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Book online «Eclipse: The Play by Adapted By: Elena Two (the alpha prince and his bride full story free .TXT) 📖». Author Adapted By: Elena Two

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(Edward and Jacob start growling)
Bella: Stop it! Stop it!
(Edward grabs Bella)
Bella: Stop it now! Jacob, are you hurt?
Jacob: Of course not!
Bella: That wasn’t nice. You should say sorry.
Edward: You must be joking. He was crushing you.
Bella: Because you dumped him on the floor! He didn’t do it on purpose, and he didn’t hurt me.
Edward: (Groans) My apologies, dog.
Jacob: No harm done. I wasn’t quite ready to wake up. That wasn’t the best night’s sleep I ever had.
Edward: It was your idea.
Jacob: I didn’t say it wasn’t the best night I’ve ever spent. Just that I didn’t get a lot of sleep. I thought Bella was never going to shut up.
Edward: I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.
Jacob: Didn’t you have a nice night, then?
Edward: It wasn’t the worst night of my life.
Jacob: Didn’t make the top ten?
Edward: Possibly. But, if I had been in you place last night, it would not have made the top ten of the best nights of my life. Dream about that.
Jacob: You know what? I think it’s too crowded in here.
Edward: I couldn’t agree more.
(Bella elbows Edward)
Jacob: Guess I’ll catch up on my sleep later. I need to talk to Same anyway.
Bella: Wait Jake. Won’t you stay?
Jacob: No.
Bella: Be careful.
Jacob: Give it a rest.
Scene 15
Bella: How much longer?
Edward: Alice told Sam it should be an hour or so.
Bella: We stay together. No matter what.
Edward: No matter what.
Bella: I know. I’m terrified for them, too.
Edward: They know how to handle themselves. I just hate missing all the fun. Don’t worry.
Bella: Sure, sure.
Edward: Do you want me to distract you? (Bella shivers) Maybe not right no.
Bella: There are other ways to distract me.
Edward: What would you like?
Bella: You could tell me about your ten best nights. I’m curious.
Edward: Try to guess.
Bella: I can only think of mine.
Edward: They might be the same.
Bella: Well there’s the first night you stayed.
Edward: Yes, that’s on of mine, too. Of course, you were unconscious for my favorite part.
Bella: That’s right. I was talking that night, too.
Edward: Yes.
Bella: What did I say last night?
(Edward shrugs)
Bella: That bad?
Edward: nothing too horrible.
Bella: Please tell me.
Edward: Mostly you said my name, the same as usual.
Bella: That’s not bad.
Edward: Near the end, though, you started mumbling some nonsense about, Jacob, my Jacob. Your Jacob enjoyed that quite a lot.
Bella: Sorry. That’s the way I differentiate.
Edward: Differentiate?
Bella: Between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Between the Jacob I like, and the one who annoys the hell out of me.
Edward: Oh. That makes sense.
Bella: Next would be the night in Italy.
Bella: Is that not one of yours?
Edward: Yes it is. But, weren’t you under the ludicrous impression that I was only there because of the guilt? Weren’t you thinking when the plane doors opened I would fly right out of there?
Bella: Yes. But you were there.
Edward: You love me more than I deserve.
Bella: Then would be the night after Italy.
Edward: Yes that’s on mine too. You were so funny?
Bella: Funny?
Edward: I couldn’t get you to think you were awake. I had no idea your dreams were so vivid.
Bella: I’m still not sure. You’ve always seemed more like a dream to me. Have I guessed your first one yet?
Edward: No. That would be two nights ago when you agreed to marry me.
Edward: Is that not one of yours?
Bella: It is, but with special reservation. I don’t know why it’s so important to you.
Edward: In a hundred years when you have matured I’ll tell you.
Bella: Then I’ll remind you in a hundred years. (Smirks) (Pause)
Edward: Are you warm enough?
Bella: I’m fine. Why?
(A howl of pain by a wolf)
Edward: Because your space heater has reached his limit. Truce over.
Bella: Jacob was listening.
Edward: Yes.
Bella: You knew.
Edward: Yes. (Pause) I never promised to fight fair. And he deserves to know. (Pause) Are you angry with me?
Bella: Not you. I’m horrified at me.
Edward: Don’t torment yourself.
Bella: Yes. I should save my energy to torment Jacob some more. I wouldn’t want to leave any part of him unharmed.
Edward: He knew what he was doing.
Bella: Do you even think that matters? Do you think I care whether it’s fair or whether he was adequately warned? I’m hurting him. Every time I turn around, I’m hurting him again. I’m a hideous person.
Edward: No your not. (He wraps his hands around her)
Bella: I am! What’s wrong with me? (Struggles to get out of Edward’s grip. He drops his hands) I have to go find him.
Edward: Bella, he’s already miles away, and it’s cold.
Bella: I don’t care. I just can’t sit here. I have to- I have to…(She crawls out of tent. Edward follows her. Walks a few steps into forest, then Edward grabs her hand. )
Edward: You can’t go after him. Not today. It’s almost time. And getting yourself lost wouldn’t help anyone, regardless. (She tries to get out of his grip) I’m sorry, Bella. I’m sorry I did that.
Bella: You didn’t do anything. It’s my fault. I did this. I did everything wrong. I could have…When he…I shouldn’t have…I…I…
Edward: It’s okay. Calm down.
Bella: I should have told him. I should have said…He shouldn’t have found out like this.
Edward: (Agony in his voice)


Text: Not my own ideas, but strictly adapted.
Publication Date: 02-25-2011

All Rights Reserved

To the people who actually like vampires.

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