Read books online ยป Pets ยป The Rodeo by Shania McCrillis (red scrolls of magic .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Rodeo by Shania McCrillis (red scrolls of magic .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Shania McCrillis

One day a girl named Shania McCrillis had a competion for horseback riding. She's been doing horse back riding for 8 years ever sence she was 3.
And well this competion wasn't any competion it was the U.S finals, it's a competion where you do jumping, rodeo, then one where you have to tell your horse either too trot, canter, gallop, walk, walk sideways, trot pesionly, and others.
Any ways the finals is when you take home $750,655 dollars. !!!!! And especially the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place people will do a competion for the Queen and who ever she thinks is the best the queen will give that certain person a trip to anywhere and you can stay there as long as you want. And about $500,000 dollars.

So here is the story how a 11 year old girl named Shania won the U.S finals.

One day a girl Shania wanted to win her first rodeo in 8 years. So this is her only chance to do this and well she compets against this girl who always wins and Shania....... well she wonts to kick her butt all the way to pizza hot. hahahahaha. Well when it was show time she made first place in everyone except the rodeo cause well it comes last because well it is a challenge.

So Shania Was the the after the girl that always wins.
So the hole point of rodeoing is you have to beet the world chapions time. So the girl that always wins and she got 19:57 so than Shania went and it was life threatning she had to beet her and Shania almost fell and luckly she caught her self. Is she gonna make it?

The End.

find out in her next book called: The Exciting Part


Publication Date: 03-30-2011

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