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I want to talk about how that the black race has been talked about and how that we have been belittled to the point to destruction to our manhood and our pride. We have been taken to a place where only man can take us and that is to the point of self destruction. What do you mean by that you might ask? Well it is as simple as that, we have been put in places against our will, we have been taken out of our element, we have been driven away from our families, and we have had our families taken away as well. I’m talking about our ancestors who had to go through all of the pain that we as a black race suffer for today. I am a firm believer in what the bible tells us about how the children of the Israelites had to suffer for the doings of their parents, and we as a nation and as a race of black people we are going through this as we speak now. I do not want to sound brazen or put down my race of people but I have to keep it street and keep it real at the same time give it a dose of reality. I talk about how that we have been down for so long and that we have been in a state of mind that I think that we will never get out of. They have put my race and maybe others in the categories of being an imbecile, dependent slave, servant and master slavery. God did not intend for man to be in this state of mind but we have to look at it from the stand point who we are and where we have come from and where we are going. I know that all the talk is about yes we can change and that we can get out of this funk that we are in, but it is not gonna happen and not is this life time. We have to always go back to the bible and see how things were planned and, and how that they will turn out. The Bible speaks about how that God knew us before we were conceived and came out of our mothers womb, surely we have to take this to heart and know that this book that we so depend on is true to life. We should know that God made us out of his image and by that we have to know what the purpose was for to live and what God really meant for man to do and what mans purpose was. We should know the purpose of man, we should know the purpose of the creation of man as well. Now if we do not know this then we are already lost without a cause. How many people we know that really knows the purpose of man and the function of man as well? Now I am not telling you that you have to know the bible in and out but we have to refer to the book for help and guidance. The book was given to us for a reason and for a purpose, but we as a nation and as a people we are not utilizing this book to our advantage. We are using the book to our disadvantage and that is killing us even more than ever. We are dying now. Why can’t we see what he is trying to show and tell us through his word and his teachings. He is simply showing us how we are to live or should I say how we should have lived in order to live again. Now God sent his son so that we can have this life that we were supposed to live to try to live again, but I do not think that we are even getting his message at all. You know just like god spoke to Moses at the mountain so did Jesus speak to us and also give us commandments to follow but it was only two and we still haven’t gotten it right. So you see we are living the old testament all over again and we will continue to live this life until we are all taken away from this place that we call home . Just learn to live your life and go on and do what you need to do to get over and to get by, but at the same time know that there is a God who is watching and a God who really cares but it is to late in the game to try to get things right now. You know that is just like when you have a little seam in your shirt that is not a big problem until you continue to ignore it until it gets to big to handle and then you have a bigger problem, a problem that you do not want to take on but you have to in order to keep that favorite shirt of yours that you do not want to give away. Just like the word of God it is there but don’t let it get away from you until it is to late.

SMOOVE B………………


Publication Date: 06-29-2010

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