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you need. You were a rabid dog everyone else wanted put down. Everyone but me. I wanted you. I trained you. I made the black noise go away. I—

—think that’s how you got me, Colt.

Not that into tattoos, my ass. She liked it. Should’ve seen the way her eyes turned on when she saw it.

Do you remember what you said? When I—

When the pain came, she left. If she was real, if she loved you, why didn’t she stay?

Because she knew you were a weak fucking coward who was going to trade in loving her just to stop the pain. Who would stay if they knew—

—knew everything about you, Colter. Every awful, disgusting, locked-away thing. I am the only one who could ever love you enough to forgive you. The only one who never abandoned you. I protected you from the black noise. I—

—cried out to Him and He answered me. The final battle is coming. Blessed be the Lord my rock who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle. He chose us, boys. I cried out to Him and He—

Please, God, make the black noise go away. Make this all go away. I can’t take it.

“Keep your shit together, Sunshine. You ain’t done yet.”

The Whitney boys’ story continues in Lost Paladin!

 Mailing List and Reviews

Thanks for reading Honkytonk Hell! I know finishing a book is a rollercoaster ride of emotions—you love it, but you also can’t believe it’s over. You want to keep spending time with the characters and worlds you’ve grown to love, but what if the next book in the series isn’t available yet? How can you make sure you’re the first to know when it goes up for grabs?

Two easy ways! Either click the yellow “+Follow” button on my Amazon Author Page or join my mailing list here: eepurl.com/gGubOn.

I promise I’ve got all the broken characters you’ll fall head over heels for. Just to prove it, when you sign up I’ll send you Scar Crossed, the Prequel to the Broken Bard Chronicles for free. If you thought Honkytonk Hell was great, but wanted to know more about how the Whitney boys’ parents, a preacher and a rockstar, fell in love in the first place and where exactly Tiffani fits in, Scar Crossed is your answer.

Here’s a little taste:

“Nice of you to join the party, preacher,” the angel says. “Shannon was just saying her prayers.”

“Not him,” I whisper to God or Jesus Christ or whoever’s listening. “Please not Danny.”

But it is. He’s standing there in the frothing water, holding a fucking samurai sword like he’s ready to go all Teenage Mutant Ninja Preacher on the angel of death.

Thanks again for reading. If you enjoyed Honkytonk Hell, stop by Amazon or Goodreads and give it a review or tell a friend. Reviews and word of mouth help books and authors a crazy amount, but only 1% of readers leave them! That’s why I’m so thankful for every single one of you who takes the time to drop even a sentence or two in that review box!


I wrote this story, so everything bad about it is my fault, but all the good in this book came from several awesome people and NPs who deserve sincere thanks.

God, obviously. I owe Him, His Son, and the Holy Spirit everything.

Certain professors and nonconformicons at Pratt Institute whose names I won’t mention in case they’re embarrassed to be affiliated with a work of this…uh…caliber. I would have written whether I’d taken your classes or not, but I’m a better writer and a better person because I did.

The Op boys and girl—Ronny Khuri, Will Greene, and Kensey Edison—for their support, editing, and brilliance through every step of the publishing process. It just makes sense that the best writing group ever would be made up of the best writers ever.

My family, for teaching me to appreciate my redneck-by-choice, white-trash-by-the-grace-of-God roots, then sending me out into a world where not everyone does.

And my Joshua, who is the reason I love guitar players. He’s a superman, super-father, and dream lover. He read every draft and half-draft of Honkytonk Hell from the first to the last and convinced me over and over again not to give up—all while keeping food on our table, electricity in our outlets, and rebuilding a house. Joshua is my sugardaddy right now, but someday he’ll be my trophy husband. That’s a promise.

 About the Author

I am invincible. I am a mutant. I have 3 hearts and was born with no eyes. I had eyes implanted later. I didn’t have hands either, just stumps. When my eyes were implanted, they asked if I would like hands as well and I said, “Yes, I’ll take those,” and pointed with my stump. But sometimes I’m a hellbender peaking out from under a rock. When it rains, I live in a music box.

But I’m also a tattoo addict, coffee junkie, drummer, and aspiring skateboarder. Jesus actually is my homeboy.

Copyright © 2014 by eden Hudson

All rights reserved.

Cover art by DerangedDoctorDesign.com


Honkytonk Hell, formerly published under the title Halo Bound, is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, persons or non-persons, living or dead or undead, is entirely coincidental, but would be really cool.

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