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Bella: I told you I didn’t want to fight with Charlie.
Edward: Nobody said that you had to.
Bella: Well my natural instincts of a teenager take over.
Edward: Well that’s not my fault.
Bella: Does this sudden urge to see Florida have anything to do with the party at Billy’s place?
Edward: Nothing at all. It wouldn’t matter if you were here or on the other side of the world, you still wouldn’t be going. So what do you want to do tonight?
Bella: Can we go to your house? I haven’t seen Esme in so long.
Edward: She’ll like that, especially when she hears what we’re doing this weekend.
Scene 6
Bella: You’d better not come in. It will only make things worse.
Edward: His thoughts are relatively calm.
Bella: I’ll see you later.
Edward: I’ll be back when Charlie’s snoring.
Charlie: Could you come in here, Bella?
Bella: What’s up, Dad?
Charlie: Did you have a nice time tonight?
Bella: Yes.
Charlie: What did you do?
Bella: Hung out with Alice and Jasper. Edward beat Alice at chess, and then I played Jasper. He buried me.
Charlie: Look, there’s something I need to say.
Bella: What is it, Dad?
Charlie: I’m not good at this kind of thing. I don’t know how to start. Okay Bella here’s the thing. You and Edward seem pretty serious. There are a lot of important things you need to know why you, well, when you’re physically involved with.
Bella: Oh, please, please no! Please don’t tell me you’re trying to have a sex talk with me, Charlie.
Charlie: I am you father. I have responsibilities. Remember, I’m just as embarrassed as you are. Just tell me you’re being responsible.
Bella: Don’t worry about it dad. It’s not like that. Maybe the times have changed, but Edward is very old fashioned. You have nothing to worry about.
Charlie: Sure he is.
Bella: Ugh.
Charlie: Night, Bells.
Bella: See you in the morning. (Go upstairs and thinks) You care if I see Jake tonight? I won’t stay long.
Charlie: Sure, kid. No problem.
Bella: Thanks. (Gets in car and notices Edward) Gah!
Edward: Alice called. She got nervous when you future rather abruptly disappeared five minutes ago. I’ll put your car back together in time for school. Shut your window if you don’t want me to come in. I’ll understand.
Charlie: What’s wrong?
Bella: Truck won’t start.
Charlie: Want me to look at it?
Bella: No. I’ll try in the morning.
Charlie: Want to use my car?
Bella: No, I’m tired. Good-night.
Scene 7
Edward: You’ve been very quiet. Did the plane make you sick?
Bella: No, I’m okay.
Edward: Are you sad to leave?
Bella: More relieved than sad, I think. Renee is so much more perceptive than Charlie in some ways. It makes me jumpy.
Edward: Your mother has a very interesting mind. Almost childlike, but very insightful. She sees things differently than other people.
Renee: Bella?
Bella: What is it, Mom?
Renee: I’m worried….
Bella: What’s wrong? What can I do?
Renee: It’s not me. I’m worried about you and Edward.
Bella: Oh.
Renee: You two are more serious than I’d been thinking. There’s something strange about the way you two are together. The way he watches you it’s so protective. Like he’s about to throw himself in front of a bullet to save you or something.
Bella: That’s a bad thing?
Renee: No. It’s just different. He’s very intense about you and very careful. I feel like I don’t really understand your relationship. Like there’s some secret I’m missing.
Bella: I think you’re imagining things, Mom.
Renee: It’s not just him. I wish you could see how you move around him.
Bella: What do you mean?
Renee: The way you move, you orient yourself around him without even thinking about it. When he moves, even a little bit, you adjust your position at the same time. Like magnets or gravity. You’re like a satellite, or something. I’ve never seen anything like it.
Bella: Don’t tell me. You’re reading mysteries again, aren’t you? Or is it sci-fi this time?
Renee: That’s beside the point.
Bella: Found anything good?
Renee: Well, there was one, but that doesn’t matter. We’re talking about you right now.
Bella: You should stick to romance, Mom. You know how you freak yourself out.
Renee: I’m being silly, aren’t I?
Bella: Not silly, just being a mom.
Renee: And this isn’t enough to get you to move back in with you silly mom? You get used to the humidity.
Bella: You can get used to rain, too.
Scene 8
Edward: We’re home, Sleeping Beauty. Time to awake.
Bella: How bad?
Edward: Charlie’s not going to be difficult. He missed you.
Charlie: Welcome home, kid! How was Jacksonville?
Bella: Moist. And Buggy.
Charlie: So Renee didn’t sell you on the University of Florida?
Bella: She tried. But I’d rather drink water than inhale it.
Charlie: Did you have a nice time?
Edward: Yes. Renee was very hospitable.
Charlie: That’s um good. Glad you had fun.
Bella: Impressive.
Charlie: I really missed you, Bells. The food around here sucks when you’re gone.
Bella: I’ll get on it.
Charlie: Would you call Jacob first? He’s been bugging me every five minutes since six o’clock this morning. I promised I’d have you call him before you even unpacked.
Bella: Jacob wants to talk to me?
Charlie: Pretty bad, I’d say. He wouldn’t tell what it was about, just said it was important. That’s him again, I’d bet my next paycheck.
Bella: I got it. Hello?
Jacob: You’re back.
Bella: Yes.
Jacob: Why didn’t you call me?
Bella: Because I’ve been in the house for exactly four seconds and your call interrupted Charlie telling me that you’d called.
Jacob: Oh. Sorry.
Bella: Sure. Now, why are you harassing Charlie?
Jacob: I need to talk to you.
Bella: Yeah, I figured out that part all by myself. Go ahead.
Jacob: You going to school tomorrow?
Bella: Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?
Jacob: I dunno. Just curious.
Bella: So what did you want to talk about, Jake?
Jacob: Nothing really, I guess. I wanted to hear your voice.
Bella: Yeah, I know. I’m so glad you called me, Jake I –
Jacob: I have to go.
Bella: What?
Jacob: I’ll talk to you soon, okay?
Bella: But, Jake. That was short.
Edward: Is everything all right?
Bella: I don’t know. I wonder what that was about.
Edward: Your guess is probably better than mine.
Bella: Mmm.
Edward: What’s wrong? Bella?
Bella: I think… I think he was checking. Checking to make sure. That I’m human, I mean. We’ll have to leave before. So that it doesn’t break the treaty. We won’t ever be able to come back.
Edward: I know.
Charlie: Ahem. If you don’t want to make dinner, I can call for a pizza.
Bella: No, that’s okay, I’m already started.
Charlie: Okay.
Scene 9
Edward: If I asked you something, would you trust me?
Bella: That depends.
Edward: I was afraid you would say that.
Bella: What do you want me to do, Edward?
Edward: I want you to stay in the car. I want you to wait here until I come back for you.
Bella: But why? Oh.
Edward: You jumped to the wrong conclusion last night. He asked about school because he knew that I would be where you were. He was looking for a safe place to talk to me. A place with witnesses.
Bella: I’m not staying in the car.
Edward: Of course not. Well, let’s get this over with. You could have called us.
Jacob: Sorry. I don’t have leeches on my speed dial.
Edward: You could have reached me at Bella’s house, of course. This is hardly the place, Jacob. Could we discuss this later?
Jacob: Sure, sure. I’ll stop by your crypt after school. What’s wrong with now?
Edward: I already know what you came to say. Message delivered. Consider us warned.
Bella: Warned? What are you talking about?
Jacob: You didn’t tell her? What, were you afraid she’d take our side?
Edward: Please drop it, Jacob.
Jacob: Why?
Bella: What don’t I know? Edward? Jake?
Jacob: He didn’t tell you that his big brother crossed the line Saturday night? Paul was totally justified in-
Edward: It was no-man’s land!
Jacob: Was not!
Bella: Emmett and Paul? What happened? Were they fighting? Why? Did Paul get hurt?
Edward: No one fought. No one got hurt. Don’t be anxious.
Jacob: You didn’t tell her anything at all, did you? Is that why you took her away? So she wouldn’t know that-?
Edward: Leave now!
Jacob: Why haven’t you told her?
Bella: She came back for me?
Edward: It’s fine. It’s fine. I’ll never let her get close to you, it’s fine. Does that answer your question, mongrel?
Jacob: You don’t think Bella has a right to know? It’s her life.
Edward: Why should she be frightened when she was never in danger?
Jacob: Better frightened than lied to.
Edward: Do you really think hurting her is better than protecting her?
Jacob: She’s tougher than you think. And she’s been through worse. That’s funny.
Bella: What are you doing to him?
Edward: It’s nothing, Bella. Jacob just has a good memory, that’s all.
Bella: Stop it! Whatever you’re doing.
Jacob: Sure if you want. It’s his own fault if he doesn’t like the things I remember, though.
Edward: The principal is on his way to discourage loitering on school property. Let’s get to English Bella so you’re not involved.
Jacob: He’s a little over protective, isn’t he? Let me guess you’re not allowed to have fun, are you?
Bella: Shut up, Jacob.
Jacob: That sounds like a no. If you ever want a life again, come to my place. I still have your motorcycle in the garage.
Bella: You promised Charlie you would sell it.
Jacob: I wouldn’t sell something that’s not mine.
Bella: Jake…
Jacob: Come see me.
Bella: I, er, don’t know about that, Jake.
Jacob: I miss you every day, Bella. It’s not the same without you.
Bella: I know, and I’m sorry Jake I just…
Jacob: I know. It doesn’t matter right. Who needs friends?
Principal: Okay get to class. Move along Mr. Crowley.
Bella: Get to school Jake.
Principal: I mean it, detention for anyone who’s still standing here when I turn around again. Ah, Mr. Cullen. Do we have a problem here?
Edward: Not at all, Mr. Greene. We were just on our way to class.
Principal: Excellent. I don’t seem to recognize your friend. Are you a new student here?
Jacob: Nope.
Principal: Then I suggest you remove yourself from school property at once, before I call the police.
Jacob: Yes, sir.
Principal: Mr. Cullen, I expect you to ask your friend to keep himself to trespassing on school property, again.
Edward: He’s no friend of mine.
Principal: I see. If you worried about anything I’ll be happy to....
Edward: There’s no trouble here, Mr. Greene. Message delivered. Do you feel well enough to go to class?
Bella: Yes.
(Edward and Bella pass notes)
Mr. Berty: Is that something you’d like to share there, Mr. Cullen?
Edward: My notes?
Mr. Berty: Oh.
Scene 10
Jacob: Bella?
Bella: Hey, Jake!
Jacob: Bella! I can’t believe it! How did you get here?
Bella: I snuck out!
Jacob: Awesome!
Billy: Hey Bella.
Bella: Are you okay Jake? Charlie said you were having a bad time. Isn’t it getting any better?
Jacob: S’not so bad. What are you thinking about?
Bella: The sun.
Jacob: Mmm. It’s nice.
Bella: Haha. I think I need to go.
Jacob: But you just got here!
Bella: It seems that way.
Jacob: I don’t know when I’ll see you again.
Bella: I’ll come back the next time he’s away.
Scene 11
Bella: Aw crap! (She
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