I do not ride very well, sir," Molly told himmiserably. In fact, she did not ride at all

and regarded horses asmonstrous dangerous beasts.

"There appears to be a flaw in your plans." Justin turned to his wife,splashing happily in the

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