Read books online ยป Pets ยป Life Without You by Taylor Atkinson (urban books to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซLife Without You by Taylor Atkinson (urban books to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Taylor Atkinson

Chapter 1

My name is Lacie Amber and my life is literally a living hell. So I thought I might tell all of you who are reading this my story and so I guess here it is:

My life sucks, I am treated like crap at school and when I get home I get more crap from my sister Caroline who is a complete pain in the butt. Where the heck am I supposed to go to be treated equally and not like a piece of trash? I constantly ask God for a life of happiness instead of misery, but it seems like he is ignoring me because my life keeps getting worst. I only have one friend who really gets me and treats me with care and not neglect. You can say she's returning the favor. Since all of you don't know what i'm talking about i'll explain. Well it was my first day in my new school in a new state because I had just moved from Georgia, leaving behind my friends. So as I was saying my first day and everyone was so nice to me and at lunch I noticed that the girls table was split into two groups. There was a big group of girls and then there was Lexi Jones at the very end alone. I hadn't questioned it, but I soon found out because the girls were saying that she smells bad and that she's a loser. I felt so bad looking at her sweet face and I couldn't stand it any longer so I got up and sat beside her. Then I told her "you know they're saying some bad stuff about you" and she looked up at me and said "I know they always do that and that's why I sit over here alone". "I don't have any friends because of that" and then without thinking I said "I'm you're friend" and after that we were best friends.

Chapter 2

Even though I have Lexi I'm still lonely at home. My cat, Sugar doesn't do anything, but sleep all day so I can't play with her. Caroline forget it I'm not even gonna go there with that devil of a sister. Then I started thinking I could hang out with my mom, but that was a stupid idea. She is at work almost all day and when she gets home she does work on the computer. So I had almost given up when I saw the cutest puppy ever in an email from Lexi. So that's when I had found the ultimate solution to all my problems. There right in front of me the whole time. "I need a dog of my own" I told my mom and of course her answer was "no you don't need a dog you can barely take care of Sugar, yet alone a dog! They are a lot of work Lacie". Right at that moment I knew that she thought I wasn't responsible enough and I was so angry at her. So I screamed "you just want me to be miserable my whole life don't you!" Then I ran up to my room, slammed my door, and locked it .

I cried in my room knowing that I wouldn't get a dog out of her. At that point I was so unhappy that I wanted to kill myself. Even thought I knew I wouldn't. I just wanted it more than anything in the world. I would do anything to get it too. Mom knew that. I waited for her to come up and say sorry, so I could ask her for one for my birthday, which was months away.
She came up and before I could ask she told me "we'll try to get one for your birthday, but only then" I was choking over my words, but finally said "thank you".
She grabbed me and gave me a big hug and we both started to cry. For once in my life we both connected in the same way. From that moment on I was struck with the dog wanting blues.

Chapter 3

I was so anxious for my puppy it felt like my puppy was years away. I couldn't wait any longer it was painful to wait and wait. So one day my mom saw how down I was so she brought Caroline and me to the Boundward Shelter, which was only a few miles from our house, to look at dogs. The trip didn't cure me it made it worst it made me want one even more, but it still made me happy. I knew she meant well by bringing us even on her busy schedule. So I was pretty happy to spend time with mom and see some dogs.
Soon I began looking on almost every week trying to cure my need of a dog. I found many dogs that I absolutely fell in love with, but couldn't have. The ones that I did love I put pictures of them as my screensaver on my computer just to remind me that I will find a dog as good as them when the time comes. I looked at dogs on the Boundward shelter's website too. I was as you say obsessed with the fact that I was getting a dog. I just wanted a dog soooooo very much! The only thing that would make me not want a dog was my devilish sister because I didn't want the dog to be tortured by Caroline like she tortured Sugar.
My sister is the worst she never listens to me even though mom tells her to. In fact she doesn't listen to anyone not even mom! She also goes in my room and takes my stuff and never gives it back. She is the worst sister ever in the history of sisters. I always say she's the devils daughter that came to earth to destroy my life and tear my family apart which she has. My mom has been divorced twice because of her so now my dad is gone and so is my step dad so now its just mom, Caroline, and me.

Well enough about Caroline lets get back to my future puppy. Well I can not wait a this point because my birthday is 17 days away! I am so fricken excited for this I actually put together what I call my puppy plan where I got info about puppies and I put all the items I want for my puppy like collars and beds. I added it all together and I got $101.56 as my total and the actual dog is $400.00 so really it would be $501.56.

Chapter 4

Now I am 3 days away from my birthday and getting a dog! A week ago I made a calendar to countdown the days till the big day! You could imagine my excitement now its 3 days away!!!!! So of course we already have all the doggy stuff set up and everything. We mowed the lawn just to welcome the puppy home. Mom and me went to the shelter yesterday and I found the perfect puppy, I just hope for my sake that the puppy, who I desided to name Lollipop, who still be available on my birthday.

Then out of the blue the doorbell rang so I quickly ran down stairs to the front door and opened it.
Once I opened that door I dropped, everything was silent. When I woke up I was laying in a white room with my family hanging above me then I broke the silence and said "where am I?ยก" then a voice vaguely said "your in the hospital because you fainted at the sight of us and your new puppy". Then I recognized that voice it was my grandpa! So I quickly sat up on the hospital bed and I gave him and everyone a big hug and then in a hour or two we were back at my house. Everything was the same except beside me laid a puppy, my puppy. She had come 3 days early, but I wasn't complaining I was happy. For once in my life I was truly happy.

Chapter 5

Years have gone by and now I am 20 years old and Lollipop is 8 years old and Sugar is 6. They are a perfect pair. I have both of them with me in my tiny apartment. Sugar is now an inside cat and of course I still walk lollipop because she is a dog. We're all the best of friends all 3 of us. Caroline is 15 years old now and she and mom visit frequently.
Well one day something horrible happened while I was walking lollipop. She had gotten scared by a biker and had gotten unclipped of her leash and ran straight for traffic she got hit my a car. I rushed her to the vet they were able to save her, but they had to amputate her leg so she has 3 legs. Sadly that wasn't the end of it she died a year later because of a disease. I wasn't the same after that I still had Sugar and I had saved a dog from the pound before they put him down. I named him Lucky because he was lucky he hadn't died that day. I still miss Lollipop and if I could talk to her again I would tell her "Life without you isn't the same I miss you so much".
That's the end of this dog story I hope you see life is life, life only sucks if you think it does.


Text: 2011
Publication Date: 08-15-2011

All Rights Reserved

My cat Bella

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