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Book online «Pet Psychic Mysteries Boxset Books 5-8 (Magic Market Mysteries Book 2) Erin Johnson (good books for 8th graders .txt) 📖». Author Erin Johnson

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at me. “I have to finish up a few things here.” He dug around in the pocket of his blue trousers. “I’ve been meaning to give this to you.” He pulled out a small gold key and held it out to me.

My smirk dropped, and I blinked down at it. “Is this…?” I gaped up at him.

He nodded, a twinkle in his eye. “I figured it was about time you had a key to my place.”

My whole chest and face grew hot, and I couldn’t help but smile. “This is a big step, you know?” I plucked up the key and held it up. “Once you let me in, I’m hard to get rid of.”

“It’s yours… like my heart.” Grinning, he leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

I clicked my tongue—that was too much. But it was also pretty cute.

“I’ll finish up with Bon as quick as I can, then meet you back at my apartment?”

I nodded, grinning.

He started across the busy station floor with Daisy trotting behind him, growling to herself. They’re being gross again.

I watched him go, then looked down at the key in my hand, my whole body flushed with happiness. I stuffed the key in my pocket and turned around, heading back out into the chilly night. I strode out of the ancient medieval keep that was Bijou Mer’s jail/police headquarters, nodding at the guard through the window in the stone wall and ducking my head as I passed under the raised portcullis.

I shoved my hands in my pockets, chilled and eager to get home and warm. I grinned to myself—I’d go by my place to pick up some spare clothes, then head back up to Peter’s. I looked forward to snuggling up with him, nice and warm under the blankets.

Up ahead, the path dipped, fog gathering in the hollow that passed through the bramble patch. I slowed my pace as a few shadowy figures came into view, lurking near the entrance to the tunnel formed by the thorny vines.

My chest grew tight as I tried to peer through the darkness and mist. I glanced back—I could go get Peter, but I didn’t want to bother him, and I was sure no one would be dumb enough to mess with me right outside the police station… probably.

I squared my shoulders, lifted my chin, and walked steadfastly forward. Nobody had to know I’d had my powers stripped by that curse a few years ago—for all these hooligans knew, I was a powerful witch who could take them all. The mist swirled as I neared, the shadowy figures sliding closer.

“Hey. Wait up.”

I recognized the voice and rolled my eyes. Of course. “Neo. How nice of you to stalk me.”

The ringleader of this particular little branch of Ludolf Caterwaul’s army stepped forward out of the fog and glared at me, his dark eyes narrowed to tiny slits, his hair slicked back and shiny.

“Hey, boys.” I nodded my greetings to his underlings.

Sacha, an enormous, bald brute of a man bowed his head. “Hi, Jolene.” Despite being the size of a small house, with his thick brow and deep voice, Sacha was always polite and gentle with me.

I grinned at him while Viktor, twitchy and wiry and covered from head to toe in tattoos, giggled nervously.

Neo blocked my way, arms crossed, stance wide. Though he now sported trendy haircuts and stylish black clothes, to me, he’d always be that small kid I’d grown up with in the orphanage.

I raised a brow at him, unintimidated. “Yes?”

Neo still glared at me. “What have the police found in the case tonight?”

I thumbed over my shoulder. “Why don’t you go ask them yourself?” I moved to pass him, but he sidestepped, blocking my way.

“This is coming from Ludolf.”

I flashed my eyes at him. “Do you enjoy being his little lap dog?”

Color flushed Neo’s pale cheeks as Viktor giggled and wrung his hands. Sacha clamped a massive hand down on his shoulder, and the weasel shifter grew slightly more still.

Neo took a step toward me, his nostrils flared, jaw set. “You do remember Ludolf’s only letting you out on so much leash because he wants you collecting police intel for him, yeah? He could just keep you down in the sewers.”

Chilly fear ran down my spine as a light rain began to fall. It was true. Ludolf could just keep me down in the sewers, performing endless experiments on me, testing potions until he found what he was looking for.

Part of me just assumed he was toying with me, scaring me till he decided to end me. But another part of me suspected there was more behind it—something about the way the curse had stolen my powers and ability to shift seemed to excite him.

I shuddered and blinked a raindrop out of my eyes as hot anger flushed through me. I hated that Neo was right—that Ludolf could do whatever he wanted. It was why Peter, Will, Heidi, and I had vowed to look into Ludolf and find some way to put him behind bars. In the meantime, though, I was at his mercy, and I hated feeling powerless.

I balled my hands into fists, my nails digging into my palms. “You can report back to your master that the cops have made an arrest… but are still looking into the case.” I plastered on a smile that felt more like a grimace. “Happy?”

I moved to pass him and again he blocked my way. I flashed my eyes at him in warning. I was not in the mood to be messed with, and while he knew that I didn’t have any magic, I’d bet I could still pummel him.

He looked smug. “You’ll keep us in the loop.”

I rolled my eyes. “Like I have a choice.” A thought cut through my annoyance. “Wait—why does Ludolf care about this?” I cocked my head, watching Neo. “And why was he even at the fundraiser tonight?”

Viktor let out a manic giggle, and Sacha muttered a few quiet words to him. Neo shot

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