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Book online «One Rescue Leads To Another by Indira Nankoosingh (books to read this summer txt) 📖». Author Indira Nankoosingh

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able to help these poor little kits. Maybe, she will take them in, and care for them.”

“Well if we are to help these kittens we will need to get our rest, so we can be well rested before our search for her, in the morning. There is a vent in this building right here, that is large enough for us and the kittens,” as he pointed to a grey old building just across from where they were standing.

They quickly gathered up the kittens, and placed them in the basket, and walked over the building. They rested the basket inside the vent climbed in one after the other and curled up together beside the basket after ensuring that the kittens were kept warm in the blanket, inside the basket.

When morning came, the grey tabby noticed the white cat finishing up, feeding the kittens as she began to speak.
“You will need to stay with the kittens while I search for the woman. Keep them safe, and I’ll be back real soon.”
He watched her run off into the distance before he could get a word in. Quickly he checked on the kittens, sat beside the basket to watch over them, and fell right back to sleep.

Suddenly he was awoken by the cries of the kittens. He tried to keep them calm, until the white cat came back, but time had passed, and it was getting late. The kittens were now getting hungry again, and he was feeling famished himself.
“She should be back by now. Where is she?”
He was now quite worried that something had happened to her. He made sure that the kittens were bundled up, and quickly climbed out of the vent. He then walked to one end of the alley, then the other as he searched for her. She was nowhere to be seen.
“I really do hope that she is okay.”
Within moments he saw her walking through the park across the street heading towards him. When he noticed the woman trailing behind, and that the white cat was safe, he was relieved. The tabby then ran back to where the kittens were left, and waited.

Once the woman and the white cat were visible, he called the woman over, and she was shocked to see all four kittens. The grey kitty saw how sad the woman appeared when she picked up the kittens one by one and held them close. She then picked up the basket and turned to the two cats.
“Don’t worry I will be back for you two, and soon.”
After the woman left, the white cat turned to the grey one, and ordered him to stay where he was safe.
“But, why can’t we go together?”
“Because you can’t hear as well as I can, and you will just keep me back. Don’t worry I’ll be back soon. I promise.”
“Okay,” as he replied sadly.

It wasn’t long before the white cat returned. By this time he was famished, and needed to eat soon. Very soon, before he passed out. He strolled down the other side of the alley where the meat market was, and went straight to the back. When he got there he saw the meat man putting out some new scraps of meat by the tree. He walked up to the man, softly meowed and devoured the fresh meat within minutes. Once he was done he ran back to alley to wait for his new found friend.
She was already waiting in the alley for him wondering where he went.
“Where did you go?”
“I was famished so I went to search for food.”
Well, did you find some?”
“Yes I did. I can take you there if you like.”
When they began to stroll toward the meat market, the grey cat asked where the woman took the kittens.
“Oh, don’t worry. They are safe. She took them to one of those placed where human adopt cats and dogs to join their family.”
“Well I’m glad.”
“So am I.
When they arrived he realized that there was no more meat left on the ground, so they waited. Once he saw the old man coming outside he meowed loudly so the Mr. Rocco could here him, and when the man turned to see him, he was quite pleased.

“Hello. You’re back, and I see you brought a friend along this time, and what a pretty cat she is.”
Both cats gazed in wonder at the man as he then laid down some meat scraps onto the ground, and once they were done eating, they glanced up at the man once more purring, and then ran off toward the alley.
The man watched as they ran off and disappeared into the alley, and then whispered in his mind as if he was talking to the cats with psychic powers.
“Till next time my little friends, and keep safe.”
Once they arrive to their resting spot in the alley, and curled to each other the grey cat spoke.

“What do you think of that man?”
“I don’t know. He seemed nice and every thing, but I don’t know if I completely trust him.” “Well if he was going to hurt us, don’t you think he would have done that already? Besides he says he has two cats.”
“What if he’s lying about having two cats? Maybe he was just being nice to us until he capture us to hurt us.”

As the grey cat thought about it he understood why she would feel this way, because so many things can go wrong especially to cats living on the streets.
“Okay, maybe you’re right. Well let’s hope that woman comes back, because I don’t want to live in the streets anymore. I don’t feel any safer out here.”
“I know. I feel the same, and don’t worry she’ll come. I just know she will. Now come on let’s get some sleep otherwise we will be worrying all night.”

Bright and early the next morning, they heard a sound just outside the vent. A woman’s voice came closer, and both cats were glad to see her peering through the vent at them. Soon after they smelled the aroma of tuna, and jumped out the vent, and each walked into a box that was soon shut tight. Somehow though they were not worried, because they knew the woman was nice, and she was taking them to the same place she took the kittens.
Once they arrived at the shelter, both cats were examined closely, and then put into a crate with food and water. All the humans there were extremely nice as they cuddled and played with the two. The grey cat was even treated for the burns on his body and had something administered into his ears that felt soothing. As days went on he felt that he could hear again, and stinging of the burns were gone. His hair grew back in those areas, and he was groomed to look his best.

A couple months later, they were both adopted by a family of four. The family consisted of two adults and two children, and they all lived as one big happy family. The cats could have never been so lucky, because the family adored them, and now they even have names. Guido and Snow loved their new names, and thought that they could never be happier.

Text: Indira Nankoosingh
Images: Indira Nankoosingh
Publication Date: 03-04-2013

All Rights Reserved

To all strays who have been rescued from the streets.

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